BodemagWorkspace(sys::LTISystem, N::Int)
BodemagWorkspace(sys::LTISystem, ω::AbstractVector)
BodemagWorkspace(R::Array{Complex{T}, 3}, mag::Array{T, 3})
BodemagWorkspace{T}(ny, nu, N)

Genereate a workspace object for use with the in-place function bodemag!. N is the number of frequency points, alternatively, the input ω can be provided instead of N. Note: for threaded applications, create one workspace object per thread.


  • mag: The output array ∈ 𝐑(ny, nu, nω)
  • R: Frequency-response array ∈ 𝐂(ny, nu, nω)
struct DelayLtiSystem{T, S <: Real} <: LTISystem

Represents an LTISystem with internal time-delay. See ?delay for a convenience constructor.

DelayLtiSystem{T, S}(sys::StateSpace, Tau::AbstractVector{S}=Float64[]) where {T <: Number, S <: Real}

Create a delayed system by speciying both the system and time-delay vector. NOTE: if you want to create a system with simple input or output delays, use the Function delay(τ).

struct HammersteinWienerSystem{T} <: LTISystem

Represents an LTISystem with element-wise static nonlinearities at the inputs and outputs. See ?nonlinearity for a convenience constructor. NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.

 y◄───┤         │◄────u
      │    P    │
Δy┌───┤         │◄───┐Δu
  │   └─────────┘    │
  │      ┌───┐       │
  └─────►│ f ├───────┘
LsimWorkspace(sys::AbstractStateSpace, N::Int)
LsimWorkspace(sys::AbstractStateSpace, u::AbstractMatrix)
LsimWorkspace{T}(ny, nu, nx, N)

Genereate a workspace object for use with the in-place function lsim!. sys is the discrete-time system to be simulated and N is the number of time steps, alternatively, the input u can be provided instead of N. Note: for threaded applications, create one workspace object per thread.


A StateSpace model with a partioning imposed according to

A | B1 B2 ——— ———————— C1 | D11 D12 C2 | D21 D22

It corresponds to partioned input and output signals u = [u1 u2]^T y = [y1 y2]^T

RootLocusResult{T} <: AbstractResult

Result structure containing the result of the root locus using rlocus. The structure can be plotted using

result = rlocus(...)
plot(result; plotu=true, plotx=false)?

and destructured like

roots, Z, K = result


  • roots::Tr
  • Z::Tz
  • K::Tk
  • sys::Ts
SimResult{Ty, Tt, Tx, Tu, Ts} <: AbstractSimResult

Result structure containing the results of time-domain simulations using lsim, step, impulse. The structure can be plotted using

result = lsim(...)
plot(result, plotu=true, plotx=false)

and destructured like

y, t, x, u = result


  • y::Ty
  • t::Tt
  • x::Tx
  • u::Tu
  • sys::Ts
StateSpace{TE, T} <: AbstractStateSpace{TE}

An object representing a standard state space system.

See the function ss for a user facing constructor as well as the documentation page creating systems.


  • A::Matrix{T}
  • B::Matrix{T}
  • C::Matrix{T}
  • D::Matrix{T}
  • timeevol::TE

Return a HeteroStateSpace where the system matrices are of type SMatrix.

NOTE: This function is fundamentally type unstable. For maximum performance, create the static system manually, or make use of the function-barrier technique.


Computed using stepinfo


  • y0: The initial value of the step response.
  • yf: The final value of the step response.
  • stepsize: The size of the step.
  • peak: The peak value of the step response.
  • peaktime: The time at which the peak occurs.
  • overshoot: The overshoot of the step response.
  • settlingtime: The time at which the step response has settled to within settling_th of the final value.
  • settlingtimeind::Int: The index at which the step response has settled to within settling_th of the final value.
  • risetime: The time at which the response rises from risetime_th[1] to risetime_th[2] of the final value
  • i10::Int: The index at which the response reaches risetime_th[1]
  • i90::Int: The index at which the response reaches risetime_th[2]
  • res::SimResult{SR}: The simulation result used to compute the step response characteristics.
  • settling_th: The threshold used to compute settlingtime and settlingtimeind.
  • risetime_th: The thresholds used to compute risetime, i10, and i90.

F(s), F(omega, true), F(z, false)

Notation for frequency response evaluation.

  • F(s) evaluates the continuous-time transfer function F at s.
  • F(omega,true) evaluates the discrete-time transfer function F at exp(imTsomega)
  • F(z,false) evaluates the discrete-time transfer function F at z
Series connection of partioned StateSpace systems.

Create a time delay of length tau with exp(-τ*s) where s=tf("s") and τ > 0.

See also: delay which is arguably more conenient than this function.

y, t, x = step(sys[, tfinal])
y, t, x = step(sys[, t])

Calculate the step response of system sys. If the final time tfinal or time vector t is not provided, one is calculated based on the system pole locations. The return value is a structure of type SimResult that can be plotted or destructured as y, t, x = result.

y has size (ny, length(t), nu), x has size (nx, length(t), nu)

See also stepinfo and lsim.

G_CS(P, C)

The closed-loop transfer function from (-) measurement noise or (+) reference to control signal. Technically, the transfer function is given by (1 + CP)⁻¹C so SC would be a better, but nonstandard name.

         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C
G_PS(P, C)

The closed-loop transfer function from load disturbance to plant output. Technically, the transfer function is given by (1 + PC)⁻¹P so SP would be a better, but nonstandard name.

         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C

Typically LAPACK returns a vector with, e.g., eigenvalues to a real matrix, they are paired up in exact conjugate pairs. This fact is used in some places for working with zpk representations of LTI systems. eigvals(A) returns a on this form, however, for generalized eigenvalues there is a small numerical discrepancy, which breaks some functions. This function fixes small discrepancies in the conjugate pairs.

p2 = _linscale(p::Polynomial, a)

Given a polynomial p and a number a, returns the polynomialsp2such thatp2(s) == p(a*s)`.


Heurisitc function that tries to add parentheses when printing the coeffcient for systems on zpk form. Should at least handle the following types Measurment, Dual, Sym.

_processfreqplot(plottype, system::LTISystem, [w])
_processfreqplot(plottype, system::AbstractVector{<:LTISystem}, [w])

Calculate default frequency vector and put system in array of not already array. plottype is one of Val{:bode}, Val{:nyquist}, ... for which _default_freq_vector is defined. Check that system dimensions are compatible.


This is a helper function to make multiple series into one series separated by Inf. This makes plotting vastly more efficient. It's also useful to make many lines appear as a single series with a single legend entry.

add_input(sys::AbstractStateSpace, B2::AbstractArray, D2 = 0)

Add inputs to sys by forming

\[x' = Ax + [B \; B_2]u y = Cx + [D \; D_2]u\]

If B2 is an integer it will be interpreted as an index and an input matrix containing a single 1 at the specified index will be used.

Example: The following example forms an innovation model that takes innovations as inputs

G   = ssrand(2,2,3, Ts=1)
K   = kalman(G, I(G.nx), I(G.ny))
sys = add_input(G, K)
add_output(sys::AbstractStateSpace, C2::AbstractArray, D2 = 0)

Add outputs to sys by forming

\[x' = Ax + Bu y = [C; C_2]x + [D; D_2]u\]

If C2 is an integer it will be interpreted as an index and an output matrix containing a single 1 at the specified index will be used.

append(systems::StateSpace...), append(systems::TransferFunction...)

Append systems in block diagonal form

are(::Continuous, A, B, Q, R)

Compute 'X', the solution to the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation, defined as A'X + XA - (XB)R^-1(B'X) + Q = 0, where R is non-singular.

In an LQR problem, Q is associated with the state penalty $x'Qx$ while R is associated with the control penalty $u'Ru$. See lqr for more details.

Uses MatrixEquations.arec. For keyword arguments, see the docstring of ControlSystemsBase.MatrixEquations.arec, note that they define the input arguments in a different order.

are(::Discrete, A, B, Q, R; kwargs...)

Compute X, the solution to the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation, defined as A'XA - X - (A'XB)(B'XB + R)^-1(B'XA) + Q = 0, where Q>=0 and R>0

In an LQR problem, Q is associated with the state penalty $x'Qx$ while R is associated with the control penalty $u'Ru$. See lqr for more details.

Uses MatrixEquations.ared. For keyword arguments, see the docstring of ControlSystemsBase.MatrixEquations.ared, note that they define the input arguments in a different order.

S, P, B = balance(A[, perm=true])

Compute a similarity transform T = S*P resulting in B = T\A*T such that the row and column norms of B are approximately equivalent. If perm=false, the transformation will only scale A using diagonal S, and not permute A (i.e., set P=I).

A, B, C, T = balance_statespace{S}(A::Matrix{S}, B::Matrix{S}, C::Matrix{S}, perm::Bool=false)
sys, T = balance_statespace(sys::StateSpace, perm::Bool=false)

Computes a balancing transformation T that attempts to scale the system so that the row and column norms of [TA/T TB; C/T 0] are approximately equal. If perm=true, the states in A are allowed to be reordered.

The inverse of sysb, T = balance_statespace(sys) is given by similarity_transform(sysb, T)

This is not the same as finding a balanced realization with equal and diagonal observability and reachability gramians, see balreal


T = balance_transform{R}(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray, C::AbstractArray, perm::Bool=false)

T = balance_transform(sys::StateSpace, perm::Bool=false) = balance_transform(A,B,C,perm)

Computes a balancing transformation T that attempts to scale the system so that the row and column norms of [TA/T TB; C/T 0] are approximately equal. If perm=true, the states in A are allowed to be reordered.

This is not the same as finding a balanced realization with equal and diagonal observability and reachability gramians, see balreal See also balance_statespace, balance


sysr, G, T = balreal(sys::StateSpace)

Calculates a balanced realization of the system sys, such that the observability and reachability gramians of the balanced system are equal and diagonal diagm(G). T is the similarity transform between the old state x and the new state z such that Tz = x.

See also gram, baltrunc.

Reference: Varga A., Balancing-free square-root algorithm for computing singular perturbation approximations.

sysr, G, T = baltrunc(sys::StateSpace; atol = √ϵ, rtol=1e-3, n = nothing, residual = false)

Reduces the state dimension by calculating a balanced realization of the system sys, such that the observability and reachability gramians of the balanced system are equal and diagonal diagm(G), and truncating it to order n. If n is not provided, it's chosen such that all states corresponding to singular values less than atol and less that rtol σmax are removed.

T is the similarity transform between the old state x and the newstate z such that Tz = x.

If residual = true, matched static gain is achieved through "residualization", i.e., setting

\[0 = A_{21}x_{1} + A_{22}x_{2} + B_{2}u\]

where indices 1/2 correspond to the remaining/truncated states respectively.

See also gram, balreal

Glad, Ljung, Reglerteori: Flervariabla och Olinjära metoder.

For more advanced model reduction, see RobustAndOptimalControl.jl - Model Reduction.

Extended help

Note: Gramian computations are sensitive to input-output scaling. For the result of a numerical balancing, gramian computation or truncation of MIMO systems to be meaningful, the inputs and outputs of the system must thusbe scaled in a meaningful way. A common (but not the only) approach is:

  • The outputs are scaled such that the maximum allowed control error, the maximum expected reference variation, or the maximum expected variation, is unity.
  • The input variables are scaled to have magnitude one. This is done by dividing each variable by its maximum expected or allowed change, i.e., $u_{scaled} = u / u_{max}$

Without such scaling, the result of balancing will depend on the units used to measure the input and output signals, e.g., a change of unit for one output from meter to millimeter will make this output 1000x more important.

mag, phase, w = bode(sys[, w]; unwrap=true)

Compute the magnitude and phase parts of the frequency response of system sys at frequencies w. See also bodeplot

mag and phase has size (ny, nu, length(w)). If unwrap is true (default), the function unwrap! will be applied to the phase angles. This procedure is costly and can be avoided if the unwrapping is not required.

For higher performance, see the function bodemag! that computes the magnitude only.

mag = bodemag!(ws::BodemagWorkspace, sys::LTISystem, w::AbstractVector)

Compute the Bode magnitude operating in-place on an instance of BodemagWorkspace. Note that the returned magnitude array is aliased with ws.mag. The output array mag is ∈ 𝐑(ny, nu, nω).

fig = bodeplot(sys, args...)
bodeplot(LTISystem[sys1, sys2...], args...; plotphase=true, balance = true, kwargs...)

Create a Bode plot of the LTISystem(s). A frequency vector w can be optionally provided. To change the Magnitude scale see setPlotScale. The default magnitude scale is "log10" (absolute scale).

  • If hz=true, the plot x-axis will be displayed in Hertz, the input frequency vector is still treated as rad/s.
  • balance: Call balance_statespace on the system before plotting.

kwargs is sent as argument to RecipesBase.plot.


bodev(sys::LTISystem, w::AbstractVector; $(Expr(:kw, :unwrap, true)))

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as bode but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


bodev(sys::LTISystem; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as bode but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.

sysd = c2d(sys::AbstractStateSpace{<:Continuous}, Ts, method=:zoh; w_prewarp=0)
Gd = c2d(G::TransferFunction{<:Continuous}, Ts, method=:zoh)

Convert the continuous-time system sys into a discrete-time system with sample time Ts, using the specified method (:zoh, :foh, :fwdeuler or :tustin). Note that the forward-Euler method generally requires the sample time to be very small relative to the time constants of the system.

method = :tustin performs a bilinear transform with prewarp frequency w_prewarp.

  • w_prewarp: Frequency (rad/s) for pre-warping when usingthe Tustin method, has no effect for other methods.

See also c2d_x0map

c2d_poly2poly(ro, Ts)

returns the polynomial coefficients in discrete time given polynomial coefficients in continuous time

sysd, x0map = c2d_x0map(sys::AbstractStateSpace{<:Continuous}, Ts, method=:zoh; w_prewarp=0)

Returns the discretization sysd of the system sys and a matrix x0map that transforms the initial conditions to the discrete domain by x0_discrete = x0map*[x0; u0]

See c2d for further details.


Implements: "An accurate and efficient algorithm for the computation of thecharacteristic polynomial of a general square matrix."


See output_comp_sensitivity

         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C
param_p, param_i, param_d = convert_pidparams_from_standard(Kp, Ti, Td, form)

Convert parameters to form form from :standard form.

The form can be chosen as one of the following

  • :standard - $K_p(1 + 1/(T_i s) + T_ds)$
  • :series - $K_c(1 + 1/(τ_i s))(τ_d s + 1)$
  • :parallel - $K_p + K_i/s + K_d s$
Kp, Ti, Td = convert_pidparams_to_standard(param_p, param_i, param_d, form)

Convert parameters from form form to :standard form.

The form can be chosen as one of the following

  • :standard - $K_p(1 + 1/(T_i s) + T_ds)$
  • :series - $K_c(1 + 1/(τ_i s))(τ_d s + 1)$
  • :parallel - $K_p + K_i/s + K_d s$
P = covar(sys, W)

Calculate the stationary covariance P = E[y(t)y(t)'] of the output y of a StateSpace model sys driven by white Gaussian noise w with covariance E[w(t)w(τ)]=W*δ(t-τ) (δ is the Dirac delta).

Remark: If sys is unstable then the resulting covariance is a matrix of Infs. Entries corresponding to direct feedthrough (DWD' .!= 0) will equal Inf for continuous-time systems.

ctrb(A, B)

Compute the controllability matrix for the system described by (A, B) or sys.

Note that checking for controllability by computing the rank from ctrb is not the most numerically accurate way, a better method is checking if gram(sys, :c) is positive definite.

d2c(sys::AbstractStateSpace{<:Discrete}, method::Symbol = :zoh; w_prewarp=0)

Convert discrete-time system to a continuous time system, assuming that the discrete-time system was discretized using method. Available methods are `:zoh, :fwdeuler´.

  • w_prewarp: Frequency for pre-warping when usingthe Tustin method, has no effect for other methods.
X,Y = dab(A,B,C)

Solves the Diophantine-Aryabhatta-Bezout identity

$AX + BY = C$, where $A, B, C, X$ and $Y$ are polynomials and $deg Y = deg A - 1$.

See Computer-Controlled Systems: Theory and Design, Third Edition Karl Johan Åström, Björn Wittenmark

Wn, zeta, ps = damp(sys)

Compute the natural frequencies, Wn, and damping ratios, zeta, of the poles, ps, of sys


Display a report of the poles, damping ratio, natural frequency, and time constant of the system sys

dcgain(sys, ϵ=0)

Compute the dcgain of system sys.

equal to G(0) for continuous-time systems and G(1) for discrete-time systems.

ϵ can be provided to evaluate the dcgain with a small perturbation into the stability region of the complex plane.

deadzone(lower, upper)

Create a dead-zone nonlinearity.

        │     /
        │    /
  lower │   /
─────|──┼──|───────► u
    /   │   upper
   /    │
  /     │

NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.

Note: when composing linear systems with nonlinearities, it's often important to handle operating points correctly. See ControlSystemsBase.offset for handling operating points.

delay(tau, Ts)
delay(T::Type{<:Number}, tau)
delay(T::Type{<:Number}, tau, Ts)

Create a pure time delay of length τ of type T.

The type T defaults to promote_type(Float64, typeof(tau)).

If Ts is given, the delay is discretized with sampling time Ts and a discrete-time StateSpace object is returned.


Create a LTI system with an input delay of L

L = 1
tf(1, [1, 1])*delay(L)
s = tf("s")
tf(1, [1, 1])*exp(-s*L) # Equivalent to the version above
delayd_ss(τ, Ts)

Discrete-time statespace realization of a delay τ sampled with period Ts, i.e. of z^-N where N = τ / Ts.

τ must be a multiple of Ts.

dₘ = delaymargin(G::LTISystem)

Return the delay margin, dₘ. For discrete-time systems, the delay margin is normalized by the sample time, i.e., the value represents the margin in number of sample times. Only supports SISO systems.


Compute the determinant of the Matrix sys of SisoTf systems, returns a SisoTf system.

evalfr(sys, x)

Evaluate the transfer function of the LTI system sys at the complex number s=x (continuous-time) or z=x (discrete-time).

For many values of x, use freqresp instead.

extended_gangoffour(P, C, pos=true)

Returns a single statespace system that maps

  • w1 reference or measurement noise
  • w2 load disturbance


  • z1 control error
  • z2 control input
      z1          z2
      ▲  ┌─────┐  ▲      ┌─────┐
      │  │     │  │      │     │
w1──+─┴─►│  C  ├──┴───+─►│  P  ├─┐
    │    │     │      │  │     │ │
    │    └─────┘      │  └─────┘ │
    │                 w2         │

The returned system has the transfer-function matrix

\[\begin{bmatrix} I \\ C \end{bmatrix} (I + PC)^{-1} \begin{bmatrix} I & P \end{bmatrix}\]

or in code

# For SISO P
S  = G[1, 1]
PS = G[1, 2]
CS = G[2, 1]
T  = G[2, 2]

# For MIMO P
S  = G[1:P.ny,]
PS = G[1:P.ny,     P.ny+1:end]
CS = G[P.ny+1:end, 1:P.ny]
T  = G[P.ny+1:end, P.ny+1:end] # Input complimentary sensitivity function

The gang of four can be plotted like so

Gcl = extended_gangoffour(G, C) # Form closed-loop system
bodeplot(Gcl, lab=["S" "CS" "PS" "T"], plotphase=false) |> display # Plot gang of four

Note, the last input of Gcl is the negative of the PS and T transfer functions from gangoffour2. To get a transfer matrix with the same sign as G_PS and input_comp_sensitivity, call extended_gangoffour(P, C, pos=false). See glover_mcfarlane from RobustAndOptimalControl.jl for an extended example. See also ncfmargin and feedback_control from RobustAndOptimalControl.jl.

f_lsim(dx, x, p, t)

Internal function: Dynamics equation for simulation of a linear system.


  • dx: State derivative vector written to in place.
  • x: State
  • p: is equal to (A, B, u) where u(x, t) returns the control input
  • t: Time
feedback(sys1::AbstractStateSpace, sys2::AbstractStateSpace;
         U1=:, Y1=:, U2=:, Y2=:, W1=:, Z1=:, W2=Int[], Z2=Int[],
         Wperm=:, Zperm=:, pos_feedback::Bool=false)

Basic use feedback(sys1, sys2) forms the (negative) feedback interconnection

◄──────────┤     sys1     │◄──── Σ ◄──────
    │      │              │      │
    │      └──────────────┘      -1
    │                            |
    │      ┌──────────────┐      │
    └─────►│     sys2     ├──────┘
           │              │

If no second system sys2 is given, negative identity feedback (sys2 = 1) is assumed.

Advanced use feedback also supports more flexible use according to the figure below

      z1◄─────┤     sys1     │◄──────w1
 ┌─── y1◄─────┤              │◄──────u1 ◄─┐
 │            └──────────────┘            │
 │                                        α
 │            ┌──────────────┐            │
 └──► u2─────►│     sys2     ├───────►y2──┘
      w2─────►│              ├───────►z2

U1, W1 specifies the indices of the input signals of sys1 corresponding to u1 and w1 Y1, Z1 specifies the indices of the output signals of sys1 corresponding to y1 and z1 U2, W2, Y2, Z2 specifies the corresponding signals of sys2

Specify Wperm and Zperm to reorder the inputs (corresponding to [w1; w2]) and outputs (corresponding to [z1; z2]) in the resulting statespace model.

Negative feedback (α = -1) is the default. Specify pos_feedback=true for positive feedback (α = 1).

See also lft, starprod, sensitivity, input_sensitivity, output_sensitivity, comp_sensitivity, input_comp_sensitivity, output_comp_sensitivity, G_PS, G_CS.

The manual section From block diagrams to code contains higher-level instructions on how to use this function.

See Zhou, Doyle, Glover (1996) for similar (somewhat less symmetric) formulas.

feedback(sys1, sys2)

For a general LTI-system, feedback forms the negative feedback interconnection

>-+ sys1 +-->
  |      |
 (-)sys2 +

If no second system is given, negative identity feedback is assumed

  • Return BT/(AR+ST) where B and A are the numerator and denomenator polynomials of P respectively
  • Return BT/(AR+ST)
feedback2dof(P::TransferFunction, C::TransferFunction, F::TransferFunction)

Return the transfer function P(F+C)/(1+PC) which is the closed-loop system with process P, controller C and feedforward filter F from reference to control signal (by-passing C).

         |       |
   +----->   F   +----+
   |     |       |    |
   |     +-------+    |
   |     +-------+    |    +-------+
r  |  -  |       |    |    |       |    y
+--+----->   C   +----+---->   P   +---+-->
      |  |       |         |       |   |
      |  +-------+         +-------+   |
      |                                |
freqresp!(R::Array{T, 3}, sys::LTISystem, w_vec::AbstractVector{<:Real})

In-place version of freqresp that takes a pre-allocated array R of size (ny, nu, nw)`


freqresp!v(R::Array{T, 3}, sys::AbstractStateSpace, w_vec::AbstractVector{W}; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as freqresp! but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.

sys_fr = freqresp(sys, w)

Evaluate the frequency response of a linear system

w -> C*((iw*im*I - A)^-1)*B + D

of system sys over the frequency vector w.

freqresp_nohess(sys::AbstractStateSpace, w_vec::AbstractVector{<:Real})

Compute the frequency response of sys without forming a Hessenberg factorization. This function is called automatically if the Hessenberg factorization fails.


freqresp_nohess!v(R::Array{T, 3}, sys::AbstractStateSpace, w_vec::AbstractVector{W}; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as freqresp_nohess! but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


freqresp_nohess!v(R::Array{T, 3}, sys::StaticStateSpace, w_vec::AbstractVector{W}; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as freqresp_nohess! but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


freqrespv(G::AbstractMatrix, w_vec::AbstractVector{<:Real}; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as freqresp but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


freqrespv(G::Number, w_vec::AbstractVector{<:Real}; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as freqresp but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


freqrespv(sys::LTISystem, w_vec::AbstractVector{W}; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as freqresp but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.

S, PS, CS, T = gangoffour(P, C; minimal=true)
gangoffour(P::AbstractVector, C::AbstractVector; minimal=true)

Given a transfer function describing the plant P and a transfer function describing the controller C, computes the four transfer functions in the Gang-of-Four.

  • S = 1/(1+PC) Sensitivity function
  • PS = (1+PC)\P Load disturbance to measurement signal
  • CS = (1+PC)\C Measurement noise to control signal
  • T = PC/(1+PC) Complementary sensitivity function

If minimal=true, minreal will be applied to all transfer functions.

fig = gangoffourplot(P::LTISystem, C::LTISystem; minimal=true, plotphase=false, Ms_lines = [1.0, 1.25, 1.5], Mt_lines = [], sigma = true, kwargs...)

Gang-of-Four plot.

sigma determines whether a sigmaplot is used instead of a bodeplot for MIMO S and T. kwargs are sent as argument to RecipesBase.plot.

S, PS, CS, T, RY, RU, RE = gangofseven(P,C,F)

Given transfer functions describing the Plant P, the controller C and a feed forward block F, computes the four transfer functions in the Gang-of-Four and the transferfunctions corresponding to the feed forward.

  • S = 1/(1+PC) Sensitivity function
  • PS = P/(1+PC)
  • CS = C/(1+PC)
  • T = PC/(1+PC) Complementary sensitivity function
  • RY = PCF/(1+PC)
  • RU = CF/(1+P*C)
  • RE = F/(1+P*C)
gram(sys, opt; kwargs...)

Compute the grammian of system sys. If opt is :c, computes the controllability grammian. If opt is :o, computes the observability grammian.

See also grampd For keyword arguments, see grampd.

Extended help

Note: Gramian computations are sensitive to input-output scaling. For the result of a numerical balancing, gramian computation or truncation of MIMO systems to be meaningful, the inputs and outputs of the system must thusbe scaled in a meaningful way. A common (but not the only) approach is:

  • The outputs are scaled such that the maximum allowed control error, the maximum expected reference variation, or the maximum expected variation, is unity.
  • The input variables are scaled to have magnitude one. This is done by dividing each variable by its maximum expected or allowed change, i.e., $u_{scaled} = u / u_{max}$

Without such scaling, the result of balancing will depend on the units used to measure the input and output signals, e.g., a change of unit for one output from meter to millimeter will make this output 1000x more important.

U = grampd(sys, opt; kwargs...)

Return a Cholesky factor U of the grammian of system sys. If opt is :c, computes the controllability grammian G = U*U'. If opt is :o, computes the observability grammian G = U'U.

Obtain a Cholesky object by Cholesky(U) for observability grammian

Uses MatrixEquations.plyapc/plyapd. For keyword arguments, see the docstring of ControlSystemsBase.MatrixEquations.plyapc/plyapd


Concatenate systems horizontally with same first ouput y1 being the sum second output y2 = [y21; y22, ...] and inputs u1 = [u11; u12, ...] u2 = [u21; u22, ...] for u1i, u2i, y1i, y2i, where i denotes system i

Ninf, ω_peak = hinfnorm(sys; tol=1e-6)

Compute the H∞ norm Ninf of the LTI system sys, together with a frequency ω_peak at which the gain Ninf is achieved.

Ninf := sup_ω σ_max[sys(iω)] if G is stable (σ_max = largest singular value) := Inf' ifG` is unstable

tol is an optional keyword argument for the desired relative accuracy for the computed H∞ norm (not an absolute certificate).

sys is first converted to a state space model if needed.

The continuous-time L∞ norm computation implements the 'two-step algorithm' in:
N.A. Bruinsma and M. Steinbuch, 'A fast algorithm to compute the H∞-norm of a transfer function matrix', Systems and Control Letters (1990), pp. 287-293.

For the discrete-time version, see:
P. Bongers, O. Bosgra, M. Steinbuch, 'L∞-norm calculation for generalized state space systems in continuous and discrete time', American Control Conference, 1991.

See also linfnorm.

y, t, x = impulse(sys[, tfinal])
y, t, x = impulse(sys[, t])

Calculate the impulse response of system sys. If the final time tfinal or time vector t is not provided, one is calculated based on the system pole locations. The return value is a structure of type SimResult that can be plotted or destructured as y, t, x = result.

y has size (ny, length(t), nu), x has size (nx, length(t), nu)

outs = index2range(ind1, ind2)

Helper function to convert indexes with scalars to ranges. Used to avoid dropping dimensions

sysi = innovation_form(sys, R1, R2[, R12])
sysi = innovation_form(sys; sysw=I, syse=I, R1=I, R2=I)

Takes a system

x' = Ax + Bu + w ~ R1
y  = Cx + Du + e ~ R2

and returns the system

x' = Ax + Kv
y  = Cx + v

where v is the innovation sequence.

If sysw (syse) is given, the covariance resulting in filtering noise with R1 (R2) through sysw (syse) is used as covariance.

See Stochastic Control, Chapter 4, Åström

sysi = innovation_form(sys, K)

Takes a system

x' = Ax + Bu + Kv
y  = Cx + Du + v

and returns the system

x' = Ax + Kv
y  = Cx + v

where v is the innovation sequence.

See Stochastic Control, Chapter 4, Åström


Transfer function from load disturbance to control signal.

  • "Input" signifies that the transfer function is from the input of the plant.
  • "Complimentary" signifies that the transfer function is to an output (in this case controller output)
         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C
input_names(P, i)

Get a vector of strings with the names of the inputs of P, or the i:th name if and index is given.

input_sensitivity(P, C)

Transfer function from load disturbance to total plant input.

  • "Input" signifies that the transfer function is from the input of the plant.
         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C

Returns true if the TransferFunction is proper. This means that order(den)

= order(num))

kalman(Continuous, A, C, R1, R2)
kalman(Discrete, A, C, R1, R2)
kalman(sys, R1, R2)

Calculate the optimal Kalman gain

The args...; kwargs... are sent to the Riccati solver, allowing specification of cross-covariance etc. See ?MatrixEquations.arec/ared for more help.

laglink(a, M; [Ts])

Returns a phase retarding link, the rule of thumb a = 0.1ωc guarantees less than 6 degrees phase margin loss. The bode curve will go from M, bend down at a/M and level out at 1 for frequencies > a

\[\dfrac{s + a}{s + a/M} = M \dfrac{1 + s/a}{1 + sM/a}\]

leadlink(b, N, K=1; [Ts])

Returns a phase advancing link, the top of the phase curve is located at ω = b√(N) where the link amplification is K√(N) The bode curve will go from K, bend up at b and level out at KN for frequencies > bN

The phase advance at ω = b√(N) can be plotted as a function of N with leadlinkcurve()

Values of N < 1 will give a phase retarding link.

\[KN \dfrac{s + b}{s + bN} = K \dfrac{1 + s/b}{1 + s/(bN)}\]

See also leadlinkat laglink

leadlinkat(ω, N, K=1; [Ts])

Returns a phase advancing link, the top of the phase curve is located at ω where the link amplification is K√(N) The bode curve will go from K, bend up at ω/√(N) and level out at KN for frequencies > ω√(N)

The phase advance at ω can be plotted as a function of N with leadlinkcurve()

Values of N < 1 will give a phase retarding link.

See also leadlink laglink


Plot the phase advance as a function of N for a lead link (phase advance link) If an input argument start is given, the curve is plotted from start to 10, else from 1 to 10.

See also leadlink, leadlinkat

lft(G, Δ, type=:l)

Lower and upper linear fractional transformation between systems G and Δ.

Specify :l lor lower LFT, and :u for upper LFT.

G must have more inputs and outputs than Δ has outputs and inputs.

For details, see Chapter 9.1 in Zhou, K. and JC Doyle. Essentials of robust control, Prentice hall (NJ), 1998

linearize(sys::HammersteinWienerSystem, Δy)

Linearize the nonlinear system sys around the operating point implied by the specified Δy

 y◄───┤         │◄────u
      │    P    │
Δy┌───┤         │◄───┐Δu
  │   └─────────┘    │
  │                  │
  │      ┌───┐       │
  │      │   │       │
  └─────►│ f ├───────┘
         │   │

NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.

Ninf, ω_peak = linfnorm(sys; tol=1e-6)

Compute the L∞ norm Ninf of the LTI system sys, together with a frequency ω_peak at which the gain Ninf is achieved.

Ninf := sup_ω σ_max[sys(iω)] (σ_max denotes the largest singular value)

tol is an optional keyword argument representing the desired relative accuracy for the computed L∞ norm (this is not an absolute certificate however).

sys is first converted to a state space model if needed.

The continuous-time L∞ norm computation implements the 'two-step algorithm' in:
N.A. Bruinsma and M. Steinbuch, 'A fast algorithm to compute the H∞-norm of a transfer function matrix', Systems and Control Letters (1990), pp. 287-293.

For the discrete-time version, see:
P. Bongers, O. Bosgra, M. Steinbuch, 'L∞-norm calculation for generalized state space systems in continuous and discrete time', American Control Conference, 1991.

See also hinfnorm.

C, kp, ki, fig, CF = loopshapingPI(P, ωp; ϕl, rl, phasemargin, form=:standard, doplot=false, Tf, F)

Selects the parameters of a PI-controller (on parallel form) such that the Nyquist curve of P at the frequency ωp is moved to rl exp(i ϕl)

The parameters can be returned as one of several common representations chosen by form, the options are

  • :standard - $K_p(1 + 1/(T_i s) + T_ds)$
  • :series - $K_c(1 + 1/(τ_i s))(τ_d s + 1)$
  • :parallel - $K_p + K_i/s + K_d s$

If phasemargin is supplied (in degrees), ϕl is selected such that the curve is moved to an angle of phasemargin - 180 degrees

If no rl is given, the magnitude of the curve at ωp is kept the same and only the phase is affected, the same goes for ϕl if no phasemargin is given.

  • Tf: An optional time constant for second-order measurement noise filter on the form tf(1, [Tf^2, 2*Tf/sqrt(2), 1]) to make the controller strictly proper.
  • F: A pre-designed filter to use instead of the default second-order filter that is used if Tf is given.
  • doplot plot the gangoffourplot and nyquistplot of the system.

See also loopshapingPID, pidplots, stabregionPID and placePI.

C, kp, ki, kd, fig, CF = loopshapingPID(P, ω; Mt = 1.3, ϕt=75, form=:standard, doplot=false, lb=-10, ub=10, Tf = 1/1000ω, F = nothing)

Selects the parameters of a PID-controller such that the Nyquist curve of the loop-transfer function $L = PC$ at the frequency ω is tangent to the circle where the magnitude of $T = PC / (1+PC)$ equals Mt. ϕt denotes the positive angle in degrees between the real axis and the tangent point.

The default values for Mt and ϕt are chosen to give a good design for processes with inertia, and may need tuning for simpler processes.

The gain of the resulting controller is generally increasing with increasing ω and Mt.


  • P: A SISO plant.
  • ω: The specification frequency.
  • Mt: The magnitude of the complementary sensitivity function at the specification frequency, $|T(iω)|$.
  • ϕt: The positive angle in degrees between the real axis and the tangent point.
  • doplot: If true, gang of four and Nyquist plots will be returned in fig.
  • lb: log10 of lower bound for kd.
  • ub: log10 of upper bound for kd.
  • Tf: Time constant for second-order measurement noise filter on the form tf(1, [Tf^2, 2*Tf/sqrt(2), 1]) to make the controller strictly proper. A practical controller typically sets this time constant slower than the default, e.g., Tf = 1/100ω or Tf = 1/10ω
  • F: A pre-designed filter to use instead of the default second-order filter.

The parameters can be returned as one of several common representations chosen by form, the options are

  • :standard - $K_p(1 + 1/(T_i s) + T_ds)$
  • :series - $K_c(1 + 1/(τ_i s))(τ_d s + 1)$
  • :parallel - $K_p + K_i/s + K_d s$

See also loopshapingPI, pidplots, stabregionPID and placePI.


P  = tf(1, [1,0,0]) # A double integrator
Mt = 1.3  # Maximum magnitude of complementary sensitivity
ω  = 1    # Frequency at which the specification holds
C, kp, ki, kd, fig, CF = loopshapingPID(P, ω; Mt, ϕt = 75, doplot=true)
lqr(sys, Q, R)
lqr(Continuous, A, B, Q, R, args...; kwargs...)
lqr(Discrete, A, B, Q, R, args...; kwargs...)

Calculate the optimal gain matrix K for the state-feedback law u = -K*x that minimizes the cost function:

J = integral(x'Qx + u'Ru, 0, inf) for the continuous-time model dx = Ax + Bu. J = sum(x'Qx + u'Ru, 0, inf) for the discrete-time model x[k+1] = Ax[k] + Bu[k].

Solve the LQR problem for state-space system sys. Works for both discrete and continuous time systems.

The args...; kwargs... are sent to the Riccati solver, allowing specification of cross-covariance etc. See ?MatrixEquations.arec / ared for more help.

To obtain also the solution to the Riccati equation and the eigenvalues of the closed-loop system as well, call ControlSystemsBase.MatrixEquations.arec / ared instead (note the different order of the arguments to these functions).


Continuous time

using LinearAlgebra # For identity matrix I
using Plots
A = [0 1; 0 0]
B = [0; 1]
C = [1 0]
sys = ss(A,B,C,0)
Q = I
R = I
L = lqr(sys,Q,R) # lqr(Continuous,A,B,Q,R) can also be used

u(x,t) = -L*x # Form control law,
x0 = [1,0]
y, t, x, uout = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
plot(t,x', lab=["Position" "Velocity"], xlabel="Time [s]")

Discrete time

using LinearAlgebra # For identity matrix I
using Plots
Ts = 0.1
A = [1 Ts; 0 1]
B = [0;1]
C = [1 0]
sys = ss(A, B, C, 0, Ts)
Q = I
R = I
L = lqr(Discrete, A,B,Q,R) # lqr(sys,Q,R) can also be used

u(x,t) = -L*x # Form control law,
x0 = [1,0]
y, t, x, uout = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
plot(t,x', lab=["Position"  "Velocity"], xlabel="Time [s]")
res = lsim!(ws::LsimWorkspace, sys::AbstractStateSpace{<:Discrete}, u, [t]; x0)

In-place version of lsim that takes a workspace object created by calling LsimWorkspace. Notice, if u is a function, res.u === ws.u. If u is an array, res.u === u.

result = lsim(sys, u[, t]; x0, method])
result = lsim(sys, u::Function, t; x0, method)

Calculate the time response of system sys to input u. If x0 is ommitted, a zero vector is used.

The result structure contains the fields y, t, x, u and can be destructured automatically by iteration, e.g.,

y, t, x, u = result

result::SimResult can also be plotted directly:

plot(result, plotu=true, plotx=false)

y, x, u have time in the second dimension. Initial state x0 defaults to zero.

Continuous-time systems are simulated using an ODE solver if u is a function (requires using ControlSystems). If u is an array, the system is discretized (with method=:zoh by default) before simulation. For a lower-level inteface, see ?Simulator and ?solve

u can be a function or a matrix of precalculated control signals and must have dimensions (nu, length(t)). If u is a function, then u(x,i) (for discrete systems) or u(x,t) (for continuos ones) is called to calculate the control signal at every iteration (time instance used by solver). This can be used to provide a control law such as state feedback u(x,t) = -L*x calculated by lqr. To simulate a unit step at t=t₀, use (x,t)-> t ≥ t₀, for a ramp, use (x,t)-> t, for a step at t=5, use (x,t)-> (t >= 5) etc.

Note: The function u will be called once before simulating to verify that it returns an array of the correct dimensions. This can cause problems if u is stateful. You can disable this check by passing check_u = false.

For maximum performance, see function lsim!, available for discrete-time systems only.

Usage example:

using ControlSystems
using LinearAlgebra: I
using Plots

A = [0 1; 0 0]
B = [0;1]
C = [1 0]
sys = ss(A,B,C,0)
Q = I
R = I
L = lqr(sys,Q,R)

u(x,t) = -L*x # Form control law
t  = 0:0.1:5
x0 = [1,0]
y, t, x, uout = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
plot(t,x', lab=["Position" "Velocity"], xlabel="Time [s]")

# Alternative way of plotting
res = lsim(sys,u,t,x0=x0)
ltitr(A, B, u[,x0])
ltitr(A, B, u::Function, iters[,x0])

Simulate the discrete time system x[k + 1] = A x[k] + B u[k], returning x. If x0 is not provided, a zero-vector is used.

The type of x0 determines the matrix structure of the returned result, e.g, x0 should prefereably not be a sparse vector.

If u is a function, then u(x,i) is called to calculate the control signal every iteration. This can be used to provide a control law such as state feedback u=-Lx calculated by lqr. In this case, an integrer iters must be provided that indicates the number of iterations.

wgm, gm, wpm, pm = margin(sys::LTISystem, w::Vector; full=false, allMargins=false)

returns frequencies for gain margins, gain margins, frequencies for phase margins, phase margins

If !allMargins, return only the smallest margin

If full return also fullPhase See also delaymargin and RobustAndOptimalControl.diskmargin

markovparam(sys, n)

Compute the nth markov parameter of discrete-time state-space system sys. This is defined as the following:

h(0) = D

h(n) = C*A^(n-1)*B

minreal(tf::TransferFunction, eps=sqrt(eps()))

Create a minimial representation of each transfer function in tf by cancelling poles and zeros will promote system to an appropriate numeric type

minreal(sys::T; fast=false, kwargs...)

Minimal realisation algorithm from P. Van Dooreen, The generalized eigenstructure problem in linear system theory, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

For information about the options, see ?ControlSystemsBase.MatrixPencils.lsminreal

See also sminreal, which is both numerically exact and substantially faster than minreal, but with a much more limited potential in removing non-minimal dynamics.

fig = nicholsplot{T<:LTISystem}(systems::Vector{T}, w::AbstractVector; kwargs...)

Create a Nichols plot of the LTISystem(s). A frequency vector w can be optionally provided.

Keyword arguments:

text = true
Gains = [12, 6, 3, 1, 0.5, -0.5, -1, -3, -6, -10, -20, -40, -60]
pInc = 30
sat = 0.4
val = 0.85
fontsize = 10

pInc determines the increment in degrees between phase lines.

sat ∈ [0,1] determines the saturation of the gain lines

val ∈ [0,1] determines the brightness of the gain lines

Additional keyword arguments are sent to the function plotting the systems and can be used to specify colors, line styles etc. using regular RecipesBase.jl syntax

This function is based on code subject to the two-clause BSD licence Copyright 2011 Will Robertson Copyright 2011 Philipp Allgeuer

nonlinearity(T, f)

Create a pure nonlinearity. f is assumed to be a static (no memory) nonlinear function from $f : R -> R$.

The type T defaults to Float64.

NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.


Create a LTI system with a static input nonlinearity that saturates the input to [-1,1].

tf(1, [1, 1])*nonlinearity(x->clamp(x, -1, 1))

See also predefined nonlinearities saturation, offset.

Note: when composing linear systems with nonlinearities, it's often important to handle operating points correctly. See ControlSystemsBase.offset for handling operating points.

re, im, w = nyquist(sys[, w])

Compute the real and imaginary parts of the frequency response of system sys at frequencies w. See also nyquistplot

re and im has size (ny, nu, length(w))

fig = nyquistplot(sys;                Ms_circles=Float64[], Mt_circles=Float64[], unit_circle=false, hz=false, critical_point=-1, kwargs...)
nyquistplot(LTISystem[sys1, sys2...]; Ms_circles=Float64[], Mt_circles=Float64[], unit_circle=false, hz=false, critical_point=-1, kwargs...)

Create a Nyquist plot of the LTISystem(s). A frequency vector w can be optionally provided.

  • unit_circle: if the unit circle should be displayed. The Nyquist curve crosses the unit circle at the gain corssover frequency.
  • Ms_circles: draw circles corresponding to given levels of sensitivity (circles around -1 with radii 1/Ms). Ms_circles can be supplied as a number or a vector of numbers. A design staying outside such a circle has a phase margin of at least 2asin(1/(2Ms)) rad and a gain margin of at least Ms/(Ms-1).
  • Mt_circles: draw circles corresponding to given levels of complementary sensitivity. Mt_circles can be supplied as a number or a vector of numbers.
  • critical_point: point on real axis to mark as critical for encirclements
  • If hz=true, the hover information will be displayed in Hertz, the input frequency vector is still treated as rad/s.
  • balance: Call balance_statespace on the system before plotting.

kwargs is sent as argument to plot.


nyquistv(sys::LTISystem, w::AbstractVector; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as nyquist but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


nyquistv(sys::LTISystem; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as nyquist but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.

cont = observer_controller(sys, L::AbstractMatrix, K::AbstractMatrix)

Return the observer_controller cont that is given by ss(A - B*L - K*C + K*D*L, K, L, 0)

Such that feedback(sys, cont) produces a closed-loop system with eigenvalues given by A-KC and A-BL.


  • sys: Model of system
  • L: State-feedback gain u = -Lx
  • K: Observer gain

See also observer_predictor and innovation_form.

observer_predictor(sys::AbstractStateSpace, K; h::Int = 1)
observer_predictor(sys::AbstractStateSpace, R1, R2[, R12])

If sys is continuous, return the observer predictor system

\[\begin{aligned} x̂' &= (A - KC)x̂ + (B-KD)u + Ky \\ ŷ &= Cx + Du \end{aligned}\]

with the input equation [B-KD K] * [u; y]

If sys is discrete, the prediction horizon h may be specified, in which case measurements up to and including time t-h and inputs up to and including time t are used to predict y(t).

If covariance matrices R1, R2 are given, the kalman gain K is calculated using kalman.

See also innovation_form and observer_controller.

obsv(A, C, n=size(A,1))
obsv(sys, n=sys.nx)

Compute the observability matrix with n rows for the system described by (A, C) or sys. Providing the optional n > sys.nx returns an extended observability matrix.

Note that checking for observability by computing the rank from obsv is not the most numerically accurate way, a better method is checking if gram(sys, :o) is positive definite.


Create a constant-offset nonlinearity x -> x + val.

NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.


To create a linear system that operates around operating point y₀, u₀, use

offset_sys = offset(y₀) * sys * offset(-u₀)

note the sign on the offset u₀. This ensures that sys operates in the coordinates Δu = u-u₀, Δy = y-y₀ and the inputs and outputs to the offset system are in their non-offset coordinate system. If the system is linearized around x₀, y₀ is given by C*x₀. Additional information and an example is available here


Transfer function from measurement noise / reference to plant output.

  • "output" signifies that the transfer function is from the output of the plant.
  • "Complimentary" signifies that the transfer function is to an output (in this case plant output)
         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C
output_names(P, i)

Get a vector of strings with the names of the outputs of P, or the i:th name if and index is given.

output_sensitivity(P, C)

Transfer function from measurement noise / reference to control error.

  • "output" signifies that the transfer function is from the output of the plant.
         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C
pade(G::DelayLtiSystem, N)

Approximate all time-delays in G by Padé approximations of degree N.

pade(τ::Real, N::Int)

Compute the Nth order Padé approximation of a time-delay of length τ.


Reorder the vector x of complex numbers so that complex conjugates come after each other, with the one with positive imaginary part first. Returns true if the conjugates can be paired and otherwise false.

C = pid(param_p, param_i, [param_d]; form=:standard, state_space=false, [Tf], [Ts])

Calculates and returns a PID controller.

The form can be chosen as one of the following

  • :standard - Kp*(1 + 1/(Ti*s) + Td*s)
  • :series - Kc*(1 + 1/(τi*s))*(τd*s + 1)
  • :parallel - Kp + Ki/s + Kd*s

If state_space is set to true, either kd has to be zero or a positive Tf has to be provided for creating a filter on the input to allow for a state space realization. The filter used is 1 / (1 + s*Tf + (s*Tf)^2/2), where Tf can typically be chosen as Ti/N for a PI controller and Td/N for a PID controller, and N is commonly in the range 2 to 20. The state space will be returned on controllable canonical form.

For a discrete controller a positive Ts can be supplied. In this case, the continuous-time controller is discretized using the Tustin method.


C1 = pid(3.3, 1, 2)                             # Kd≠0 works without filter in tf form
C2 = pid(3.3, 1, 2; Tf=0.3, state_space=true)   # In statespace a filter is needed
C3 = pid(2., 3, 0; Ts=0.4, state_space=true)    # Discrete

The functions pid_tf and pid_ss are also exported. They take the same parameters and is what is actually called in pid based on the state_space parameter.

pidplots(P, args...; params_p, params_i, params_d=0, form=:standard, ω=0, grid=false, kwargs...)

Plots interesting figures related to closing the loop around process P with a PID controller supplied in params on one of the following forms:

  • :standard - Kp*(1 + 1/(Ti*s) + Td*s)
  • :series - Kc*(1 + 1/(τi*s))*(τd*s + 1)
  • :parallel - Kp + Ki/s + Kd*s

The sent in values can be arrays to evaluate multiple different controllers, and if grid=true it will be a grid search over all possible combinations of the values.

Available plots are :gof for Gang of four, :nyquist, :controller for a bode plot of the controller TF and :pz for pole-zero maps and should be supplied as additional arguments to the function.

One can also supply a frequency vector ω to be used in Bode and Nyquist plots.

See also loopshapingPI, stabregionPID

place(A, B, p, opt=:c)
place(sys::StateSpace, p, opt=:c)

Calculate the gain matrix K such that A - BK has eigenvalues p.

place(A, C, p, opt=:o)
place(sys::StateSpace, p, opt=:o)

Calculate the observer gain matrix L such that A - LC has eigenvalues p.

Uses Ackermann's formula.

Currently handles only SISO systems, but a trick is possible to make it work for MIMO systems: The code below introduces a random projection matrix P that projects the input space to one dimension, and then shifts the application of P from B to K.

nx = 5
nu = 2
A = randn(nx,nx)
B = randn(nx,nu)
P = randn(nu,1)
K = place(A,B*P,zeros(nx))
K2 = P*K

Please note that this function can be numerically sensitive, solving the placement problem in extended precision might be beneficial.

C, kp, ki = placePI(P, ω₀, ζ; form=:standard)

Selects the parameters of a PI-controller such that the poles of closed loop between P and C are placed to match the poles of s^2 + 2ζω₀s + ω₀^2.

The parameters can be returned as one of several common representations chose by form, the options are

  • :standard - $K_p(1 + 1/(T_i s))$
  • :series - $K_c(1 + 1/(τ_i s))$ (equivalent to above for PI controllers)
  • :parallel - $K_p + K_i/s$

C is the returned transfer function of the controller and params is a named tuple containing the parameters. The parameters can be accessed as params.Kp or params["Kp"] from the named tuple, or they can be unpacked using Kp, Ti, Td = values(params).

See also loopshapingPI

place_knvd(A::AbstractMatrix, B, λ; verbose = false, init = :s)

Robust pole placement using the algorithm from

"Robust Pole Assignment in Linear State Feedback", Kautsky, Nichols, Van Dooren

This implementation uses "method 0" for the X-step and the QR factorization for all factorizations.

This function will be called automatically when place is called with a MIMO system.


  • init: Determines the initialization strategy for the iterations for find the X matrix. Possible choices are :id (default), :rand, :s.
Xc = plyap(sys::AbstractStateSpace, Ql; kwargs...)

Lyapunov solver that takes the L Cholesky factor of Q and returns a triangular matrix Xc such that Xc*Xc' = X.

fig = pzmap(fig, system, args...; hz = false, kwargs...)

Create a pole-zero map of the LTISystem(s) in figure fig, args and kwargs will be sent to the scatter plot command.

To customize the unit-circle drawn for discrete systems, modify the line attributes, e.g., linecolor=:red.

If hz is true, all poles and zeros are scaled by 1/2π.

ratelimit(val; Tf)
ratelimit(lower, upper; Tf)

Create a nonlinearity that limits the rate of change of a signal, roughly equivalent to $1/s ∘ sat ∘ s$. Tf controls the filter time constant on the derivative used to calculate the rate. NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.

reduce_sys(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix, C::AbstractMatrix, D::AbstractMatrix, meps::AbstractFloat)

Implements REDUCE in the Emami-Naeini & Van Dooren paper. Returns transformed A, B, C, D matrices. These are empty if there are no zeros.

relative_gain_array(A::AbstractMatrix; tol = 1.0e-15)

Reference: "On the Relative Gain Array (RGA) with Singular and Rectangular Matrices" Jeffrey Uhlmann

relative_gain_array(G, w::AbstractVector)
relative_gain_array(G, w::Number)

Calculate the relative gain array of G at frequencies w. G(iω) .* pinv(tranpose(G(iω)))

The RGA can be used to find input-output pairings for MIMO control using individially tuned loops. Pair the inputs and outputs such that the RGA(ωc) at the crossover frequency becomes as close to diagonal as possible. Avoid pairings such that RGA(0) contains negative diagonal elements.

  • The sum of the absolute values of the entries in the RGA is a good measure of the "true condition number" of G, the best condition number that can be achieved by input/output scaling of G, -Glad, Ljung.
  • The RGA is invariant to input/output scaling of G.
  • If the RGA contains large entries, the system may be sensitive to model errors, -Skogestad, "Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and Design":
    • Uncertainty in the input channels (diagonal input uncertainty). Plants with
    large RGA-elements around the crossover frequency are fundamentally difficult to control because of sensitivity to input uncertainty (e.g. caused by uncertain or neglected actuator dynamics). In particular, decouplers or other inverse-based controllers should not be used for plants with large RGAeleme
    • Element uncertainty. Large RGA-elements imply sensitivity to element-by-element uncertainty.
    However, this kind of uncertainty may not occur in practice due to physical couplings between the transfer function elements. Therefore, diagonal input uncertainty (which is always present) is usually of more concern for plants with large RGA elements.

The relative gain array is computed using the The unit-consistent (UC) generalized inverse Reference: "On the Relative Gain Array (RGA) with Singular and Rectangular Matrices" Jeffrey Uhlmann

rgaplot(sys, args...; hz=false)
rgaplot(LTISystem[sys1, sys2...], args...; hz=false, balance=true)

Plot the relative-gain array entries of the LTISystem(s). A frequency vector w can be optionally provided.

  • If hz=true, the plot x-axis will be displayed in Hertz, the input frequency vector is still treated as rad/s.
  • balance: Call balance_statespace on the system before plotting.

kwargs is sent as argument to Plots.plot.


Polynomial synthesis in discrete time.

Polynomial synthesis according to CCS ch 10 to design a controller $R(q) u(k) = T(q) r(k) - S(q) y(k)$


  • BPLUS : Part of open loop numerator
  • BMINUS : Part of open loop numerator
  • A : Open loop denominator
  • BM1 : Additional zeros
  • AM : Closed loop denominator
  • AO : Observer polynomial
  • AR : Pre-specified factor of R,

e.g integral part [1, -1]^k

  • AS : Pre-specified factor of S,

e.g notch filter [1, 0, w^2]

Outputs: R,S,T : Polynomials in controller

See function dab how the solution to the Diophantine- Aryabhatta-Bezout identity is chosen.

See Computer-Controlled Systems: Theory and Design, Third Edition Karl Johan Åström, Björn Wittenmark

saturation(lower, upper)

Create a saturating nonlinearity. Connect it to the output of a controller C using

Csat = saturation(val) * C
           y▲   ────── upper
            │  /
            │ /
  ──────────┼────────► u
          / │
         /  │

NOTE: The nonlinear functionality in ControlSystemsBase.jl is currently experimental and subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning. Use at your own risk.

Note: when composing linear systems with nonlinearities, it's often important to handle operating points correctly. See ControlSystemsBase.offset for handling operating points.


See output_sensitivity

The output sensitivity function $S_o = (I + PC)^{-1}$ is the transfer function from a reference input to control error, while the input sensitivity function $S_i = (I + CP)^{-1}$ is the transfer function from a disturbance at the plant input to the total plant input. For SISO systems, input and output sensitivity functions are equal. In general, we want to minimize the sensitivity function to improve robustness and performance, but pracitcal constraints always cause the sensitivity function to tend to 1 for high frequencies. A robust design minimizes the peak of the sensitivity function, $M_S$. The peak magnitude of $S$ is the inverse of the distance between the open-loop Nyquist curve and the critical point -1. Upper bounding the sensitivity peak $M_S$ gives lower-bounds on phase and gain margins according to

\[ϕ_m ≥ 2\text{sin}^{-1}(\frac{1}{2M_S}), g_m ≥ \frac{M_S}{M_S-1}\]

Generally, bounding $M_S$ is a better objective than looking at gain and phase margins due to the possibility of combined gain and pahse variations, which may lead to poor robustness despite large gain and pahse margins.

         │  ┌─────┐
d₁────+──┴──►  P  ├─────┬──►e₄
      │     └─────┘     │
      │                 │
      │     ┌─────┐    -│
 e₂◄──┴─────┤  C  ◄──┬──+───d₂
            └─────┘  │
  • input_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₁, (I + CP)⁻¹
  • output_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₃, (I + PC)⁻¹
  • input_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₁ to e₂, (I + CP)⁻¹CP
  • output_comp_sensitivity is the transfer function from d₂ to e₄, (I + PC)⁻¹PC
  • G_PS is the transfer function from d₁ to e₄, (1 + PC)⁻¹P
  • G_CS is the transfer function from d₂ to e₂, (1 + CP)⁻¹C
series(sys1::LTISystem, sys2::LTISystem)

Connect systems in series, equivalent to sys2*sys1

Gs, k = seriesform(G::TransferFunction{Discrete})

Convert a transfer function G to a vector of second-order transfer functions and a scalar gain k, the product of which equals G.


Set the default scale of magnitude in bodeplot and sigmaplot. str should be either "dB" or "log10". The default scale if none is chosen is "log10".

sv, w = sigma(sys[, w])

Compute the singular values sv of the frequency response of system sys at frequencies w. See also sigmaplot

sv has size (min(ny, nu), length(w))

sigmaplot(sys, args...; hz=false balance=true, extrema)
sigmaplot(LTISystem[sys1, sys2...], args...; hz=false, balance=true, extrema)

Plot the singular values of the frequency response of the LTISystem(s). A frequency vector w can be optionally provided.

  • If hz=true, the plot x-axis will be displayed in Hertz, the input frequency vector is still treated as rad/s.
  • balance: Call balance_statespace on the system before plotting.
  • extrema: Only plot the largest and smallest singular values.

kwargs is sent as argument to Plots.plot.


sigmav(sys::LTISystem, w::AbstractVector; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as sigma but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.


sigmav(sys::LTISystem; )

For use with SISO systems where it acts the same as sigma but with the extra dimensions removed in the returned values.

syst = similarity_transform(sys, T; unitary=false)

Perform a similarity transform T : Tx̃ = x on sys such that

à = T⁻¹AT
B̃ = T⁻¹ B
C̃ = CT
D̃ = D

If unitary=true, T is assumed unitary and the matrix adjoint is used instead of the inverse. See also balance_statespace.

ωgm, gm, ωpm, pm = sisomargin(sys::LTISystem, w::Vector; full=false, allMargins=false)

Return frequencies for gain margins, gain margins, frequencies for phase margins, phase margins. If allMargins=false, only the smallest margins are returned.


Compute the structurally minimal realization of the state-space system sys. A structurally minimal realization is one where only states that can be determined to be uncontrollable and unobservable based on the location of 0s in sys are removed.

Systems with numerical noise in the coefficients, e.g., noise on the order of eps require truncation to zero to be affected by structural simplification, e.g.,

trunc_zero!(A) = A[abs.(A) .< 10eps(maximum(abs, A))] .= 0
trunc_zero!(sys.A); trunc_zero!(sys.B); trunc_zero!(sys.C)

In contrast to minreal, which performs pole-zero cancellation using linear-algebra operations, has an 𝑂(nₓ^3) complexity and is subject to numerical tolerances, sminreal is computationally very cheap and numerically exact (operates on integers). However, the ability of sminreal to reduce the order of the model is much less powerful.

See also minreal.

sys = ss(A, B, C, D)      # Continuous
sys = ss(A, B, C, D, Ts)  # Discrete

Create a state-space model sys::StateSpace{TE, T} with matrix element type T and TE is Continuous or <:Discrete.

This is a continuous-time model if Ts is omitted. Otherwise, this is a discrete-time model with sampling period Ts.

D may be specified as 0 in which case a zero matrix of appropriate size is constructed automatically. sys = ss(D [, Ts]) specifies a static gain matrix D.

To associate names with states, inputs and outputs, see named_ss.

ssrand(T::Type, ny::Int, nu::Int, nstates::Int; proper=false, stable=true, Ts=nothing)

Returns a random StateSpace model with ny outputs, nu inputs, and nstates states, whose matrix elements are normally distributed.

It is possible to specify if the system should be proper or stable.

Specify a sample time Ts to obtain a discrete-time system.

kp, ki, fig = stabregionPID(P, [ω]; kd=0, doplot=false, form=:standard)

Segments of the curve generated by this program is the boundary of the stability region for a process with transfer function P(s) The provided derivative gain is expected on parallel form, i.e., the form kp + ki/s + kd s, but the result can be transformed to any form given by the form keyword. The curve is found by analyzing

\[P(s)C(s) = -1 ⟹ \\ |PC| = |P| |C| = 1 \\ arg(P) + arg(C) = -π\]

If P is a function (e.g. s -> exp(-sqrt(s)) ), the stability of feedback loops using PI-controllers can be analyzed for processes with models with arbitrary analytic functions See also loopshapingPI, loopshapingPID, pidplots

starprod(sys1, sys2, dimu, dimy)

Compute the Redheffer star product.

length(U1) = length(Y2) = dimu and length(Y1) = length(U2) = dimy

For details, see Chapter 9.3 in Zhou, K. and JC Doyle. Essentials of robust control, Prentice hall (NJ), 1998

state_names(P, i)

Get a vector of strings with the names of the states of P, or the i:th name if and index is given.

stepinfo(res::SimResult; y0 = nothing, yf = nothing, settling_th = 0.02, risetime_th = (0.1, 0.9))

Compute the step response characteristics for a simulation result. The following information is computed and stored in a StepInfo struct:

  • y0: The initial value of the response
  • yf: The final value of the response
  • stepsize: The size of the step
  • peak: The peak value of the response
  • peaktime: The time at which the peak occurs
  • overshoot: The percentage overshoot of the response
  • undershoot: The percentage undershoot of the response. If the step response never reaches below the initial value, the undershoot is zero.
  • settlingtime: The time at which the response settles within settling_th of the final value
  • settlingtimeind: The index at which the response settles within settling_th of the final value
  • risetime: The time at which the response rises from risetime_th[1] to risetime_th[2] of the final value


  • res: The result from a simulation using step (or lsim)
  • y0: The initial value, if not provided, the first value of the response is used.
  • yf: The final value, if not provided, the last value of the response is used. The simulation must have reached steady-state for an automatically computed value to make sense. If the simulation has not reached steady state, you may provide the final value manually.
  • settling_th: The threshold for computing the settling time. The settling time is the time at which the response settles within settling_th of the final value.
  • risetime_th: The lower and upper threshold for computing the rise time. The rise time is the time at which the response rises from risetime_th[1] to risetime_th[2] of the final value.


G = tf([1], [1, 1, 1])
res = step(G, 15)
si = stepinfo(res)
struct_ctrb_states(A::AbstractVecOrMat, B::AbstractVecOrMat)

Compute a bit-vector, expressing whether a state of the pair (A, B) is structurally controllable based on the location of zeros in the matrices.


Return the name of the system. If the system does not have a name, an empty string is returned.

sys = tf(num, den[, Ts])
sys = tf(gain[, Ts])

Create as a fraction of polynomials:

  • sys::TransferFunction{SisoRational{T,TR}} = numerator/denominator

where T is the type of the coefficients in the polynomial.

  • num: the coefficients of the numerator polynomial. Either scalar or vector to create SISO systems

or an array of vectors to create MIMO system.

  • den: the coefficients of the denominator polynomial. Either vector to create SISO systems

or an array of vectors to create MIMO system.

  • Ts: Sample time if discrete time system.

The polynomial coefficients are ordered starting from the highest order term.

Other uses:

  • tf(sys): Convert sys to tf form.
  • tf("s"), tf("z"): Create the continuous transferfunction s.

See also: zpk, ss.

time_scale(sys::AbstractStateSpace{Continuous}, a; balanced = false)
time_scale(G::TransferFunction{Continuous},     a; balanced = true)

Rescale the time axis (change time unit) of sys.

For systems where the dominant time constants are very far from 1, e.g., in electronics, rescaling the time axis may be beneficial for numerical performance, in particular for continuous-time simulations.

Scaling of time for a function $f(t)$ with Laplace transform $F(s)$ can be stated as

\[f(at) \leftrightarrow \dfrac{1}{a} F\big(\dfrac{s}{a}\big)\]

The keyword argument balanced indicates whether or not to apply a balanced scaling on the B and C matrices. For statespace systems, this defaults to false since it changes the state representation, only B will be scaled. For transfer functions, it defaults to true.


The following example show how a system with a time constant on the order of one micro-second is rescaled such that the time constant becomes 1, i.e., the time unit is changed from seconds to micro-seconds.

Gs  = tf(1, [1e-6, 1])     # micro-second time scale modeled in seconds
Gms = time_scale(Gs, 1e-6) # Change to micro-second time scale
Gms == tf(1, [1, 1])       # Gms now has micro-seconds as time unit

The next example illustrates how the time axis of a time-domain simulation changes by time scaling

t = 0:0.1:50 # original time axis
a = 10       # Scaling factor
sys1 = ssrand(1,1,5)
res1 = step(sys1, t)      # Perform original simulation
sys2 = time_scale(sys, a) # Scale time
res2 = step(sys2, t ./ a) # Simulate on scaled time axis, note the `1/a`
isapprox(res1.y, res2.y, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)

Return a HeteroStateSpace where the system matrices are of type SizedMatrix.

NOTE: This function is fundamentally type unstable. For maximum performance, create the sized system manually, or make use of the function-barrier technique.


Compute the invariant zeros of the system sys. If sys is a minimal realization, these are also the transmission zeros.

unwrap(m::AbstractArray, args...)

Unwrap a vector of phase angles (radians) in (-π, π) such that it does not wrap around the edges -π and π, i.e., the result may leave the range (-π, π).


Concatenate systems vertically with same first input u1 second input [u21; u22 ...] and output y1 = [y11; y12, ...] y2 = [y21; y22, ...] for u1i, u2i, y1i, y2i, where i denotes system i


form conv(a,r) + conv(b,s) where the lengths of the polynomials are equalized by zero-padding such that the addition can be carried out

zpk(gain[, Ts])
zpk(num, den, k[, Ts])

Create transfer function on zero pole gain form. The numerator and denominator are represented by their poles and zeros.

  • sys::TransferFunction{SisoZpk{T,TR}} = k*numerator/denominator

where T is the type of k and TR the type of the zeros/poles, usually Float64 and Complex{Float64}.

  • num: the roots of the numerator polynomial. Either scalar or vector to create SISO systems

or an array of vectors to create MIMO system.

  • den: the roots of the denominator polynomial. Either vector to create SISO systems

or an array of vectors to create MIMO system.

  • k: The gain of the system. Obs, this is not the same as dcgain.
  • Ts: Sample time if discrete time system.

Other uses:

  • zpk(sys): Convert sys to zpk form.
  • zpk("s"): Create the transferfunction s.
z, p, k = zpkdata(sys)

Compute the zeros, poles, and gains of system sys.


  • z : Matrix{Vector{ComplexF64}}, (ny × nu)
  • p : Matrix{Vector{ComplexF64}}, (ny × nu)
  • k : Matrix{Float64}, (ny × nu)
lyap(A, Q; kwargs...)

Compute the solution X to the discrete Lyapunov equation AXA' - X + Q = 0.

Uses MatrixEquations.lyapc / MatrixEquations.lyapd. For keyword arguments, see the docstring of ControlSystemsBase.MatrixEquations.lyapc / ControlSystemsBase.MatrixEquations.lyapd

norm(sys, p=2; tol=1e-6)

norm(sys) or norm(sys,2) computes the H2 norm of the LTI system sys.

norm(sys, Inf) computes the H∞ norm of the LTI system sys. The H∞ norm is the same as the L∞ for stable systems, and Inf for unstable systems. If the peak gain frequency is required as well, use the function hinfnorm instead. See hinfnorm for further documentation.

tol is an optional keyword argument, used only for the computation of L∞ norms. It represents the desired relative accuracy for the computed L∞ norm (this is not an absolute certificate however).

sys is first converted to a StateSpace model if needed.

fig = marginplot(sys::LTISystem [,w::AbstractVector];  balance=true, kwargs...)
marginplot(sys::Vector{LTISystem}, w::AbstractVector;  balance=true, kwargs...)

Plot all the amplitude and phase margins of the system(s) sys.

  • A frequency vector w can be optionally provided.
  • balance: Call balance_statespace on the system before plotting.

kwargs is sent as argument to RecipesBase.plot.

@autovec (indices...) f() = (a, b, c)

A macro that helps in creating versions of functions where excessive dimensions are removed automatically for specific outputs. indices contains each index for which the output tuple should be flattened. If the function only has a single output it (not a tuple with a single item) it should be called as @autovec () f() = .... f() is the original function and fv() will be the version with flattened outputs.