
This package is for computing short-ranged particle interactions or any other property that is dependent on the distances between pairs of three-dimensional particles, within a cutoff. It maps a function to be computed pairwise using cell lists using, for the moment, orthorhombic periodic boundary conditions. Parallel and serial implementations can be used.

It allows the fast computation of any quantity from the pairs that are within the desired cutoff, for example an average distance or an histogram of distances, forces, potentials, minimum distances, etc., as the examples below illustrate. This is done by passing the function to be evaluated as a parameter of the map_pairwise! function.


  1. Installation
  2. Overview
  3. Examples
    1. Mean difference of coordinates
    2. Histogram of distances
    3. Gravitational potential
    4. Gravitational force
    5. Nearest neighbor
    6. Neighbor list
  4. Parallelization splitting and reduction
    1. Custom reduction functions
  5. Preallocating auxiliary arrays: threaded output and cell lists
    1. Preallocating the cell lists
    2. Preallocating threaded output auxiliary arrays
  6. Performance tunning and additional options
    1. Optimizing the cell grid
    2. Output progress
  7. Some benchmarks
  8. Citation


julia> ] add CellListMap


The main function is map_parwise!:

If the analysis is performed on the pairs of a single vector x (n*(n-1)/2 pairs), the function can be called with:


while if two distinct sets of points are provided (n*m pairs), it is called with:


where the cl variable contains the cell lists built from the coordinates of the system, and box contains the system box properties.

These functions will run over every pair of particles which are closer than box.cutoff and compute the (squared) Euclidean distance between the particles, considering the periodic boundary conditions given in the Box structure. If the distance is smaller than the (squared) cutoff, a function f of the coordinates of the two particles will be computed.

The function f receives six arguments as input:


Which are the coordinates of one particle, the coordinates of the second particle, the index of the first particle, the index of the second particle, the squared distance between them, and the output variable. It has also to return the same output variable. Thus, f may or not mutate output, but in either case it must return it. With that, it is possible to compute an average property of the distance of the particles or, for example, build a histogram. The squared distance d2 is computed internally for comparison with the cutoff, and is passed to the f because many times it is used for the desired computation. Thus, the function f that is passed to map_pairwise! must be always of the form:

function f(x,y,i,j,d2,output)
  # update output
  return output

and the user can define more or less parameters using closures, as shown in the examples.

Parallel calculations are the default if more than one thread is available. Use parallel=false as an optional argument to map_pairwise! to run the serial version instead.


The full code of the examples described here is available at the examples.jl file.

Mean difference of coordinates

Computing the mean difference in x position between random particles. The closure is used to remove the indexes and the distance of the atoms from the parameters of the input function, as they are not needed in this case.

using CellListMap

# System properties
n = 100_000
sides = [250,250,250]
cutoff = 10

# Particle positions
x = [ box.sides .* rand(SVector{3,Float64}) for i in 1:n ]

# Initialize linked lists and box structures
box = Box(sides,cutoff)
cl = CellList(x,box)

# Function to be evaluated from positions 
f(x,y,sum_dx) = sum_dx + abs(x[1] - y[1])
normalization = N / (N*(N-1)/2) # (number of particles) / (number of pairs)

# Run calculation (0.0 is the initial value)
avg_dx = normalization * map_parwise(
  (x,y,i,j,d2,sum_dx) -> (x,y,sum_dx), 0.0, box, cl 

The example above can be run with CellListMap.test1().

Histogram of distances

Computing the histogram of the distances between particles (considering the same particles as in the above example). Again, we use a closure to remove the indexes of the atoms from the computation, because they are not needed. The distance, on the other side, is needed in this example:

# Function that accumulates the histogram of distances
function build_histogram!(x,y,d2,hist)
  d = sqrt(d2)
  ibin = floor(Int,d) + 1
  hist[ibin] += 1
  return hist

# Initialize (and preallocate) the histogram
hist = zeros(Int,10);
normalization = N / (N*(N-1)/2) # (number of particles) / (number of pairs)

# Run calculation
hist = normalization * map_pairwise!(
  (x,y,i,j,d2,hist) -> build_histogram!(x,y,d2,hist),

The example above can be run with CellListMap.test2().

Gravitational potential

In this test we compute the "gravitational potential", assigning to each particle a different mass. In this case, the closure is used to pass the masses to the function that computes the potential.

# masses
const mass = rand(N)

# Function to be evalulated for each pair 
function potential(x,y,i,j,d2,u,mass)
  d = sqrt(d2)
  u = u - 9.8*mass[i]*mass[j]/d
  return u

# Run pairwise computation
u = map_pairwise!((x,y,i,j,d2,u) -> potential(x,y,i,j,d2,u,mass),0.0,box,cl)

The example above can be run with CellListMap.test3().

Gravitational force

In the following example, we update a force vector of for all particles.

# masses
const mass = rand(N)

# Function to be evalulated for each pair: build distance histogram
function calc_forces!(x,y,i,j,d2,mass,forces)
  G = 9.8*mass[i]*mass[j]/d2
  d = sqrt(d2)
  df = (G/d)*(x - y)
  forces[i] = forces[i] - df
  forces[j] = forces[j] + df
  return forces

# Initialize and preallocate forces
forces = [ zeros(SVector{3,Float64}) for i in 1:N ]

# Run pairwise computation
forces = map_pairwise!(
  (x,y,i,j,d2,forces) -> calc_forces!(x,y,i,j,d2,mass,forces),

The example above can be run with CellListMap.test4().

Nearest neighbor

Here we compute the indexes of the atoms that satisfy the minimum distance between two sets of points, using the linked lists. The distance and the indexes are stored in a tuple, and a reducing method has to be defined for that tuple to run the calculation. The function does not need the coordinates of the points, only their distance and indexes.

# Number of particles, sides and cutoff
sides = [250,250,250]
cutoff = 10.
box = Box(sides,cutoff)

# Particle positions
x = [ box.sides .* rand(SVector{3,Float64}) for i in 1:N1 ]
y = [ box.sides .* rand(SVector{3,Float64}) for i in 1:N2 ]

# Initialize auxiliary linked lists (largest set!)
cl = CellList(x,y,box)

# Function that keeps the minimum distance
f(i,j,d2,mind) = d2 < mind[3] ? (i,j,d2) : mind

# We have to define our own reduce function here
function reduce_mind(output,output_threaded)
  mind = output_threaded[1]
  for i in 2:Threads.nthreads()
    if output_threaded[i][3] < mind[3]
      mind = output_threaded[i]
  return (mind[1],mind[2],mind[3])

# Initial value
mind = ( 0, 0, +Inf )

# Run pairwise computation
mind = map_pairwise!( 
  (x,y,i,j,d2,mind) -> f(i,j,d2,mind),

The example above can be run with CellListMap.test5(). The example CellListMap.test6() of examples.jl describes a similar problem but without periodic boundary conditions. Depending on the distribution of points it is a faster method than usual ball-tree methods.

Neighbor list

In this example we compute the complete neighbor list, of all pairs of atoms which are closer than the desired cutoff. The implementation returns a vector of tuples, in which each tuple contains the indexes of the atoms and the corresponding distance. The empty pairs output array will be split in one vector for each thread, and reduced with a custom reduction function.

# Function to be evalulated for each pair: push pair if d<cutoff
function push_pair!(i,j,d2,pairs,cutoff)
  d = sqrt(d2)
  if d < cutoff
  return pairs

# Reduction function
function reduce_pairs(pairs,pairs_threaded)
  pairs = pairs_threaded[1]
  for i in 2:nthreads()
  return pairs

# Initialize output
pairs = Tuple{Int,Int,Float64}[]

# Run pairwise computation
pairs = map_pairwise!(
  (x,y,i,j,d2,pairs) -> push_pair!(i,j,d2,pairs,cutoff),

The full example can be run with CellListMap.test7().

Parallelization splitting and reduction

The parallel execution requires the splitting of the computation among threads, obviously. Thus, the output variable must be split and then reduced to avoid concurrency. To control these steps, set manually the output_threaded and reduce optional input parameters of the map_pairwise! function.

By default, we define (here using Base.Threads):

output_threaded = [ deepcopy(output) for i in 1:nthreads() ]

and, for scalars and vectors, the reduction is just the sum of the output per thread:

reduce(output::Number,output_threaded) = sum(output_threaded)
function reduce(output::Vector,output_threaded) 
  for i in 1:nthreads()
     @. output += output_threaded[i] 
  return output

Custom reduction functions

In some cases, as in the Nearest neighbor example, the output is a tuple and reduction consists in keeping the output from each thread having the minimum value for the distance. Thus, the reduction operation is not a simple sum over the elements of each threaded output. We can, therefore, overwrite the default reduction method, by passing the reduction function as the reduce parameter of map_pairwise!:

mind = map_pairwise!( 
  (x,y,i,j,d2,mind) -> f(i,j,d2,mind), mind,box,cl;

where here the reduce function is set to be the custom function that keeps the tuple associated to the minimum distance obtained between threads:

function reduce_mind(output,output_threaded)
  mind = output_threaded[1]
  for i in 2:Threads.nthreads()
    if output_threaded[i][3] < mind[3]
      mind = output_threaded[i]
  return (mind[1],mind[2],mind[3])

This function must return the updated output variable, being it mutable or not, to be compatible with the interface.

Preallocating auxiliary arrays: threaded output and cell lists

Preallocating the cell lists

The arrays containing the cell lists can be initialized only once, and then updated. This is useful for iterative runs. Note that, since the list size depends on the box size and cutoff, if the box properties changes some arrays might be increased (never shrinked) on this update.

# Initialize cell lists with initial coordinates
cl = CellList(x,box)
for i in 1:nsteps
  x = ... # new coordinates
  box = Box(sides,cutoff) # perhaps the box has changed
  cl = UpdateCellList!(x,box) 

The procedure is identical if using two sets of coordinates, in which case, one would do:

# Initialize cell lists with initial coordinates
cl = CellList(x,y,box)
for i in 1:nsteps
  x = ... # new coordinates
  box = Box(sides,cutoff) # perhaps the box has changed
  cl = UpdateCellList!(x,y,box)

Preallocating threaded output auxiliary arrays

On parallel runs, note that output_threaded is, by default, initialized on the call to map_pairwise!. Thus, if the calculation must be run multiple times (for example, for several steps of a trajectory), it is probably a good idea to preallocate the threaded output, particularly if it is a large array. For example, the arrays of forces should be created only once, and reset to zero after each use:

forces = zeros(SVector{3,Float64},N)
forces_threaded = [ deepcopy(forces) for i in 1:nthreads() ]
for i in 1:nsteps
  map_pairwise!(f, forces, box, cl, output_threaded=forces_threaded)
  # work with the final forces vector
  # Reset forces_threaded
  for i in 1:nthreads()
    @. forces_threaded[i] = zero(SVector{3,Float64}) 

In this case, the forces vector will be updated by the default reduction method.

Performance tunning and additional options

Optimizing the cell grid

Until this is automatized (hopefuly soon), the partition of the space into cells is dependent on a parameter lcell which can be passed to Box. For example:

box = Box(x,box,lcell=2)
cl = CellList(x,box)

This parameter determines how fine is the mesh of cells. There is a trade-off between the number of cells and the number of particles per cell. For low-density systems, greater meshes are better, because each cell will have only a few atoms and the computations loop over a samller number of cells. For dense systems, it is better to run over more cells with less atoms per cell. It is a good idea to test different values of lcell to check which is the optimal choice for your system. Usually the best value is between lcell=1 and lcell=6, but for large and dense systems a larger value may be optimal. For molecular systems with normal densities lcell=2 is likely the optimal choice. The peformance can be tested using the progress meter, as explained below.

Output progress

For long-running computations, the user might want to see the progress. A progress meter can be turned on with the show_progress option. For example:


whill print something like:

Progress:  43%|█████████████████                    | ETA: 0:18:25

Thus, besides being useful for following the progress of a long run, it is useful to test different values of lcell to tune the peformance of the code, by looking at the estimated time to finish (ETA) and killing the execution after a sample run.

Some benchmarks

The goal here is to provide a good implementation of cell lists. We compare it with the implementation of the nice cython/python halotools package, in the computation of an histogram of mean pairwise velocities. These tests are implemented in the halotools.jl file. Currently, the CellListMap.jl is as fast for dense systems, and scales linearly and parallelizes well for increasing number of particles, with constant density:

The full test is available at this repository. And we kindly thank Carolina Cuesta for providing the example.


If you use this software and need to cite it, please use the following reference:

Martínez, Leandro. (2021, June 11). CellListMap.jl: Flexible implementation of cell lists to map the calculations of short-ranged particle-pair dependent functions, such as forces, energies, neighbor lists, etc. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4927541