API Reference

gen_image(sampler::AbstractSampler; kwargs...)

Construct a 2-dimensional array of ColorTypes.RGB values, suitable for writing to disk as an image file.


  • sampler::AbstractSampler: Any instance of a sampler. The sampler is sampled using each pixel coordinates as the X and Y input coordinates, and random Z and W coordinates for 3 and 4-dimensional samplers.

  • w::Integer=1024: The width in pixels of the image array to generate.

  • h::Integer=1024: The height in pixels of the image array to generate.

  • xbounds::NTuple{2,Float64}=(-1.0, 1.0): The bounds along the X axis to sample coordinates from. This remaps pixel coordinates to this range to be used for the input coordinates to sample with.

  • ybounds::NTuple{2,Float64}=(-1.0, 1.0): The bounds along the Y axis to sample coordinates from. This remaps pixel coordinates to this range to be used for the input coordinates to sample with.

  • colorscheme=nothing: A ColorSchemes.ColorScheme object to colorize the image with, or nothing.

sample(sampler::AbstractSampler, x::Real)
sample(sampler::AbstractSampler, x::Real, y::Real)
sample(sampler::AbstractSampler, x::Real, y::Real, z::Real)
sample(sampler::AbstractSampler, x::Real, y::Real, z::Real, w::Real)

Sample from sampler with the supplied coordinates. The number of coordinates should match the dimensionality of the sampler type.

checkered_2d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs values in a checkerboard-like pattern when it is sampled from.

That is, output values will only ever be -1.0 or 1.0.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
constant_1d(; seed=nothing, value=0.0)

Construct a sampler that constantly outputs value each time it is sampled from.

This is useful for debugging and applications where you need to combine a constant value.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • value: A constant value to emit each time this sampler is sampled from.

cylinders_2d(; seed=nothing, frequency=1.0)

Construct a sampler that outputs values that form a pattern representing concentric cylinders when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • frequency: The frequency of the signal, which controls how small or large the cylinders are.

spheres_3d(; seed=nothing, frequency=1.0)

Construct a sampler that outputs values that form a pattern representing concentric spheres when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • frequency: The frequency of the signal, which controls how small or large the spheres are.

opensimplex2_2d(; seed=nothing, orient=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensional OpenSimplex2 noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • orient: Either the symbol :x or the value nothing:

    • nothing: Use the standard orientation.
    • :x: The noise space will be re-oriented with the Y axis pointing down the main diagonal to improve visual isotropy.
opensimplex2_3d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false, orient=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensional OpenSimplex2 noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

  • orient: Either the symbol :x or the value nothing:

    • nothing: Use the standard orientation.
    • :x: The noise space will be re-oriented with the Y axis pointing down the main diagonal to improve visual isotropy.
    • :xy: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XY plane.
    • :xz: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XZ plane.
opensimplex2_4d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false, orient=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensional OpenSimplex2 noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

  • orient: Either the symbol :x or the value nothing:

    • nothing: Use the standard orientation.
    • :x: The noise space will be re-oriented with the Y axis pointing down the main diagonal to improve visual isotropy.
    • :xy: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XY plane.
    • :xz: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XZ plane.
    • :xyz: Re-orient the noise space to be better suited for time-varied animations, where the W axis is time.
opensimplex2s_2d(; seed=nothing, orient=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensional OpenSimplex2S noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • orient: Either the symbol :x or the value nothing:

    • nothing: Use the standard orientation.
    • :x: The noise space will be re-oriented with the Y axis pointing down the main diagonal to improve visual isotropy.
opensimplex2s_3d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false, orient=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensional OpenSimplex2S noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

  • orient: Either the symbol :x or the value nothing:

    • nothing: Use the standard orientation.
    • :x: The noise space will be re-oriented with the Y axis pointing down the main diagonal to improve visual isotropy.
    • :xy: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XY plane.
    • :xz: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XZ plane.
opensimplex2s_4d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false, orient=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensional OpenSimplex2S noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or

nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

  • orient: Either the symbol :x or the value nothing:

    • nothing: Use the standard orientation.
    • :x: The noise space will be re-oriented with the Y axis pointing down the main diagonal to improve visual isotropy.
    • :xy: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XY plane.
    • :xz: Re-orient the noise space to have better visual isotropy in the XZ plane.
    • :xyz: Re-orient the noise space to be better suited for time-varied animations, where the W axis is time.
opensimplex_2d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensional legacy OpenSimplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

See also:

opensimplex_3d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensional legacy OpenSimplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

See also:

opensimplex_4d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensional legacy OpenSimplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

See also:

perlin_1d(; seed=nothing)
perlin_improved_1d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 1-dimensional Perlin "Improved" noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.


  • perlin_improved_1d is deprecated and will be removed in favor of perlin_1d in a future major version release.

  • It is strongly recommended not to use this function for quality noise; the results will be very regular. There are many tricks people have done to combat this issue, but they all have trade-offs that are not worth the burden.

    The recommended alternatives are to either use simplex_1d, or use perlin_3d with 2 of the coordinates fixed, and not close to 0.0, 0.5, or 1.0.

perlin_2d(; seed=nothing)
perlin_improved_2d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensional Perlin "Improved" noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.


  • perlin_improved_2d is deprecated and will be removed in favor of perlin_2d in a future major version release.
perlin_3d(; seed=nothing)
perlin_improved_3d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensional Perlin "Improved" noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.


  • perlin_improved_3d is deprecated and will be removed in favor of perlin_3d in a future major version release.
perlin_4d(; seed=nothing)
perlin_improved_4d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensional Perlin "Improved" noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.


  • perlin_improved_4d is deprecated and will be removed in favor of perlin_4d in a future major version release.
simplex_1d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 1-dimensional Perlin Simplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
simplex_2d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensional Perlin Simplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
simplex_3d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensional Perlin Simplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

simplex_4d(; seed=nothing, smooth=false)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensional Perlin Simplex noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • smooth: Specify whether to have continuous gradients. Simplex variants, even the original Simplex noise by Ken Perlin, overshoot the radial extent for the signal reconstruction kernel in order to improve the visual of the noise. Normally this is okay, especially if layering multiple octaves of the noise. However, in some applications, such as creating height or bump maps, this will produce discontinuities visually identified by jarring creases in the generated noise.

    This option changes the falloff in order to produce smooth continuous noise, however, the resulting noise may look quite different than the non-smooth option, depending on the Simplex variant.

    The default value is false, in order to be true to the original implementation.

value_1d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 1-dimensonal value noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_2d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensonal value noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_3d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensonal value noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_4d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensonal value noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_cubic_1d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 1-dimensonal value cubic noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_cubic_2d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensonal value cubic noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_cubic_3d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensonal value cubic noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
value_cubic_4d(; seed=nothing)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensonal value cubic noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.
worley_1d(; seed=nothing, jitter=1.0, output=:f1)

Construct a sampler that outputs 1-dimensional Worley noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • jitter: A Real number between 0.0 and 1.0, with values closer to one randomly distributing cells away from their grid alignment.

  • output: One of the following symbols:

    • :f1: Calculate the distance to the nearest cell as the output.
    • :f2: Calculate the distance to the second-nearest cell as the output.
    • :+: Calculate :f1 + :f2 as the output.
    • :-: Calculate :f2 - :f1 as the output.
    • :*: Calculate :f1 * :f2 as the output.
    • :/: Calculate :f1 / :f2 as the output.
    • :value: Use the cell's hash value as the output.
worley_2d(; seed=nothing, jitter=1.0, output=:f1, metric=:euclidean)

Construct a sampler that outputs 2-dimensional Worley noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • jitter: A Real number between 0.0 and 1.0, with values closer to one randomly distributing cells away from their grid alignment.

  • output: One of the following symbols:

    • :f1: Calculate the distance to the nearest cell as the output.
    • :f2: Calculate the distance to the second-nearest cell as the output.
    • :+: Calculate :f1 + :f2 as the output.
    • :-: Calculate :f2 - :f1 as the output.
    • :*: Calculate :f1 * :f2 as the output.
    • :/: Calculate :f1 / :f2 as the output.
    • :value: Use the cell's hash value as the output.
  • metric: One of the following symbols:

    • :manhattan: Use the Manhattan distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^0$).
    • :euclidean: Use the Euclidean distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^1$).
    • :euclidean²: Same as :euclidean but slighter faster due to no $\sqrt{}$.
    • :minkowski4: Use Minkowski metric with $p = 2^4$ for the distance to the next cell.
    • :chebyshev: Use the Chebyshev distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^\infty$).
worley_3d(; seed=nothing, jitter=1.0, output=:f1, metric=:euclidean)

Construct a sampler that outputs 3-dimensional Worley noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • jitter: A Real number between 0.0 and 1.0, with values closer to one randomly distributing cells away from their grid alignment.

  • output: One of the following symbols:

    • :f1: Calculate the distance to the nearest cell as the output.
    • :f2: Calculate the distance to the second-nearest cell as the output.
    • :+: Calculate :f1 + :f2 as the output.
    • :-: Calculate :f2 - :f1 as the output.
    • :*: Calculate :f1 * :f2 as the output.
    • :/: Calculate :f1 / :f2 as the output.
    • :value: Use the cell's hash value as the output.
  • metric: One of the following symbols:

    • :manhattan: Use the Manhattan distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^0$).
    • :euclidean: Use the Euclidean distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^1$).
    • :euclidean²: Same as :euclidean but slighter faster due to no $\sqrt{}$.
    • :minkowski4: Use Minkowski metric with $p = 2^4$ for the distance to the next cell.
    • :chebyshev: Use the Chebyshev distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^\infty$).
worley_4d(; seed=nothing, jitter=1.0, output=:f1, metric=:euclidean)

Construct a sampler that outputs 4-dimensional Worley noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • jitter: A Real number between 0.0 and 1.0, with values closer to one randomly distributing cells away from their grid alignment.

  • output: One of the following symbols:

    • :f1: Calculate the distance to the nearest cell as the output.
    • :f2: Calculate the distance to the second-nearest cell as the output.
    • :+: Calculate :f1 + :f2 as the output.
    • :-: Calculate :f2 - :f1 as the output.
    • :*: Calculate :f1 * :f2 as the output.
    • :/: Calculate :f1 / :f2 as the output.
    • :value: Use the cell's hash value as the output.
  • metric: One of the following symbols:

    • :manhattan: Use the Manhattan distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^0$).
    • :euclidean: Use the Euclidean distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^1$).
    • :euclidean²: Same as :euclidean but slighter faster due to no $\sqrt{}$.
    • :minkowski4: Use Minkowski metric with $p = 2^4$ for the distance to the next cell.
    • :chebyshev: Use the Chebyshev distance to the next cell (Minkowski metric $p = 2^\infty$).
billow_fractal_1d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 1-dimensional billow fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=simplex_1d(): A 1-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

billow_fractal_2d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 2-dimensional billow fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_2d(): A 2-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

billow_fractal_3d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 3-dimensional billow fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_3d(): A 3-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

billow_fractal_4d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 4-dimensional billow fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_4d(): A 4-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

fbm_fractal_1d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 1-dimensional fractional Brownian motion fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=simplex_1d(): A 1-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

fbm_fractal_2d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 2-dimensional fractional Brownian motion fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2_2d(): A 2-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

fbm_fractal_3d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 3-dimensional fractional Brownian motion fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2_3d(): A 3-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

fbm_fractal_4d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 4-dimensional fractional Brownian motion fractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2_4d(): A 4-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

hybrid_fractal_1d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 1-dimensional hybrid multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=simplex_1d(): A 1-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.25: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

hybrid_fractal_2d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 2-dimensional hybrid multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_2d(): A 2-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.25: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

hybrid_fractal_3d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 3-dimensional hybrid multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_3d(): A 3-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.25: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

hybrid_fractal_4d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 4-dimensional hybrid multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_4d(): A 4-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.25: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

multi_fractal_1d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 1-dimensional multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=simplex_1d(): A 1-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

multi_fractal_2d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 2-dimensional multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_2d(): A 2-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

multi_fractal_3d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 3-dimensional multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_3d(): A 3-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

multi_fractal_4d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 4-dimensional multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_4d(): A 4-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=0.5: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

ridged_fractal_1d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 1-dimensional ridged multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=simplex_1d(): A 1-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=1.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

  • attenuation=2.0: The attenuation to apply to the weight of each octave.

ridged_fractal_2d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 2-dimensional ridged multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_2d(): A 2-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=1.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

  • attenuation=2.0: The attenuation to apply to the weight of each octave.

ridged_fractal_3d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 3-dimensional ridged multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_3d(): A 3-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=1.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

  • attenuation=2.0: The attenuation to apply to the weight of each octave.

ridged_fractal_4d(; kwargs...)

Construct a sampler that outputs a 4-dimensional ridged multifractal noise when it is sampled from.


  • seed: An unsigned integer used to seed the random number generator for this sampler, or nothing for non-deterministic results.

  • source::AbstractSampler=opensimplex2s_4d(): A 4-dimensional sampler instance to use as the source of the fractal.

  • octaves=4: An integer between 1 and 32, denoting the number of octaves to apply.

  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the first octave's signal.

  • lacunarity=2.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for successive octaves.

  • persistence=1.0: A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitude diminishes for successive octaves.

  • attenuation=2.0: The attenuation to apply to the weight of each octave.

*(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the product of the outputs samplers x and y.

*(x::AbstractSampler, y::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the product of the output of sampler x by the scalar y.

+(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the sum of the outputs of samplers x and y.

+(x::AbstractSampler, y::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the sum of the output of sampler x and the scalar y.

-(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the difference of the outputs of samplers x and y.

-(x::AbstractSampler, y::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the difference of the output of sampler x and the scalar y.


Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the negated output of sampler x.

/(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that performs division of the output of sampler x by the output of sampler y.

/(x::AbstractSampler, y::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that performs division of the output of sampler x by the scalar y.

^(x::AbstractSampler, y::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that raises the output of sampler x to the power of the scalar y.

clamp(x::AbstractSampler, lo::AbstractSampler, hi::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that clamps the output of sampler x to be within the range of of output values from samplers lo and hi.

clamp(x::AbstractSampler, lo=-1.0, hi=1.0)

Construct a modifier sampler that clamps the output of sampler x to be within the range of of the scalars lo and hi.


Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the absolute value of its source when it is sampled from.

copysign(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the value of sampling from x with the sign copied from the value of sampling from y.

max(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the maximum value of the outputs of sampling from samplers x and y.

min(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the minimum value of the outputs of sampling from samplers x and y.

muladd(x::AbstractSampler, strength=1.0, bias=0.0)

Construct a modifier sampler that performs multiplies the output of sampler x by the scalar strength, followed by adding the scalar bias. sampler y.


Construct a modifier sampler that caches the set of the input coordinates and their corresponding output value of its source sampler. If the input coordinates differs from the previously cached output, the cache is invalidated and the new output is cached.

Caching is useful if a sampler is used as a source for multiple modifiers. Without caching, the duplicated input sources would redundantly compute the same outputs, which would be expensive, especially if long pipelines share a long subgraph.

curve(x::AbstractSampler, points::Vector{Pair{Float64,Float64}})

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the result of sampling from x after remapping its output to an arbitrary curve.

The curve is defined by a Vector of Pairs given by points. Each pair of points represents an input and output number. The curve is a cubic spline, and so points must contain a list of four point pairs at a minimum. Additionally, no two point pairs can contain the same input point value.

When sampling from sampler x, the output is evaluated using the curve data, and maps it to a new output value.

mix(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler, t::AbstractSampler)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the result of linearly interpolating the output of samplers x and y by the output of sampler t.

mix(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler, t::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the result of linearly interpolating the output of samplers x and y by the scalar t.

rotate(source::AbstractSampler; x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)

Construct a modifier sampler that rotates the input coordinates of sampler source around the origin before sampling from it.

The coordinate system is assumed to be left-handed.

The angle of rotation is specified in radians for the corresponding axis given by x, y, and z.

scale(source::AbstractSampler, scale::Real)

Construct a modifier sampler that uniformly scales the input coordinates of sampler source by the scalar scale before sampling from it.

scale(source::AbstractSampler; x=1.0, y=1.0, z=1.0, w=1.0)

Construct a modifier sampler that scales the input coordinates of sampler source before sampling from it.

Each axis can be scaled independently with x, y, z, or w.

select(x::AbstractSampler, y::AbstractSampler; kwargs...)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs either the out of sampler x or y, depending on the output of sampler z.

If the output of sampler z is within the range denoted by min and max, the output of sampler y is chosen. If the output of sampler z is outside of this range, the output of sampler x is chosen.


  • min: A real number between -1.0 and 1.0 defining the lower bound of the selection range.

  • max: A real number between -1.0 and 1.0 defining the upper bound of the selection range.

  • falloff: A real number between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying the smoothness of the transition.

terrace(x::AbstractSampler, points::Vector{Pair{Float64,Float64}}; invert=false)

Construct a modifier sampler that outputs the result of sampling from x after remapping its output to a terrace-forming curve.

The curve is defined by a Vector of Float64s given by points. Each point represents an input and output number.

When sampling from sampler x, the output is evaluated using the curve data, and maps it to a new output value.


  • invert: Specify whether the curve is inverted between control points.
translate(source::AbstractSampler; x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, w=0.0)

Construct a modifier sampler that translates the input coordinates of sampler source along a specified vector, with a direction and magnitude given by the coordinates x, y, z, and w.

turbulence(s1::AbstractSampler; s2::AbstractSampler; kwargs...)

Construct a modifier sampler that displaces the input coordinates of sampler s1 by the output of sampler s2 with a fractional Brownian motion fractal applied to it.

Sampler s2's input coordinates are randomly generated using the seed of sampler s1.


  • frequency=1.0: The frequency of the fractal signal to apply to sampler s2.

  • roughness=3: The number of octaves of the fractal to apply to sampler s2.

  • power=1.0: A scaling factor that is applied to the displaced result before sampling from sampler s1.

warp(source::AbstractSampler; kwargs...)

Construct a modifier sampler that performs domain warping of the sampler source before sampling from it.

Domain warping feeds the output of other samplers to the input of a sampler. For this modifier, each input coordinate can specify a different sampler to warp with.

If a sampler is not supplied for x, y, z, or w, a sampler that outputs a constant zero will be used instead.


  • x::AbstractSampler=constant_1d(): A sampler to warp the X axis by.

  • y::AbstractSampler=constant_1d(): A sampler to warp the Y axis by.

  • z::AbstractSampler=constant_1d(): A sampler to warp the Z axis by.

  • w::AbstractSampler=constant_1d(): A sampler to warp the W axis by.