
GammaNormal(; μ0 = 0.0, λ0 = 1.0, α0 = 1.0, β0 = 1.0)

Normal-Gamma distribution

A Normal-Gamma distribution is the conjugate prior of a Normal distribution with unknown mean and precision.


  • μ0: location
  • λ0 > 0: number of pseudo-observations
  • α0 > 0
  • β0 > 0


d = GammaNormal()

WishartGaussian(μ0, κ0, ν0, Σ0)

Gaussian-inverse-Wishart distribution

A Gaussian-inverse-Wishart distribution is the conjugate prior of a multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean and covariance matrix.


  • μ0, Dx1: location
  • κ0 > 0: number of pseudo-observations
  • ν0 > D-1: degrees of freedom
  • Σ0 > 0, DxD: scale matrix


julia> (N, D) = size(X)
julia> μ0 = mean(X, dims = 1)
julia> d = WishartGaussian(μ0, 1.0, 2*D, cov(x)) 
point_estimate(psm::Array{Float64, 2})

Find optimal partition which minimizes the lower bound to the Variation of Information obtain from Jensen's inequality where the expectation and log are reversed.

Code based on R implementation by Sara Wade <>

point_estimate_avg(psm::Array{Float64, 2})

Find optimal partition which minimizes the lower bound to the Variation of Information obtain from Jensen's inequality where the expectation and log are reversed.

Code based on R implementation by Sara Wade <>