
The goal of ACTRModels.jl is to provide basic functionality developing likelihood functions for the ACT-R cognitive architecture and generating simulated data. Currently, the library focuses primarily on declarative memory, but functionality can be be extended to other modules.


The following example demonstrates how to construct an ACTR object containing declarative memory, retrieve a memory, and compute retrieval time.

using ACTRModels, Random

# create chunks of declarative knowledge
chunks = [Chunk(;name=:Bob, department=:accounting),
    Chunk(;name=:Alice, department=:HR)]

# initialize declarative memory
memory = Declarative(memory=chunks)

# create an ACT-R object with activation noise and partial matching
s = .2
actr = ACTR(;declarative=memory, mmp=true, δ=1.0, noise=true, s=s)

# retrieve a chunk associated with accounting
chunk = retrieve(actr; department=:accounting)
# generate a reaction time 
rt = compute_RT(actr, chunk)

Now that we have generated simulated data it is possible to compute the logpdf using a lognormal race process.

# index of retrieved chunk 
chunk_idx = find_index(chunk)
# suppress noise to obtain mean activation
actr.parms.noise = false
# compute activation for each chunk
compute_activation!(actr; department=:accounting)
# get mean activation
μ = get_mean_activations(actr)
# standard deviation 
σ = s * pi / sqrt(3)
# lognormal race distribution object
dist = LNR(;μ=-μ, σ, ϕ=0.0)
# log pdf of retrieval time
logpdf(dist, chunk_idx, rt)