BasisFunctionApproximation(y::Vector, v, bfe::BasisFunctionExpansion, λ = 0)

Perform parameter identification to identify the Function y = ϕ(v), where ϕ is a Basis Function Expansion of type bfe. λ is an optional regularization parameter (L² regularization).

LPVSS(x, u, v, nc; normalize=true, λ = 1e-3)

Linear Parameter-Varying State-space model. Estimate a state-space model with varying coefficient matrices x(t+1) = A(v)x(t) + B(v)u(t). Internally a MultiRBFE or UniformRBFE spanning the space of v is used, depending on the dimensionality of v. x, u and v should have time in first dimension. Centers are found automatically using k-means, see MultiRBFE.


using Plots, BasisFunctionExpansions
T          = 1000
x,xm,u,n,m = BasisFunctionExpansions.testdata(T)
nc         = 4
v          = 1:T
model      = LPVSS(x, u, v, nc; normalize=true, λ = 1e-3)
xh         = model(x,u,v)

eRMS       = √(mean((xh[1:end-1,:]-x[2:end,:]).^2))

plot(xh[1:end-1,:], lab="Prediction", c=:red, layout=(2,1))
plot!(x[2:end,:], lab="True", c=:blue); gui()
eRMS <= 0.26

# output

LPVSS(x, u, nc; normalize=true, λ = 1e-3)

Linear Parameter-Varying State-space model. Estimate a state-space model with varying coefficient matrices x(t+1) = A(v)x(t) + B(v)u(t). Internally a MultiRBFE spanning the space of X × U is used. x and u should have time in first dimension. Centers are found automatically using k-means, see MultiRBFE.


using Plots, BasisFunctionExpansions
x,xm,u,n,m = BasisFunctionExpansions.testdata(1000)
nc         = 10 # Number of centers
model      = LPVSS(x, u, nc; normalize=true, λ = 1e-3) # Estimate a model
xh         = model(x,u) # Form prediction

eRMS       = √(mean((xh[1:end-1,:]-x[2:end,:]).^2))

plot(xh[1:end-1,:], lab="Prediction", c=:red, layout=2)
plot!(x[2:end,:], lab="True", c=:blue); gui()
eRMS <= 0.37

# output


A MultiDiagonalRBFE has different diagonal covariance matrices for all basis functions See also MultiUniformRBFE, which has the same covariance matrix for all basis functions

MultiDiagonalRBFE(v::AbstractVector, nc; normalize=false, coulomb=false)

Supply scheduling signal v and numer of centers nc For automatic selection of covariance matrices and centers using K-means.

The keyword normalize determines weather or not basis function activations are normalized to sum to one for each datapoint, normalized networks tend to extrapolate better "The normalized radial basis function neural network" DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.1998.728118


A MultiRBFE has different diagonal covariance matrices for all basis functions See also MultiUniformRBFE, which has the same covariance matrix for all basis functions

MultiRBFE(μ::Matrix, Σ::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, activation)

Supply all parameters. Σ is the diagonals of the covariance matrices


A MultiUniformRBFE has the same diagonal covariance matrix for all basis functions See also MultiDiagonalRBFE, which has different covariance matrices for all basis functions

UniformRBFE(μ::Vector, σ::Float, activation)

Supply all parameters. OBS! σ can not be an integer, must be some kind of AbstractFloat


Returns a func v->ϕ(v) ∈ ℜ(Nv) that calculates the activation of Nv basis functions spread out to cover v nicely. If coulomb is true, then we get twice the number of basis functions, 2Nv, with a hard split at v=0 (useful to model Coulomb friction). coulomb is not yet fully supported for all expansion types.

The keyword normalize determines weather or not basis function activations are normalized to sum to one for each datapoint, normalized networks tend to extrapolate better "The normalized radial basis function neural network" DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.1998.728118

getARXregressor(y::AbstractVector,u::AbstractVecOrMat, na, nb)

Returns a shortened output signal y and a regressor matrix A such that the least-squares ARX model estimate of order na,nb is y\A

Return a regressor matrix used to fit an ARX model on, e.g., the form A(z)y = B(z)f(u) with output y and input u where the order of autoregression is na and the order of input moving average is nb


Here we test the model with the Function f(u) = √(|u|)

A     = [1,2*0.7*1,1] # A(z) coeffs
B     = [10,5] # B(z) coeffs
u     = randn(100) # Simulate 100 time steps with Gaussian input
y     = filt(B,A,sqrt.(abs.(u)))
yr,A  = getARXregressor(y,u,2,2) # We assume that we know the system order 2,2
bfe   = MultiUniformRBFE(A,[1,1,4,4,4], normalize=true)
bfa   = BasisFunctionApproximation(yr,A,bfe, 1e-3)
e_bfe = √(mean((yr - bfa(A)).^2))
plot([yr bfa(A)], lab=["Signal" "Prediction"])

See README (?BasisFunctionExpansions) for more details

y,A = getARregressor(y::AbstractVector,na::Integer)

Returns a shortened output signal y and a regressor matrix A such that the least-squares AR model estimate of order na is y\A

output_variance(model::LPVSS, x::AbstractVector, u::AbstractVector, v=[x u])

Return a vector of prediction variances. Note, no covariance between dimensions in output is provided

predict(model::LPVSS, x::AbstractMatrix, u, v=[x u])

If no v provided, return a prediction of the output x' given the state x and input u This function is called when a model::LPVSS object is called like model(x,u)

Provided v, return a prediction of the output x' given the state x, input u and scheduling parameter v

x,xm,u,n,m = testdata(T,r=1)

Generate T time steps of state-space data where the A-matrix changes from A = [0.95 0.1; 0 0.95] to A = [0.5 0.05; 0 0.5] at time t=T÷2x,xm,u,n,m = (state,noisy state, input, statesize, inputsize) r is the seed to the random number generator.


Returns a Toeplitz matrix where c is the first column and r is the first row.