Multiple GPUs

There are different ways of working with multiple GPUs: using one or more threads, processes, or systems. Although all of these are compatible with the Julia CUDA toolchain, the support is a work in progress and the usability of some combinations can be significantly improved.

Scenario 1: One GPU per process

The easiest solution that maps best onto Julia's existing facilities for distributed programming, is to use one GPU per processL

# spawn one worker per device
using Distributed, CUDA

# assign devices
asyncmap((zip(workers(), devices()))) do (p, d)
    remotecall_wait(p) do
        @info "Worker $p uses $d"

Communication between nodes should happen via the CPU (the CUDA IPC APIs are available as CUDA.cuIpcOpenMemHandle and friends, but not available through high-level wrappers).

Alternatively, one can use MPI.jl together with an CUDA-aware MPI implementation. In that case, CuArray objects can be passed as send and receive buffers to point-to-point and collective operations to avoid going through the CPU.

Scenario 2: Multiple GPUs per process

In a similar vein to the multi-process solution, one can work with multiple devices from within a single process by calling CUDA.device! to switch to a specific device. Allocations are however currently not tied to a device, so one should take care to only work with data on the device it was allocated on.


The CUDA memory pool is not device-aware yet, effectively breaking multi-gpu-single-process concurrency. Don't use this approach for serious work unless you can support with cross-device memory operations (e.g. with cuCtxEnablePeerAccess).

To avoid these difficulties, you can use unified memory that is accessible from all devices. These APIs are available through high-level wrappers, but not exposed by the CuArray constructors yet:

using CUDA

gpus = Int(length(devices()))

# generate CPU data
dims = (3,4,gpus)
a = round.(rand(Float32, dims) * 100)
b = round.(rand(Float32, dims) * 100)

# CuArray doesn't support unified memory yet,
# so allocate our own buffers
buf_a = Mem.alloc(Mem.Unified, sizeof(a))
d_a = unsafe_wrap(CuArray{Float32,3}, convert(CuPtr{Float32}, buf_a),
                  dims; own=true)
copyto!(d_a, a)
buf_b = Mem.alloc(Mem.Unified, sizeof(b))
d_b = unsafe_wrap(CuArray{Float32,3}, convert(CuPtr{Float32}, buf_b),
                  dims; own=true)
copyto!(d_b, b)
buf_c = Mem.alloc(Mem.Unified, sizeof(a))
d_c = unsafe_wrap(CuArray{Float32,3}, convert(CuPtr{Float32}, buf_c),
                  dims; own=true)

The data allocated here uses the GPU id as a the outermost dimension, which can be used to extract views of contiguous memory that represent the slice to be processed by a single GPU:

for (gpu, dev) in enumerate(devices())
    @views d_c[:, :, gpu] .= d_a[:, :, gpu] .+ d_b[:, :, gpu]

Before downloading the data, make sure to synchronize the devices:

for dev in devices()
    # NOTE: normally you'd use events and wait for them

using Test
c = Array(d_c)
@test a+b ≈ c

Scenario 3: One GPU per thread

This approach is not recommended, as multi-threading is a fairly recent addition to the language and many packages, including those for Julia GPU programming, have not been made thread-safe yet. For now, the toolchain mimics the behavior of the CUDA runtime library and uses a single context across all devices.