

Bond(source::AbstractNode, destination::AbstractNode)
Bond((source_node, port_label), (destination_node, port_label))

Connect two bond graph components (or two ports of two components) with a bond. The bond direction is from source to destination. If the ports are not specified, the bond will be created between the next available ports in each component.

In most cases it is better to use connect! instead.

BondGraph(name="BG") <: Graphs.AbstractGraph{Int64}
BondGraph(name, nodes::Vector{AbstractNode}, bonds::Vector{Bond})

The bond graph object which contains a vector of nodes and bonds. All operations on components or bonds must happen within the same bond graph. This inherits the methods of the AbstractGraph type and so will work with

See also BondGraphNode.

BondGraph(rs::ReactionSystem; chemostats=[])

Convert a Catalyst.ReactionSystem into a BondGraph.

chemostats are chemical species with fixed concentrations. In bond graph terms, these are "SCe" types (chemical energy sources) instead of "Ce" types (chemical energy store).

BondGraphNode(bg::BondGraph, name=name(bg); deep_copy=false)

Convert a BondGraph into a component that can be added in another level bond graph. Componets can be exposed to the outer bond graph by replacing them with a SourceSensor type using the swap! function.

See also BondGraph.

Component{N} <: AbstractNode
Component(type, name=type)
Component(type, name=type; library=BondGraphs.DEFAULT_LIBRARY, <keyword arguments>)

Construct a Component of a defined (bondgraph) type ∈ {R, C, I, Se, Sf, TF, Ce, Re, SCe}.

Components have a N fixed ports when generated. This is usually determined by the bond graph type. Other properties and equations of available components are defined in BondGraphs.DEFAULT_LIBRARY (see description).

EqualEffort <: Junction

Efforts are all equal, flows sum to zero (0-junction). Has an unlimited number of ports.

EqualFlow <: Junction

Flows are all equal, efforts sum to zero (1-junction). Has an unlimited number of ports.

SourceSensor <: AbstractNode

Special component type that acts as a source of both effort and flow. SourceSensors are used as external ports for BondGraphNodes.


add_node!(bg::BondGraph, nodes)

Add a node to a bond graph bg. Can add a single node or list of nodes.


Combine the library newlib with the default library used within BondGraphs. newlib will need to be in the form of a dictionary, and new components should follow the below schema.

NOTE: This library is likely to change in the future. Do not rely on this schema too much.

Library Schema

  • description -> written description of the component and definitions
  • numports -> the number of ports in the component
  • variables ->
    • parameters -> constant parameters, unique for each component instance
    • globals -> global parameters (i.e. no namespace)
    • states -> time-dependent state variables
    • controls -> time-dependent parameters that can accept julia functions
  • equations -> symbolic description of the constitutive equations
connect!(bg::BondGraph, source_node, destination_node)
connect!(bg::BondGraph, (source_node, port_label), (destination_node, port_label))

Connect two components together in the same bond graph. The bond direction is always from source_node to destination_node. The port index of source_node and destination_node can be optionally set.


Return the constitutive relations (equations) for node n.

If n is a Junction, the flow and effort constraints are generated from its connections.

constitutive_relations(bg::BondGraph; sub_defaults=false)

Generate the constitutive relations (equations) for bond graph bg.

The equations are symbolically derived from the equations of all the nodes and bonds in the bond graph. If sub_defaults is true, the default parameter values for each component are subbed into the equations.

NOTE: This creates a ModelingToolkit.ODESystem of the bond graph and returns only the equations. If you want to numerically solve the bond graph equations, either use simulate or create an ODESystem directly.

description(lib, comp::Symbol)

Print the description of the component with symbol comp in library lib.

disconnect!(bg::BondGraph, node1, node2)

Remove the bond connecting node1 and node2. The order of nodes does not matter.

getbonds(bg::BondGraph, n1::AbstractNode, n2::AbstractNode)
getbonds(bg::BondGraph, (n1, n2))

Return the bond in bg connecting nodes n1 and n2, if it exists.

getnodes(bg::BondGraph, type)

Return all nodes a particular bond graph type in the bond graph bg.

type can be a DataType (e.g. Component{1}), a string (e.g. "C"), or a vector of strings.

insert_node!(bg::BondGraph, bond, newnode)
insert_node!(bg::BondGraph, (node1, node2), newnode)

Inserts newnode between two existing connected nodes. The direction of the original bond is preserved.

Supply either the two nodes as a tuple, or the bond that connects them in bg.

merge_nodes!(bg::BondGraph, node1, node2; junction=EqualEffort())

Combine two copies of the same component in bg by adding a junction and connecting the neighbours of node1 and node2 to the new junction.

Merging nodes this way means there is only one component representing a system element, and all other nodes connect to the component via the new junction.

remove_node!(bg::BondGraph, nodes)

Remove a node to a bond graph bg. Can remove a single node or list of nodes.

simplify_junctions!(bg::BondGraph; remove_redundant=true, squash_identical=true)

Remove unnecessary or redundant Junctions from bond graph bg.

If remove_redundant is true, junctions that have zero or one neighbours are removed, and junctions with two neighbours are squashed (connected components remain connected).

If squash_identical is true, connected junctions of the same type are squashed into a single junction.

simulate(bg::BondGraph, tspan; u0=[], pmap=[], solver=Tsit5(), flag_ODE=true, kwargs...)

Simulate the bond graph model.

The keyword arguments are the same as for ODEProblem and solve in DifferentialEquations.

swap!(bg::BondGraph, oldnode, newnode)

Remove oldnode from bond graph bg and replace it with newnode. The new node will have the same connections (bonds) as the original model.

newnode must have a greater or equal number of ports as oldnode.