FFTA: Fastest Fourier Transform in my Apartment

A library by Danny Sharp

Github Action CI

This is a pure Julia implementation of FFTs, with the goal that this could supplant other FFTs for applications that require odd Julia objects. Currently this supports AbstractArray{T,N} where N in {1,2} (i.e. AbstractVector and AbstractMatrix). If you're looking for more performance, checkout FFTW.jl. Regardless of T, one(::Type{T}) must be defined. Additionally, if T<:Complex, then convert(::Type{T},ComplexF64) has to be defined and if T<:Real, then convert(::Type{T}, Float64) has to be defined.

Path Forward:

  • Make the code more readable.
  • Use @inbounds
  • Use AbstractFFTs interface
  • Use StaticArrays for the workspace in small cases
  • Strictly generate code for certain cases
  • Create a SIMD type for Complex numbers
  • E-Graphs for the call-graph
  • Accelerate dynamic dispatching?
  • Other performance left on the table....


  • fft(x::AbstractVector{<:Union{Real,Complex})-- Forward FFT
  • fft(x::AbstractMatrix{<:Union{Real,Complex}})-- Forward FFT
  • bfft(x::AbstractVector{<:Union{Real,Complex}})-- Backward FFT (unscaled inverse FFT)
  • bfft(x::AbstractMatrix{<:Union{Real,Complex}})-- Backward FFT (unscaled inverse FFT)

NOTE: Currently, my C++ code is actually faster than this, so "Fastest Fourier Transform in my Apartment" is a bit of a misnomer.