
CausalELM enables Estimation of causal quantities of interest in research designs where a counterfactual must be predicted and compared to the observed outcomes. More specifically, CausalELM provides structs and methods to execute event study designs (interupted time series analysis), G-Computation, and doubly robust estimation as well as estimation of the CATE via S-Learning, T-Learning, and X-Learning. In all of these implementations, CausalELM predicts the counterfactuals using an Extreme Learning Machine. In this context, ELMs strike a good balance between prediction accuracy, generalization, ease of implementation, speed, and interpretability. In addition, CausalELM provides the ability to incorporate an L2 penalty.


using Pkg

Estimating Causal Effects

using CausalELM

# 1000 data points with 5 features in pre-event period
x0 = rand(1000, 5)

# Pre-event outcome
y0 = rand(1000)

# 200 data points in the post-event period
x1 = rand(200, 5)

# Pose-event outcome
y1 = rand(200)

# Instantiate an EventStudy struct
event_study = EventStudy(x0, y0, x1, y1)

