Predictors - Correctors

As explained in the docs of continuation, the continuation method works with the following pattern (see [Allgower1990]):

  1. compute tangent
  2. call predictor (based on tangent, mostly)
  3. call corrector

There are several couples predictor-tangent/corrector which can be used in BifurcationKit.jl as we now explain. The tangent computation is formally included in the predictor whereas it is a distinct function in the code.


Note that setting the tangent predictor (for example) tangentAlgo = SecantPred() also sets the corresponding corrector: it selects the couple predictor-corrector. You don't have (in fact cannot) set them independently.

1) Natural, zeroth order predictor

This is the dumbest predictor based on the formula $(x_1,p_1) = (x_0, p_0 + ds)$ with Newton corrector ; it fails at Turning points. This is set by the option tangentAlgo = NaturalPred() in continuation. For matrix based jacobian, it is not faster than the pseudo-arclength predictor because the factorisation of the jacobian is catched. For Matrix-free methods, this predictor can be faster than the following ones until it hits a Turning point.

2) First order predictor

This predictor is based on a computation of the tangent $\tau = (dx,dp)$ to the curve of solutions, it is given by $(x_1,p_1) = (x_0,p_0) + ds\cdot \tau$. This predictor passes Turning points when used with PALC Newton corrector. BifurcationKit.jl provides two ways to compute the tangent $(dx_1, dp_1)$.

Secant predictor

This predictor is called secant and is parametrized by the option tangentAlgo = SecantPred(). It is computed by $(dx_1, dp_1) = (z_1, p_1) - (z_0, p_0)$ and normalized by the norm $\|(x, p)\|^2_\theta = \frac{\theta}{length(x)} \langle x,x\rangle + (1 - \theta)\cdot p^2$.

Bordered predictor

This predictor departs from the previous one in the way the tangent is estimated. It computes $(dx_1, dp_1)$ by solving solving the bordered linear system $\begin{bmatrix} F_x & F_p \\ \frac{\theta}{length(x)}dx_0 & (1-\theta)dp_0\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}dx_1 \\ dp_1\end{bmatrix} =\begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 1\end{bmatrix}$.

it is set by the option tangentAlgo = BorderedPred().

3) Polynomial predictor

The polynomial predictor is based on a fit (least square regression) of an $n$th-order polynomial $P$ on the last $k$ solution vectors, where $n < k$. The arclength $s$ is used for the polynomial which then fits the solution $(x_i,p_i,s_i)$ as $P(s_i)\approx (x_i,p_i)$. To keep $s$ in suitable range (see [Waugh]), we rescale it as $s\to \frac{s-\bar s}{\sigma}$ where $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of the $s_i$.

This predictor is parametrized by tangentAlgo = PolynomialPred(n, k, v0, algo = SecantPred() ) where algo is the predictor used for the first $k$ solutions before the polynomial predictor is operational and v0 is an example of guess.

4) Multiple predictor (aka pmcont in pde2path)

The predictor is designed [Uecker2014] to avoid spurious branch switching and pass singular points especially in PDE where branch point density can be quite high. It is based on the use of many predictors with increasing "jumps" $(x_i,p_i) = (x_0,p_0) + i\cdot ds\cdot \tau,\ i\leq nb$ and use a corrector (PALC Newton) with the following twist. The criterion is that in each Newton step, the residual has to decrease by a factor $0<\alpha<1$:

\[\| F(u_n,p_n)\|\leq \alpha \| F(u_{n-1},p_{n-1}) \|\]

otherwise the corrector fails. The solution that is returned is the one for the highest $i$. We refer to [Uecker2014] for an exposition of the step size adaption strategy.

This predictor is parametrized by tangentAlgo = MultiplePred(α, nb, τ, algo = SecantPred() ) where τ is an initial tangent vector (used to set the types) and algo is a predictor.

  • Allgower1990

    Allgower and Georg, Numerical Continuation Methods, 1990

  • Waugh

    Waugh, Illingworth, and Juniper, “Matrix-Free Continuation of Limit Cycles for Bifurcation Analysis of Large Thermoacoustic Systems.”

  • Uecker2014

    1.Uecker, H. pde2path - A Matlab Package for Continuation and Bifurcation in 2D Elliptic Systems. NMTMA 7, 58–106 (2014).