Public Documentation

Documentation for CovarianceEstimation.jl's public interface.

See Internal Documentation for internal package docs.



Public Interface

cov(lse::LinearShrinkage, X; dims=1)

Linear shrinkage covariance estimator for matrix X along dimension dims. Computed using the method described by lse.

cov(ans::AnalyticalNonlinearShrinkage, X; dims=1, mean=nothing)

Nonlinear covariance estimator derived from the sample covariance estimator S and its eigenvalue decomposition (which can be given through decomp). See Ledoit and Wolf's paper The keyword mean can be nothing (centering via estimated mean), zero (no centering) or a provided vector. In the first case, a rank-1 modification is applied and therefore the effective sample size is decreased by one (see analytical_nonlinear_shrinkage). In the latter two case the mean cannot have been estimated on the data (otherwise the effective sample size will be 1 larger than it should be resulting in numerical instabilities). If you are unsure, use either nothing or provide an explicit (non-estimated) vector (possibly a zero vector) and avoid the use of mean=0.

  • Time complexity (including formation of S)
    • (p<n): O(np^2 + n^2) with moderate constant
    • (p>n): O(p^3) with low constant (dominated by eigendecomposition of S)
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LinearShrinkage(target, shrinkage; corrected=false)

Linear shrinkage estimator described by equation $(1 - \lambda) S + \lambda F$ where $S$ is standard covariance matrix, $F$ is shrinkage target described by argument target and $\lambda$ is a shrinkage parameter, either given explicitly in shrinkage or automatically determined according to one of the supported methods.

The corrected estimator is used if corrected is true.


Target for linear shrinkage: unit matrix multiplied by average variance of variables. A subtype of LinearShrinkageTarget where

  • $F_{ij}=v$ if $i=j$ with $v=\mathrm{tr}(S)/p$ and
  • $F_{ij}=0$ otherwise

Target for linear shrinkage: diagonal of covariance matrix. A subtype of LinearShrinkageTarget where

  • $F_{ij}=s_{ij}$ if $i=j$ and
  • $F_{ij}=0$ otherwise

Target for linear shrinkage: see target_C. A subtype LinearShrinkageTarget where

  • $F_{ij}=v$ if $i=j$ with $v=\mathrm{tr}(S)/p$ and
  • $F_{ij}=c$ with $c=\sum_{i\neq j} S_{ij}/(p(p-1))$ otherwise

Target for linear shrinkage: see target_F. A subtype of LinearShrinkageTarget where

  • $F_{ij}=S_{ij}$ if $i=j$ and
  • $F_{ij}=\overline{r}\sqrt{S_{ii}S_{jj}}$ otherwise where $\overline{r}$ is the average sample correlation