Canonical Graphs

try tab-completion in the REPL:

generateGraph_Kaess(; graphinit)

Canonical example from literature, Kaess, et al.: ISAM2, IJRR, 2011.


  • Paper variable ordering: p = [:l1;:l2;:x1;:x2;:x3]
generateGraph_LineStep(lineLength; poseEvery, landmarkEvery, posePriorsAt, landmarkPriorsAt, sightDistance, vardims, noisy, graphinit, σ_pose_prior, σ_lm_prior, σ_pose_pose, σ_pose_lm, solverParams)

Continuous, linear scalar and multivariate test graph generation. Follows a line with the pose id equal to the ground truth.

generateGraph_Circle(poses; fg, offsetPoses, autoinit, graphinit, landmark, loopClosure, stopEarly, biasTurn, kappaOdo, cyclePoses)

Generate a canonical factor graph: driving in a circular pattern with one landmark.


  • Poses, :x0, :x1,... Pose2,
  • Odometry, :x0x1f1, etc., Pose2Pose2 (Gaussian)
  • OPTIONAL: 1 Landmark, :l1, Point2,
  • 2 Sightings, :x0l1f1, :x6l1f1, RangeBearing (Gaussian)


using RoME

fg = generateGraph_Hexagonal()
drawGraph(fg, show=true)


  • TODO refactor to use new calcHelix_T.


generateGraph_Circle, generateGraph_Kaess, generateGraph_TwoPoseOdo

generateGraph_ZeroPose(; varType, graphinit, solverParams, dfg, doRef, useMsgLikelihoods, label, priorType, μ0, Σ0, priorArgs, solvable, variableTags, factorTags, postpose_cb)

Generate a canonical factor graph with a Pose2 :x0 and MvNormal with covariance P0.


  • Use e.g. varType=Point2 to change from the default variable type Pose2.
  • Use priorArgs::Tuple to override the default input arguments to priorType.
  • Use callback postpose_cb(g::AbstractDFG,lastpose::Symbol) to call user operations after each pose step.
generateGraph_Hexagonal(; fg, landmark, loopClosure, N, autoinit, graphinit)

Generate a canonical factor graph: driving in a hexagonal circular pattern with one landmark.


  • 7 Poses, :x0-:x6, Pose2,
  • 1 Landmark, :l1, Point2,
  • 6 Odometry, :x0x1f1, etc., Pose2Pose2 (Gaussian)
  • 2 Sightings, :x0l1f1, :x6l1f1, RangeBearing (Gaussian)


using RoME

fg = generateGraph_Hexagonal()
drawGraph(fg, show=true)


generateGraph_Circle, generateGraph_Kaess, generateGraph_TwoPoseOdo, generateGraph_Boxes2D!

generateGraph_Beehive!(poseCountTarget; graphinit, dfg, useMsgLikelihoods, solvable, refKey, addLandmarks, landmarkSolvable, poseRegex, pose0, yaw0, μ0, postpose_cb, locality, atol)

Pretend a bee is walking in a hive where each step (pose) follows one edge of an imaginary honeycomb lattice, and at after each step a new direction left or right is stochastically chosen and the process repeats.


  • The keyword locality=1 is a positive ::Real ∈ [0,∞) value, where higher numbers imply direction decisions are more sticky for multiple steps.
  • Use keyword callback function postpose_cb = (fg, lastpose) -> ... to hook in your own features right after each new pose step.


  • TODO rewrite as a recursive generator function instead.

See also: generateGraph_Honeycomb!, generateGraph_Hexagonal, generateGraph_ZeroPose

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for RoME.generateGraph_Honeycomb!. Check Documenter's build log for details.

generateGraph_Helix2D!(numposes; posesperturn, graphinit, useMsgLikelihoods, solverParams, dfg, radius, spine_t, xr_t, yr_t, poseRegex, μ0, refKey, Qd, postpose_cb)

Generalized canonical graph generator function for helix patterns.


  • assumes poses are labeled according to r"x\d+"
  • Gradient (i.e. angle) calculations are on the order of 1e-8.
  • Use callback spine_t(t)::Complex to modify how the helix pattern is moved in x, y along the progression of t,
    • See related wrapper functions for convenient generators of helix patterns in 2D,
    • Real valued xr_t(t) and yr_t(t) can be modified (and will override) complex valued spine_t instead.
  • use postpose_cb = (fg_, lastestpose) -> ... for additional user features after each new pose
  • can be used to grow a graph with repeated calls, but keyword parameters are assumed identical between calls.

See also: generateGraph_Helix2DSlew!, generateGraph_Helix2DSpiral!, generateGraph_Beehive!

generateGraph_Helix2DSlew!(numposes; slew_x, slew_y, spine_t, kwargs...)

Generate canonical slewed helix graph (like a flattened slinky).


  • Use slew_x and slew_y to pull the "slinky" out in different directions at constant rate.
  • See generalized helix generator for more details.
  • Defaults are choosen to slew along x and have multple trajectory intersects between consecutive loops of the helix.


generateGraph_Helix2D!, generateGraph_Helix2DSpiral!

generateGraph_Helix2DSpiral!(numposes; rate_r, rate_a, spine_t, kwargs...)

Generate canonical helix graph that expands along a spiral pattern, analogous flower petals.


  • This function wraps the complex spine_t(t) function to generate the spiral pattern.
    • rate_a and rate_r can be varied for different spiral behavior.
  • See generalized helix generator for more details.
  • Defaults are choosen to slewto have multple trajectory intersects between consecutive loops of the helix and do a decent job of moving around coverage area with a relative balance of encircled area sizes.


generateGraph_Helix2D!, generateGraph_Helix2DSlew!