
LaTeX escaping

Charaters like % and & are reserved for special functionalities in LaTeX. In addition, Coefplots.jl uses symbolic coords for regressor names, which further complicates the string escaping situation: parenthesis, commas and periods all need to be escaped. PGFPlotsX.jl uses raw string literal which left these situations unattended. The function latex_escape() will escape these characters so that in the tex output file % is written as \% (escaped, will not render as the symbol of the begining of comment in TeX), as an example. Coefplots.jl escapes parenthesis, commas and periods by adding a pair of brackets.


latex_escape() can be handy when assembling the Coefplot from a DataFrame. When parse() is invoked on a regression, latex_escape() is automatically called.

Coefficient Sorting

Sort the Coefplot by calling sortcoef!()

c = parse(regression_result)
sortcoef!(c; rev=false)

p = plot(c)
┌ Error: PGFPlotsX.MissingExternalProgramError("No LaTeX installation found, figures will not be generated. Make sure either pdflatex, xelatex or lualatex are installed and that the PATH variable is correctly set.")
└ @ Main string:8

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

HLine and rHLine and their friends

Coefplots.jl provides its version of HLine, VLine, HBand and VBand which is analogous to those in PGFPlotsX.jl but is compatible with symbolic coords. They can be directly added to the plot by passing them to plot(). Coefplots.jl also allows relative specification of the location in rHLine, rVLine, rHBand, rVBand.

using PGFPlotsX
hline = @pgf Coefplots.HLine({dashed, red}, 0) # a horizontal line through point 0 on y axis, which is numerical.

rvband = @pgf rVBand({draw="none", fill="yellow", opacity = 0.4}, 0.25, 0.75) # a vertical band starting at the 1/4 of the total axis width, ending at the 3/4 of the total axis width.

p = plot(c, hline, rvband)
┌ Error: PGFPlotsX.MissingExternalProgramError("No LaTeX installation found, figures will not be generated. Make sure either pdflatex, xelatex or lualatex are installed and that the PATH variable is correctly set.")
└ @ Main string:8

[.pdf], [generated .tex]


An Annotation is defined by its content, angle, point_at. point_at is a Tuple{Real, Real} that specifies the relative position of the annotation to the axis.

anno = Annotation(content="This is my anotation", point_at=(0.5, 0.5), angle=45)
# this will add an annotation at the center of

p = plot(c, hline, rvband, anno)
┌ Error: PGFPlotsX.MissingExternalProgramError("No LaTeX installation found, figures will not be generated. Make sure either pdflatex, xelatex or lualatex are installed and that the PATH variable is correctly set.")
└ @ Main string:8

[.pdf], [generated .tex]