FASTQ formatted files

FASTQ formatted files

FASTQ is a text-based file format for representing DNA sequences along with qualities for each base. A FASTQ file stores a list of sequence records in the following format:

@{name} {description}?

Here is an example of one record from a FASTQ file:


Readers and Writers

The reader and writer for FASTQ formatted files, are found within the FASTQ module of FASTX.

They can be created with IOStreams:

using FASTX

r = FASTQ.Reader(open("my-reads.fastq", "r"))
w = FASTQ.Writer(open("my-output.fastq", "w"))

As always with julia IO types, remember to close your file readers and writer after you are finished.

Using open with a do-block can help ensure you close a stream after you are finished. is overloaded with a method for this purpose.

r = open(FASTQ.Reader, "my-reads.fastq")
w = open(FASTQ.Writer, "my-out.fastq")

Note that FASTQ.Reader does not support line-wraps within sequence and quality. Usually sequence records will be read sequentially from a file by iteration.

open(FASTQ.Reader, "my-reads.fastq") do reader
    for record in reader
        ## Do something

Gzip compressed files can be streamed to the Reader using the CodecZlib.jl package.

reader = FASTQ.Reader(GzipDecompressorStream(open("my-reads.fastq.gz")))
for record in reader
    ## do something

You can also overwrite records in a while loop to avoid excessive memory allocation.

open(FASTQ.Reader, "my-reads.fastq") do reader
    record = FASTQ.Record()
    while !eof(reader)
        read!(reader, record)
        ## Do something.

Reading in a record from a FASTQ formatted file will give you a variable of type FASTQ.Record.

Various getters and setters are available for FASTQ.Records:

To write a BioSequence to FASTQ file, you first have to create a FASTQ.Record:

using BioSequences
x = dna"aaaaatttttcccccggggg"
q = fill(1, length(x))
rec = FASTQ.Record("MySeq", x, q)
open(FASTQ.Writer, "my-out.fastq") do
    write(w, rec)

As always with julia IO types, remember to close your file readers and writer after you are finished.

Using open with a do-block can help ensure you close a stream after you are finished.

open(FASTQ.Reader, "my-reads.fastq") do reader
    for record in reader
        ## Do something

Quality encodings

FASTQ records have a quality string which have platform dependent encodings. The FASTQ submodule has encoding and decoding support for the following quality encodings. These can be used with a FASTQ.quality method, to ensure the correct quality score values are extracted from your FASTQ quality strings.


The FASTQ Record data structure is very close to the FASTQ file-format, and stores all data in a data vector. The FASTQ Read data structure is better suited for sequence manipulations:

A FASTQ Read record also allows for convenient sub-setting using normal range syntax as for Arrays and Strings:

using FASTX

read = FASTQ.Read(first(FASTQ.Reader(open("my-reads.fastq", "r"))))
# FASTX.FASTQ.FASTQRead{BioSequences.DNAAlphabet{4}}:
#    identifier: SEQ_ID
#   description: 
#       quality: [0, 6, 6, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9  …  29, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 21, 20]

# 60

# FASTX.FASTQ.FASTQRead{BioSequences.DNAAlphabet{4}}:
#    identifier: SEQ_ID
#   description: 
#      sequence: TTTGGGGTTC
#       quality: [6, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 10]

# 10nt DNA Sequence:

# 3-element Array{UInt8,1}:
#  0x00
#  0x06
#  0x06

When defining the FASTQ.Read object, the quality can be given as an integer offset or encoding symbol.

rec = first(FASTQ.Reader(open("my-reads.fastq", "r")));
r1 = FASTQ.FASTQ.Read(rec, 33);
r2 = FASTQ.FASTQ.Read(rec, :illumina18);
r1.quality == r2.quality
# true

The platform specific quality encodings are described on wikipedia.