Visual Transformations

The function visual can be used to give data-independent visual information about the plot (plotting function or attributes).

using AlgebraOfGraphics, CairoMakie, PalmerPenguins, DataFrames

penguins = dropmissing(DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load()))

data(penguins) * visual(Violin) *
    mapping(:species, :bill_depth_mm, color=:sex, dodge=:sex) |> draw
plt = data(penguins) * visual(Violin)
plt *= mapping(:species, :bill_depth_mm, color=:sex, side=:sex, dodge=:island)
draw(plt, axis=(limits=((0.5, 3.5), nothing),))
data(penguins) * visual(BoxPlot, show_notch=true) *
    mapping(:species, :bill_depth_mm, color=:sex, dodge=:sex) |> draw
data(penguins) *
    mapping(:bill_length_mm, :bill_depth_mm, col=:sex) *
    visual(QQPlot, qqline=:fit) |> draw

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