Collar(file, holeid=:HOLEID, x=:X, y=:Y ,z=:Z, enddepth=nothing)

The definition of the drill hole collar table and its main column fields. file can be a String filepath or an already loaded AbstractDataFrame.

DrillHole(table, trace, pars, warns)

Drill hole object. table stores the desurveyed data. trace and pars store parameters for eventual post-processing or later drill hole compositing. warns report possible problems with input files.

Interval(file, holeid=:HOLEID, from=:FROM, to=:TO)

The definition of one drill hole interval table and its main column fields. file can be a String filepath or an already loaded AbstractDataFrame. Examples of interval tables are lithological and assay tables.

Survey(file, holeid=:HOLEID, at=:AT, azm=:AZM ,dip=:DIP, invertdip=false)

The definition of the drill hole survey table and its main column fields. file can be a String filepath or an already loaded AbstractDataFrame. Negative dip points downwards (or upwards if invertdip=true). Available methods for desurvey are :mincurv (minimum curvature/spherical arc) and :tangential.

composite(dh::DrillHole; interval=1.0, zone=nothing, mode=:equalcomp,
mincomp=0.5, gap=0.001)

Composite a drill hole object considering the given parameters. Outputs a new composited DrillHole object.


  • dh - desurveyed drill hole
  • interval - composite length
  • zone - zone column name; if considered, intervals composited together must have the same zone value
  • mode - method for compositing (see below the options available)
  • mincomp - minimum composite lenght; smaller intervals are discarded.
  • gap - two intervals are not composited together if the spacing between them exceeds the gap value


  • :equalcomp - seeks to create composites with the exact interval length; borders are discarded if have length below mincomp. Max composite length = interval
  • :nodiscard - composite lengths are defined seeking to include all possible intervals with length above mincomp. Max composite length = 1.5*interval

drillhole(collar::Collar, survey::Survey, intervals::Intervals)

Desurvey drill hole based on collar, survey and interval table(s) information. The intervals can be passed as a single Interval or as an array of Interval. Outputs a DrillHole object.

exportwarns(dh::DrillHole, outname="errors")

Export errors and warnings identified during drill hole desurvey of dh to the file outname.csv.