Getting Started

Getting Started

An Open Source High Performance Package for General Seismic Inversion Problems

ADSeismic is suitable for general inversion problems in seismic imaging. The packages implements the forward simulation of acoustic and elastic wave fields and allows inversion of physical properties such as media densities, Lamé parameters, shear modulus, etc. by means of automatic differentiation. For example, the following problems fall into the scope of this framework

The package provides a unified interface for both acoustic and elastic wave simulation. Users only need to specify the geometries and known parameters of the physical simulation. Gradients (traditionally derived by adjoint methods) are computed automatically. Some notable features of this package are

ADSeismic is built on ADCME.jl, an automatic differentiation library for computational mathematics and engineering. The former is fully compatible with ADCME.jl, which indicates that this package (ADSeismic.jl) can serve as a acoustic/elastic simulation solver in a system inverse modeling problem.


ADCME is a dependency for using this package. Install ADCME with

using Pkg; Pkg.add("ADCME")

Then install the lastest ADSeismic.jl by

using Pkg; Pkg.add("")

or the stable version by

using Pkg; Pkg.add("ADCME")

If you want to use GPU for ADSeismic.jl, you should enable GPU support in ADCME by

using ADCME

ADCME.jl looks for nvcc so be sure the CUDA compiler has been installed.

After enabling GPU, recompile the ADSeismic.jl library with

using Pkg;"ADSeismic.jl")