Deflated problems


P. E. Farrell, A. Birkisson, and S. W. Funke. Deflation techniques for finding distinct solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2015.,

Assume you want to solve $F(x)=0$ with a Newton algorithm but you want to avoid the algorithm to return some already known solutions $x_i,\ i=1\cdots n$.

The idea proposed in the paper quoted above is to penalize these solutions by looking for the zeros of the function $G(x):={F(x)}{M(x)}$ where

\[M(x) = \prod_{i=1}^n\left(\|x - x_i\|^{-p} + \alpha\right)\]

and $\alpha>0$. Obviously $F$ and $G$ have the same zeros away from the $x_i$s but the factor $M$ penalizes the residual of the Newton iterations of $G$, effectively producing zeros of $F$ different from $x_i$.

Encoding of the functional

A composite type DeflationOperator implements this functional. Given a deflation operator M = DeflationOperator(p, dot, α, xis), you can build a deflated functional pb = DeflatedProblem(F, J, M) which you can use to access the values of $G$ by doing pb(x). A Matrix-Free / Sparse linear solver is implemented which works on the GPU.

the dot argument in DeflationOperator lets you specify a dot product from which the norm is derived in the expression of $M$.

See examples Snaking computed with deflation and Newton iterations and deflation.

Note that you can add new solution x0 to M by doing push!(M, x0). Also M[i] returns xi.

Computation with newton

Most newton functions can be used with a deflated problem, see for example Snaking computed with deflation. The idea is to pass the deflation operator M. For example, we have the following overloaded method, which works on GPUs:

newton(F, J, x0, p0, options::NewtonPar, defOp::DeflationOperator, linsolver = DeflatedLinearSolver(); kwargs...)

If you pass a linear solver other than the default one ::DeflatedLinearSolver, a Matrix-Free is used in place of the dedicated solver DeflatedLinearSolver which is akin to a Bordering method.

We refer to newton for more information about the arguments.


You can use this method for periodic orbits as well by passing the deflation operator M to the newton method