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A Julia package for text validation, parsing, and tokenizing based on state machine compiler.

Schema of Automa.jl

Automa.jl compiles regular expressions into Julia code, which is then compiled into low-level machine code by the Julia compiler. Automa.jl is designed to generate very efficient code to scan large text data, which is often much faster than handcrafted code. Automa.jl can insert arbitrary Julia code that will be executed in state transitions. This makes it possible, for example, to extract substrings that match a part of a regular expression.

This is a number literal tokenizer using Automa.jl (numbers.jl):

# A tokenizer of octal, decimal, hexadecimal and floating point numbers
# =====================================================================

import Automa
import Automa.RegExp: @re_str
const re = Automa.RegExp

# Describe patterns in regular expression.
oct      = re"0o[0-7]+"
dec      = re"[-+]?[0-9]+"
hex      = re"0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+"
prefloat = re"[-+]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)"
float    = prefloat | | re"[-+]?[0-9]+", re"[eE][-+]?[0-9]+")
number   = oct | dec | hex | float
numbers  =, re.rep(re" +" * number), re" *")

# Register action names to regular expressions.
number.actions[:enter] = [:mark]
oct.actions[:exit]     = [:oct]
dec.actions[:exit]     = [:dec]
hex.actions[:exit]     = [:hex]
float.actions[:exit]   = [:float]

# Compile a finite-state machine.
machine = Automa.compile(numbers)

# This generates a SVG file to visualize the state machine.
# write("", Automa.machine2dot(machine))
# run(`dot -Tpng -o numbers.png`)

# Bind an action code for each action name.
actions = Dict(
    :mark  => :(mark = p),
    :oct   => :(emit(:oct)),
    :dec   => :(emit(:dec)),
    :hex   => :(emit(:hex)),
    :float => :(emit(:float)),

# Generate a tokenizing function from the machine.
context = Automa.CodeGenContext()
@eval function tokenize(data::String)
    tokens = Tuple{Symbol,String}[]
    mark = 0
    $(Automa.generate_init_code(context, machine))
    p_end = p_eof = lastindex(data)
    emit(kind) = push!(tokens, (kind, data[mark:p-1]))
    $(Automa.generate_exec_code(context, machine, actions))
    return tokens, cs == 0 ? :ok : cs < 0 ? :error : :incomplete

tokens, status = tokenize("1 0x0123BEEF 0o754 3.14 -1e4 +6.022045e23")

This emits tokens and the final status:

~/.j/v/Automa (master) $ julia -qL example/numbers.jl
julia> tokens
6-element Array{Tuple{Symbol,String},1}:

julia> status

The compiled deterministic finite automaton (DFA) looks like this: DFA

For more details, see fasta.jl and read the docs page.