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Implementations of Infinitesimal Continuous Normalizing Flows Algorithms in Julia


See CITATION.bib for the relevant reference(s).


To add this package, we can do it by

using Pkg

To use this package, here is an example:

using ContinuousNormalizingFlows
using Distributions, Lux
# using Flux
# using ForwardDiff, ADTypes
# using CUDA, ComputationalResources

# Parameters
nvars = 1
n = 1024

# Data
data_dist = Beta{Float32}(2.0f0, 4.0f0)
r = rand(data_dist, nvars, n)
r = convert.(Float32, r)

# Model
nn = Lux.Chain(Lux.Dense(nvars => 4 * nvars, tanh), Lux.Dense(4 * nvars => nvars, tanh)) # use Lux
# nn = Flux.Chain(Flux.Dense(nvars => 4 * nvars, tanh), Flux.Dense(4 * nvars => nvars, tanh)) |> FluxCompatLayer # use Flux

icnf = construct(RNODE, nn, nvars; tspan = (0.0f0, 32.0f0)) # process data one by one
# icnf = construct(RNODE, nn, nvars; compute_mode = ZygoteMatrixMode) # process data in batches
# icnf = construct(RNODE, nn, nvars; array_type = CuArray) # process data by GPU

# Train It
using DataFrames, MLJBase
df = DataFrame(transpose(r), :auto)
model = ICNFModel(icnf; n_epochs = 300, batch_size = 32) # use Zygote
# model = ICNFModel(icnf; adtype = AutoForwardDiff()) # use ForwardDiff
# model = ICNFModel(icnf; resource = CUDALibs()) # use GPU
mach = machine(model, df)
ps, st = fitted_params(mach)

# Use It
d = ICNFDist(icnf, TestMode(), ps, st) # direct way
# d = ICNFDist(icnf, mach, TestMode()) # alternative way
actual_pdf = pdf.(data_dist, vec(r))
estimated_pdf = pdf(d, r)
new_data = rand(d, n)

# Evaluate It
using Distances
mad_ = meanad(estimated_pdf, actual_pdf)
msd_ = msd(estimated_pdf, actual_pdf)
tv_dis = totalvariation(estimated_pdf, actual_pdf) / n

# Plot It
using Plots
p = plot(x -> pdf(data_dist, x), 0, 1; label = "actual")
p = plot!(p, x -> pdf(d, convert.(Float32, vcat(x))), 0, 1; label = "estimated")
savefig(p, "plot.png")