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AirspeedVelocity.jl makes it easy to benchmark Julia packages over their lifetime. It is inspired by asv.


You can install the CLI with:

julia -e '\
    using Pkg; \
    Pkg.add(url=""); \"AirspeedVelocity")'


You may then use the CLI with, e.g.,

benchpkg Transducers --rev='v0.4.65,v0.4.70,master' --add='BangBang,ArgCheck,Referenceables,SplitApplyCombine'

which will download benchmark/benchmarks.jl of Transducers.jl, run the benchmarks for all revisions given (v0.4.65, v0.4.70, and master), and then save the JSON results in the current directory. Here, we also specify BangBang.jl, ArgCheck.jl, Referenceables.jl, and SplitApplyCombine.jl as additional packages used explicitly inside the benchmarks.

You can also provide a custom benchmark. For example, let's say you have a file script.jl, defining a benchmark for SymbolicRegression.jl:

using BenchmarkTools, SymbolicRegression
const SUITE = BenchmarkGroup()
SUITE["eval_tree_array"] = begin
    tree = Node(; feature=1) + cos(3.2f0 * Node(; feature=2))
    X = randn(Float32, 2, 1_000)
    options = Options(; binary_operators=[+, -, *], unary_operators=[cos])
    f() = eval_tree_array(tree, X, options)
    @benchmarkable f() evals=1 samples=100

we can run this benchmark over the history of SymbolicRegression.jl with:

benchpkg SymbolicRegression -r v0.15.3,v0.16.2 -s script.jl -o results/ --exeflags="--threads=4 -O3"

where we have also specified the output directory and extra flags to pass to the julia executable.


The CLI is documented as:

    benchpkg package_name [-r --rev <arg>] [-o, --output_dir <arg>] [-s, --script <arg>] [-e, --exeflags <arg>] [-a, --add <arg>] [-t, --tune]

Benchmark a package over a set of revisions.

# Arguments

- `package_name`: Name of the package.

# Options

- `-r --rev <arg>`: Revisions to test (delimit by comma).
- `-o, --output_dir <arg>`: Where to save the JSON results.
- `-s, --script <arg>`: The benchmark script. Default: `{PACKAGE_SRC_DIR}/benchmark/benchmarks.jl`.
- `-e, --exeflags <arg>`: CLI flags for Julia (default: none).
- `-a, --add <arg>`: Extra packages needed (delimit by comma).

# Flags

- `-t, --tune`: Whether to run benchmarks with tuning (default: false).

If you prefer to use the Julia API, you can use the benchmark function:

benchmark(package::Union{PackageSpec,Vector{PackageSpec}}; output_dir::String=".", script::Union{String,Nothing}=nothing, tune::Bool=false, exeflags::Cmd=``)
benchmark(package_name::String, rev::Union{String,Vector{String}}; output_dir::String=".", script::Union{String,Nothing}=nothing, tune::Bool=false, exeflags::Cmd=``)

These output a Dict containing the combined results of the benchmarks, and output a JSON file in the output_dir for each revision.