
Conductor.jl is a WIP. If the idea of a Julia-based neuronal network simulator engine sounds exciting to you, please feel free to reach out

Conductor.jl aims to be a platform for quickly and flexibly building high-performance, multi-scale neuronal network models in Julia. Under the hood it's being built on top of ModelingToolkit.jl--so all the tools available in the SciML and DiffEq ecosystem are (or soon will be) useable and composable with the neuronal models built here.

To install, I recommend cloning this repository to an easily reachable location, and adding the directory via the package manager:

git clone

# From Julia REPL
using Pkg; Pkg.add("/path/to/Conductor.jl")

While Conductor.jl is still in early development, you can get a feel for what's going on by looking in the demo directory of this repository:

# From the Julia REPL
using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()

You should then be able to open and step through the various demo script examples.