(fmu::FMU2)(;dx::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing,
             y::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing,
             y_refs::Union{AbstractVector{fmi2ValueReference}, Nothing}=nothing,
             x::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing, 
             u::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing,
             u_refs::Union{AbstractVector{fmi2ValueReference}, Nothing}=nothing,
             t::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing)

Evaluates a FMU2 by setting the component state x, inputs u and/or time t. If no component is available, one is allocated. The result of the evaluation might be the system output y and/or state-derivative dx. Not all options are available for any FMU type, e.g. setting state is not supported for CS-FMUs. Assertions will be generated for wrong use.


  • dx: An array to store the state-derivatives in. If not provided but necessary, a suitable array is allocated and returned. Not supported by CS-FMUs.
  • y: An array to store the system outputs in. If not provided but requested, a suitable array is allocated and returned.
  • y_refs: An array of value references to indicate which system outputs shall be returned.
  • x: An array containing the states to be set. Not supported by CS-FMUs.
  • u: An array containing the inputs to be set.
  • u_refs: An array of value references to indicate which system inputs want to be set.
  • t: A scalar value holding the system time to be set.

Returns (as Tuple)

  • y::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}: The system output y (if requested, otherwise nothing).
  • dx::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}: The system state-derivaitve (if ME-FMU, otherwise nothing).
(c::FMU2Component)(;dx::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing,
                    y::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing,
                    y_refs::Union{AbstractVector{fmi2ValueReference}, Nothing}=nothing,
                    x::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing, 
                    u::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}=nothing,
                    u_refs::Union{AbstractVector{fmi2ValueReference}, Nothing}=nothing,
                    t::Union{Real, Nothing}=nothing)

Evaluates a FMU2Component by setting the component state x, inputs u and/or time t. The result of the evaluation might be the system output y and/or state-derivative dx. Not all options are available for any FMU type, e.g. setting state is not supported for CS-FMUs. Assertions will be generated for wrong use.


  • dx: An array to store the state-derivatives in. If not provided but necessary, a suitable array is allocated and returned. Not supported by CS-FMUs.
  • y: An array to store the system outputs in. If not provided but requested, a suitable array is allocated and returned.
  • y_refs: An array of value references to indicate which system outputs shall be returned.
  • x: An array containing the states to be set. Not supported by CS-FMUs.
  • u: An array containing the inputs to be set.
  • u_refs: An array of value references to indicate which system inputs want to be set.
  • t: A scalar value holding the system time to be set.

Returns (as Tuple)

  • y::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}: The system output y (if requested, otherwise nothing).
  • dx::Union{AbstractVector{<:Real}, Nothing}: The system state-derivaitve (if ME-FMU, otherwise nothing).


Can be called if fmi2DoStep returned fmi2Pending in order to stop the current asynchronous execution.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.2 Computation

See also fmi2DoStep.


fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep!(c::FMU2Component, noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::fmi2Boolean, enterEventMode::Ref{fmi2Boolean}, terminateSimulation::Ref{fmi2Boolean})

This function must be called by the environment after every completed step of the integrator provided the capability flag completedIntegratorStepNotNeeded = false.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::fmi2Boolean: Argument noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint = fmi2True if fmi2SetFMUState will no longer be called for time instants prior to current time in this simulation run.
  • enterEventMode::Ref{fmi2Boolean}: Argument enterEventMode points to the return value (fmi2Boolean) which signals to the environment if the FMU shall call fmi2EnterEventMode. fmi2Boolean is an alias type for Boolean data type.
  • terminateSimulation::Ref{fmi2Boolean}: Argument terminateSimulation points to the return value (fmi2Boolean) which signals signal if the simulation shall be terminated. fmi2Boolean is an alias type for Boolean data type.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep, fmi2SetFMUState.


fmi2DeSerializeFMUstate!(c::FMU2Component, serializedState::AbstractArray{fmi2Byte}, size::Csize_t, FMUstate::Ref{fmi2FMUstate})

Deserializes the byte vector serializedState of length size, constructs a copy of the FMU state and stores the FMU state in the given address of the reference FMUstate, the pointer to this copy.


  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • state::fmi2FMUstate: Argument state is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.
  • serialzedState::AbstractArray{fmi2Byte}: Argument serializedState contains the copy of the serialized data referenced by the pointer FMUstate.
  • size::Csize_t: Argument size defines the length of the serialized vector.
  • FMUstate::Ref{fmi2FMUstate}: Argument FMUstate is an object that safely references data of type fmi3FMUstate which is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2DeSerializeFMUstate!.

fmi2DoStep(c::FMU2Component, communicationStepSize::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing; currentCommunicationPoint::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing, noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::Bool = true)

Does one step in the CoSimulation FMU


  • C::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • communicationStepSize::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing: Argument communicationStepSize contains a value of type Real or Nothing , if no argument is passed the default value nothing is used. communicationStepSize defines the communiction step size.


  • currentCommunicationPoint::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing: Argument currentCommunicationPoint contains a value of type Real or type Nothing. If no argument is passed the default value nothing is used. currentCommunicationPoint defines the current communication point of the master.
  • noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::Bool = true: Argument noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint contains a value of type Boolean. If no argument is passed the default value true is used. noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint indicates whether fmi2SetFMUState is no longer called for times before the currentCommunicationPoint in this simulation run Simulation run.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.2 Computation

See also fmi2DoStep, fmi2Struct, FMU2, FMU2Component.


fmi2DoStep(c::FMU2Component, currentCommunicationPoint::fmi2Real, communicationStepSize::fmi2Real, noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::fmi2Boolean)

The computation of a time step is started.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • currentCommunicationPoint::fmi2Real: Argument currentCommunicationPoint contains a value of type fmi2Real which is a identifier for a variable value . currentCommunicationPoint defines the current communication point of the master.
  • communicationStepSize::fmi2Real: Argument communicationStepSize contains a value of type fmi2Real which is a identifier for a variable value. communicationStepSize defines the communiction step size.

noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::Bool = true: Argument noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint contains a value of type Boolean. If no argument is passed the default value true is used. noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint indicates whether fmi2SetFMUState is no longer called for times before the currentCommunicationPoint in this simulation run Simulation run.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.2 Computation

See also fmi2DoStep.


fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode(c::FMU2Component; soft::Bool=false)

The model enters Continuous-Time Mode and all discrete-time equations become inactive and all relations are “frozen”. This function has to be called when changing from Event Mode (after the global event iteration in Event Mode over all involved FMUs and other models has converged) into Continuous-Time Mode.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • soft::Bool=false: If the Keyword soft = true the command is only performed if the FMU is in an allowed state for this command.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode.


fmi2EnterEventMode(c::FMU2Component; soft::Bool=false)

The model enters Event Mode from the Continuous-Time Mode and discrete-time equations may become active (and relations are not “frozen”).


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • soft::Bool=false: If the Keyword soft = true the command is only performed if the FMU is in an allowed state for this command.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2EnterEventMode.


Informs the FMU to enter Initialization Mode. Before calling this function, all variables with attribute <ScalarVariable initial = "exact" or "approx"> can be set with the “fmi2SetXXX” functions (the ScalarVariable attributes are defined in the Model Description File, see section 2.2.7). Setting other variables is not allowed. Furthermore, fmi2SetupExperiment must be called at least once before calling fmi2EnterInitializationMode, in order that startTime is defined.


  • c::FMU2Component: Argument c is a Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.6 Initialization, Termination, and Resetting an FMU

See also fmi2EnterInitializationMode.


Informs the FMU to exit Initialization Mode.


  • c::FMU2Component: Argument c is a Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.6 Initialization, Termination, and Resetting an FMU

See also fmi2EnterInitializationMode.


fmi2FreeFMUstate!(c::FMU2Component, state::fmi2FMUstate)

Free the memory for the allocated FMU state


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • state::fmi2FMUstate: Argument state is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.


  • Return singleton instance of type Nothing, if there is no value to return (as in a C void function) or when a variable or field holds no value.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2FreeFMUstate.


fmi2FreeFMUstate!(c::FMU2Component, FMUstate::Ref{fmi2FMUstate})

Frees all memory and other resources allocated with the fmi2GetFMUstate call for this FMUstate.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • FMUstate::Ref{fmi2FMUstate}: Argument FMUstate is an object that safely references data of type fmi3FMUstate which is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2FreeFMUstate!.


Source: FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.5 Creation, Destruction and Logging of FMU Instances

Disposes the given instance, unloads the loaded model, and frees all the allocated memory and other resources that have been allocated by the functions of the FMU interface. If a null pointer is provided for “c”, the function call is ignored (does not have an effect).

Removes the component from the FMUs component list.


fmi2GetBoolean!(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Boolean})

Writes the boolean values of an array of variables in the given field

fmi2GetBoolean! is only possible for arrays of values, please use an array instead of a scalar.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an AbstractArray of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • value::AbstractArray{fmi2Boolean}: Argument values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetBoolean!.


fmi2GetBoolean!(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::AbstractArray{fmi2Boolean})

Writes the boolean values of an array of variables in the given field

fmi2GetBoolean! is only possible for arrays of values, please use an array instead of a scalar.


  • str::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • str::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • values::AbstractArray{fmi2Boolean}: Argument value is an array with the actual values of these variables


  • Return singleton instance of type Nothing, if there is no value to return (as in a C void function) or when a variable or field holds no value.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetBoolean!.

fmi2GetBooleanStatus!(c::FMU2Component, s::fmi2StatusKind, value::Ref{fmi2Boolean})

Informs the master about the actual status of the simulation run. Which status information is to be returned is specified by the argument fmi2StatusKind.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • s::fmi2StatusKind: Argument s defines which status information is to be returned. fmi2StatusKind is an enumeration that defines which status is inquired.

The following status information can be retrieved from a slave:

  • fmi2DoStepStatus::fmi2Status: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers fmi2Pending if the computation is not finished. Otherwise the function returns the result of the asynchronously executed fmi2DoStep call.
  • fmi2PendingStatus::fmi2String: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers a string which informs about the status of the currently running asynchronous fmi2DoStep computation
  • fmi2LastSuccessfulTime:: fmi2Real: Returns the end time of the last successfully completed communication step. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard.
  • fmi2Terminated::fmi2Boolean: Returns fmi2True, if the slave wants to terminate the simulation. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard. Use fmi2LastSuccessfulTime to determine the time instant at which the slave terminated.
  • value::Ref{fmi2Boolean}: Argument value points to the return value (fmi2Boolean) which was requested. fmi2Boolean is a alias type for Boolean data type.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.106]: 4.2.3 Retrieving Status Information from the Slave

See also fmi2GetBooleanStatus!.


fmi2GetContinuousStates!(c::FMU2Component, x::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, nx::Csize_t)

Stores the new (continuous) state vector in x.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • x::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument x contains values of type fmi2Real which is a alias type for Real data type.x is the AbstractArray which contains the Real values of the vector that represent the new state vector.
  • nx::Csize_t: Argument nx defines the length of vector x and is provided for checking purposes


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetEventIndicators!.


fmi2GetDerivatives!(c::FMU2Component, derivatives::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, nx::Csize_t)

Compute state derivatives at the current time instant and for the current states.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • derivatives::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument derivatives contains values of type fmi2Real which is a alias type for Real data type.derivatives is the AbstractArray which contains the Real values of the vector that represent the derivatives. The ordering of the elements of the derivatives vector is identical to the ordering of the state vector.
  • nx::Csize_t: Argument nx defines the length of vector derivatives and is provided for checking purposes


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetDerivatives!.


fmi2GetDerivatives!(c::FMU2Component, derivatives::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Compute state derivatives at the current time instant and for the current states.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • derivatives::Array{fmi2Real}: Stores fmi2Real values representing the derivatives for the current states. The ordering of the elements of the derivatives vector is identical to the ordering of the state vector.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetDerivatives.


TODO -> Arguments fmiGetDirectionalDerivative!(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, vKnownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, dvUnknown::AbstractArray, dvKnown::Union{Array{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

Wrapper Function call to compute the partial derivative with respect to the variables vKnown_ref.

Computes the directional derivatives of an FMU. An FMU has different Modes and in every Mode an FMU might be described by different equations and different unknowns.The precise definitions are given in the mathematical descriptions of Model Exchange (section 3.1) and Co-Simulation (section 4.1). In every Mode, the general form of the FMU equations are: 𝐯unknown = 𝐡(𝐯known, 𝐯_rest)

  • v_unknown: vector of unknown Real variables computed in the actual Mode:
    • Initialization Mode: unkowns kisted under <ModelStructure><InitialUnknowns> that have type Real.
    • Continuous-Time Mode (ModelExchange): The continuous-time outputs and state derivatives. (= the variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous and the variables listed as state derivatives under <ModelStructure><Derivatives>).
    • Event Mode (ModelExchange): The same variables as in the Continuous-Time Mode and additionally variables under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = discrete.
    • Step Mode (CoSimulation): The variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous or discrete. If <ModelStructure><Derivatives> is present, also the variables listed here as state derivatives.
  • v_known: Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • v_rest:Set of input variables of function h that either changes its value in the actual Mode but are non-Real variables, or do not change their values in this Mode, but change their values in other Modes

Computes a linear combination of the partial derivatives of h with respect to the selected input variables 𝐯_known:

Δv_unknown = (δh / δv_known) Δv_known


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::AbstracArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(variable described above).
  • vKnown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref can be equated with v_known(variable described above).
  • dvUnknown::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Stores the directional derivative vector values.
  • dvKnown::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing: If no seed vector is passed the value nothing is used. The vector values Compute the partial derivative with respect to the given entries in vector vKnown_ref with the matching evaluate of dvKnown.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.9 Getting Partial Derivatives

See also fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative.


ToDo Arguments

function fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative!(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nUnknown::Csizet, vKnownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nKnown::Csizet, dvKnown::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, dvUnknown::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Wrapper Function call to compute the partial derivative with respect to the variables vKnown_ref.

Computes the directional derivatives of an FMU. An FMU has different Modes and in every Mode an FMU might be described by different equations and different unknowns. The precise definitions are given in the mathematical descriptions of Model Exchange (section 3.1) and Co-Simulation (section 4.1). In every Mode, the general form of the FMU equations are: 𝐯unknown = 𝐡(𝐯known, 𝐯_rest)

  • v_unknown: vector of unknown Real variables computed in the actual Mode:
    • Initialization Mode: unkowns kisted under <ModelStructure><InitialUnknowns> that have type Real.
    • Continuous-Time Mode (ModelExchange): The continuous-time outputs and state derivatives. (= the variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous and the variables listed as state derivatives under <ModelStructure><Derivatives>).
    • Event Mode (ModelExchange): The same variables as in the Continuous-Time Mode and additionally variables under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = discrete.
    • Step Mode (CoSimulation): The variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous or discrete. If <ModelStructure><Derivatives> is present, also the variables listed here as state derivatives.
  • v_known: Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • v_rest:Set of input variables of function h that either changes its value in the actual Mode but are non-Real variables, or do not change their values in this Mode, but change their values in other Modes

Computes a linear combination of the partial derivatives of h with respect to the selected input variables 𝐯_known:

Δvunknown = (δh / δvknown) Δv_known


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::AbstracArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(variable described above).
  • nUnknown::Csize_t:
  • vKnown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref can be equated with v_known(variable described above).
  • nKnown::Csize_t:
  • dvKnown::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}:The vector values Compute the partial derivative with respect to the given entries in vector vKnown_ref with the matching evaluate of dvKnown.
  • dvUnknown::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Stores the directional derivative vector values.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.9 Getting Partial Derivatives

See also fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative.


fmi2GetEventIndicators!(c::FMU2Component, eventIndicators::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, ni::Csize_t)

Compute event indicators at the current time instant and for the current states.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • eventIndicators::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument eventIndicators contains values of type fmi2Real which is a alias type for Real data type.eventIndicators is the AbstractArray which contains the Real values of the vector that represent the event indicators.
  • ni::Csize_t: Argument ni defines the length of vector eventIndicators and is provided for checking purposes


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetEventIndicators!.


Returns the event indicators of the FMU


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • eventIndicators::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}:The event indicators are in an AbstractArray represented by an array of "fmi2Real" values.



  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetEventIndicators.


fmi2GetFMUstate!(c::FMU2Component, FMUstate::Ref{fmi2FMUstate})

Makes a copy of the internal FMU state and returns a pointer to this copy.


  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • FMUstate::Ref{fmi2FMUstate}:If on entry FMUstate == NULL, a new allocation is required. If FMUstate != NULL, then FMUstate points to a previously returned FMUstate that has not been modified since.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

See also fmi2GetFMUstate!.

fmi2GetInteger!(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer})

Writes the integer values of an array of variables in the given field

fmi2GetInteger! is only possible for arrays of values, please use an array instead of a scalar.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an AbstractArray of nvr value handels, called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • values::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetInteger!,fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, fmi2Struct, FMU2, FMU2Component.


fmi2GetInteger!(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer})

Writes the integer values of an array of variables in the given field

fmi2GetInteger! is only possible for arrays of values, please use an array instead of a scalar.


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • vr::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • values::Array{fmi2Integer}: Argument values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetInteger!.


fmi2GetIntegerStatus!(c::FMU2Component, s::fmi2StatusKind, value::Ref{fmi2Integer})

Informs the master about the actual status of the simulation run. Which status information is to be returned is specified by the argument fmi2StatusKind.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • s::fmi2StatusKind: Argument s defines which status information is to be returned. fmi2StatusKind is an enumeration that defines which status is inquired.

The following status information can be retrieved from a slave:

  • fmi2DoStepStatus::fmi2Status: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers fmi2Pending if the computation is not finished. Otherwise the function returns the result of the asynchronously executed fmi2DoStep call.
  • fmi2PendingStatus::fmi2String: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers a string which informs about the status of the currently running asynchronous fmi2DoStep computation
  • fmi2LastSuccessfulTime:: fmi2Real: Returns the end time of the last successfully completed communication step. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard.
  • fmi2Terminated::fmi2Boolean: Returns fmi2True, if the slave wants to terminate the simulation. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard. Use fmi2LastSuccessfulTime to determine the time instant at which the slave terminated.
  • value::Ref{fmi2Integer}: Argument value points to the return value (fmi2Integer) which was requested. fmi2Integer is a alias type for Integer data type.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.106]: 4.2.3 Retrieving Status Information from the Slave

See also fmi2GetIntegerStatus!.


fmi2GetNominalsOfContinuousStates!(c::FMU2Component, xnominal::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, nx::Csizet)

Stores the nominal values of the continuous states in x_nominal.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • x_nominal::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument x_nominal contains values of type fmi2Real which is a alias type for Real data type.x_nominal is the AbstractArray which contains the Real values of the vector that represent the nominal values of the continuous states.
  • nx::Csize_t: Argument nx defines the length of vector x and is provided for checking purposes


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetEventIndicators!.

fmi2GetReal!(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an AbstractArray of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • values::AbstractArray{fm2Real}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

See also fmi2GetReal!.


fmi2GetReal!(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Get the values of an array of fmi2Real variables.

rites the real values of an array of variables in the given field


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Wildcards for how a user can pass a fmi[X]ValueReference

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • values::AbstractArray{fm2Real}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetReal!.


fmi2GetRealOutputDerivatives!(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, order::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Sets the n-th time derivative of real input variables.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that t define the variables whose derivatives shall be set.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • order::Array{fmi2Integer}: Argument order is an array of fmi2Integer values witch specifys the corresponding order of derivative of the real input variable.
  • values::Array{fmi2Real}: Argument values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.1 Transfer of Input / Output Values and Parameters

See also fmi2SetRealInputDerivatives!.


fmi2GetRealStatus!(c::FMU2Component, s::fmi2StatusKind, value::Ref{fmi2Real})

Informs the master about the actual status of the simulation run. Which status information is to be returned is specified by the argument fmi2StatusKind.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • s::fmi2StatusKind: Argument s defines which status information is to be returned. fmi2StatusKind is an enumeration that defines which status is inquired.

The following status information can be retrieved from a slave:

  • fmi2DoStepStatus::fmi2Status: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers fmi2Pending if the computation is not finished. Otherwise the function returns the result of the asynchronously executed fmi2DoStep call.
  • fmi2PendingStatus::fmi2String: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers a string which informs about the status of the currently running asynchronous fmi2DoStep computation
  • fmi2LastSuccessfulTime:: fmi2Real: Returns the end time of the last successfully completed communication step. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard.
  • fmi2Terminated::fmi2Boolean: Returns fmi2True, if the slave wants to terminate the simulation. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard. Use fmi2LastSuccessfulTime to determine the time instant at which the slave terminated.
  • value::Ref{fmi2Real}: Argument value points to the return value (fmi2Real) which was requested. fmi2Real is a alias type for Real data type.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.106]: 4.2.3 Retrieving Status Information from the Slave

See also fmi2GetRealStatus!.


fmi2GetStatus!(c::FMU2Component, s::fmi2StatusKind, value::Ref{fmi2Status})

Informs the master about the actual status of the simulation run. Which status information is to be returned is specified by the argument fmi2StatusKind.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • s::fmi2StatusKind: Argument s defines which status information is to be returned. fmi2StatusKind is an enumeration that defines which status is inquired.

The following status information can be retrieved from a slave:

  • fmi2DoStepStatus::fmi2Status: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers fmi2Pending if the computation is not finished. Otherwise the function returns the result of the asynchronously executed fmi2DoStep call.
  • fmi2PendingStatus::fmi2String: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers a string which informs about the status of the currently running asynchronous fmi2DoStep computation
  • fmi2LastSuccessfulTime:: fmi2Real: Returns the end time of the last successfully completed communication step. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard.
  • fmi2Terminated::fmi2Boolean: Returns fmi2True, if the slave wants to terminate the simulation. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard. Use fmi2LastSuccessfulTime to determine the time instant at which the slave terminated.
  • value::Ref{fmi2Status}: The value argument points to a status flag that was requested.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.106]: 4.2.3 Retrieving Status Information from the Slave

See also fmi2GetStatus!.


fmi2GetString!(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::Union{AbstractArray{Ptr{Cchar}}, AbstractArray{Ptr{UInt8}}})

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference

These functions are especially used to get the actual values of output variables if a model is connected with other models.


  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • value::Union{AbstractArray{Ptr{Cchar}, AbstractArray{Ptr{UInt8}}}: The value argument is an AbstractArray of values whose memory address refers to data of type Cchar or UInt8and describes a vector with the actual values of these. variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

See also fmi2GetString!.


fmi2GetString!(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::AbstractArray{fmi2String})

Writes the string values of an array of variables in the given field

These functions are especially used to get the actual values of output variables if a model is connected with other models.


  • str::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • str::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • values::AbstractArray{fmi2String}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables


  • Return singleton instance of type Nothing, if there is no value to return (as in a C void function) or when a variable or field holds no value.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetString!.


fmi2GetStringStatus!(c::FMU2Component, s::fmi2StatusKind, value::Ref{fmi2String})

Informs the master about the actual status of the simulation run. Which status information is to be returned is specified by the argument fmi2StatusKind.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • s::fmi2StatusKind: Argument s defines which status information is to be returned. fmi2StatusKind is an enumeration that defines which status is inquired.

The following status information can be retrieved from a slave:

  • fmi2DoStepStatus::fmi2Status: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers fmi2Pending if the computation is not finished. Otherwise the function returns the result of the asynchronously executed fmi2DoStep call.
  • fmi2PendingStatus::fmi2String: Can be called when the fmi2DoStep function returned fmi2Pending. The function delivers a string which informs about the status of the currently running asynchronous fmi2DoStep computation
  • fmi2LastSuccessfulTime:: fmi2Real: Returns the end time of the last successfully completed communication step. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard.
  • fmi2Terminated::fmi2Boolean: Returns fmi2True, if the slave wants to terminate the simulation. Can be called after fmi2DoStep(..) returned fmi2Discard. Use fmi2LastSuccessfulTime to determine the time instant at which the slave terminated.
  • value:Ref{fmi2String}: Argument value points to the return value (fmi2String) which was requested. fmi2String is a alias type for String data type.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.106]: 4.2.3 Retrieving Status Information from the Slave

See also fmi2GetStringStatus!.




Returns the string to uniquely identify the “fmi2TypesPlatform.h” header file used for compilation of the functions of the FMU. The standard header file, as documented in this specification, has fmi2TypesPlatform set to “default” (so this function usually returns “default”).


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • Returns the string to uniquely identify the “fmi2TypesPlatform.h” header file used for compilation of the functions of the FMU.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.4 Inquire Platform and Version Number of Header Files
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions



  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • Returns a string from the address of a C-style (NUL-terminated) string. The string represents the version of the “fmi2Functions.h” header file which was used to compile the functions of the FMU. The function returns “fmiVersion” which is defined in this header file. The standard header file as documented in this specification has version “2.0”


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.4 Inquire Platform and Version Number of Header Files
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions

fmi2NewDiscreteStates!(c::FMU2Component, eventInfo::fmi2EventInfo)

The FMU is in Event Mode and the super dense time is incremented by this call.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • eventInfo::fmi2EventInfo*: Strut with fmi2Boolean Variables that

More detailed:

  • newDiscreteStatesNeeded::fmi2Boolean: If newDiscreteStatesNeeded = fmi2True the FMU should stay in Event Mode, and the FMU requires to set new inputs to the FMU to compute and get the outputs and to call

fmi2NewDiscreteStates again. If all FMUs return newDiscreteStatesNeeded = fmi2False call fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode.

  • terminateSimulation::fmi2Boolean: If terminateSimulation = fmi2True call fmi2Terminate
  • nominalsOfContinuousStatesChanged::fmi2Boolean: If nominalsOfContinuousStatesChanged = fmi2True then the nominal values of the states have changed due to the function call and can be inquired with fmi2GetNominalsOfContinuousStates.
  • valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged::fmi2Boolean: If valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged = fmi2True, then at least one element of the continuous state vector has changed its value due to the function call. The new values of the states can be retrieved with fmi2GetContinuousStates. If no element of the continuous state vector has changed its value, valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged must return fmi2False.
  • nextEventTimeDefined::fmi2Boolean: If nextEventTimeDefined = fmi2True, then the simulation shall integrate at most until time = nextEventTime, and shall call fmi2EnterEventMode at this time instant. If integration is stopped before nextEventTime, the definition of nextEventTime becomes obsolete.
  • nextEventTime::fmi2Real: next event if nextEventTimeDefined=fmi2True


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2NewDiscreteStates.


fmi2Reset(c::FMU2Component; soft::Bool=false)

Is called by the environment to reset the FMU after a simulation run. The FMU goes into the same state as if fmi2Instantiate would have been called.All variables have their default values. Before starting a new run, fmi2SetupExperiment and fmi2EnterInitializationMode have to be called.


  • c::FMU2Component: Argument c is a Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • soft::Bool=false: If the Keyword soft = true the command is only performed if the FMU is in an allowed state for this command.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.6 Initialization, Termination, and Resetting an FMU

See also fmi2Terminate.


fmi2SerializeFMUstate!(c::FMU2Component, FMUstate::fmi2FMUstate, serialzedState::AbstractArray{fmi2Byte}, size::Csize_t)

Serializes the data which is referenced by pointer FMUstate and copies this data in to the byte vector serializedState of length size, that must be provided by the environment.


  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • state::fmi2FMUstate: Argument state is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.
  • serialzedState::AbstractArray{fmi2Byte}: Argument serializedState contains the copy of the serialized data referenced by the pointer FMUstate.
  • size::Csize_t: Argument size defines the length of the serialized vector.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2SerializeFMUstate,fmi2FMUstate, fmi2Struct, FMU2, FMU2Component.


fmi2SerializedFMUstateSize!(c::FMU2Component, FMUstate::fmi2FMUstate, size::Ref{Csize_t})

Stores the size of the byte vector in the given referenced Address, in order that FMUstate can be stored in it.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • FMUstate::fmi2FMUstate: Argument FMUstate is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.
  • size::Ref{Csize_t}: Argument size is an object that safely references a value of type Csize_t and defines the size of the byte vector in which the FMUstate can be stored.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2SerializedFMUstateSize!.


fmi2SetBoolean(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Boolean})

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • value::AbstractArray{fmi2Boolean}: Argument values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetBoolean,fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, fmi2Struct, FMU2, FMU2Component.


fmi2SetBoolean(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::Union{AbstractArray{Bool}, Bool})

Set the values of an array of boolean variables


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • values::Union{Array{Bool}, Bool}: Argument values is an array or a single value with type Boolean or any subtyp


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetBoolean!.


fmi2SetContinuousStates(c::FMU2Component, x::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, nx::Csize_t)

Set a new (continuous) state vector and re-initialize caching of variables that depend on the states. Argument nx is the length of vector x and is provided for checking purposes


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • x::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument x contains values of type fmi2Real which is a alias type for Real data type.x is the AbstractArray of the vector values of Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • nx::Csize_t: Argument nx defines the length of vector x and is provided for checking purposes


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.1 Providing Independent Variables and Re-initialization of Caching

See also fmi2SetContinuousStates.


Set a new (continuous) state vector and reinitialize chaching of variables that depend on states.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • x::Union{AbstractArray{Float32},AbstractArray{Float64}}:Argument x is the AbstractArray of the vector values of Float64 or Float32.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.1 Providing Independent Variables and Re-initialization of Caching

See also fmi2SetContinuousStates.

fmi2SetDebugLogging(c::FMU2Component, logginOn::fmi2Boolean, nCategories::Unsigned, categories::Ptr{Nothing})

Control the use of the logging callback function, version independent.


  • c::FMU2Component: Argument c is a Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • logginOn::fmi2Boolean: If loggingOn = fmi2True, debug logging is enabled for the log categories specified in categories, otherwise it is disabled. Type fmi2Boolean is defined as an alias Type for the C-Type Boolean and is to be used with fmi2True and fmi2False.
  • nCategories::Unsigned: Argument nCategories defines the length of the argument categories.
  • categories::Ptr{Nothing}:


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.5 Creation, Destruction and Logging of FMU Instances

See also fmi2SetDebugLogging.


fmi2SetFMUstate(c::FMU2Component, FMUstate::fmi2FMUstate)

Copies the content of the previously copied FMUstate back and uses it as actual new FMU state.


  • str::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • str::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • FMUstate::fmi2FMUstate: Argument FMUstate is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2GetFMUstate, fmi2Struct, FMU2, FMU2Component.

fmi2SetInteger(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer})

Set the values of an array of integer variables


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an AbstractArray of nvr value handels, called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • values::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:

  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions

  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

    See also fmi2GetInteger!.


fmi2SetInteger(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::Union{AbstractArray{<:Integer}, <:Integer})

Set the values of an array of integer variables


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • vr::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • values::Union{Array{<:Integer}, <:Integer}: Argument values is an array or a single value with type Integer or any subtyp


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status indicates the success of the function call.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2SetInteger.


fmi2SetReal(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an AbstractArray of nvr value handels, called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • values::AbstractArray{fm2Real}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

See also fmi2GetReal.


fmi2SetReal(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::Union{AbstractArray{<:Real}, <:Real})

Set the values of an array of real variables


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Wildcards for how a user can pass a fmi[X]ValueReference

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • values::Union{Array{<:Real}, <:Real}: Argument values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2SetReal.


fmi2SetRealInputDerivatives(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, order::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}, value::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Sets the n-th time derivative of real input variables.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that t define the variables whose derivatives shall be set.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • order::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}: Argument order is an AbstractArray of fmi2Integer values witch specifys the corresponding order of derivative of the real input variable.
  • values::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.1 Transfer of Input / Output Values and Parameters

See also fmi2SetRealInputDerivatives.


fmi2SetRealInputDerivatives(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, order::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}, values::AbstractArray{fmi2Real})

Sets the n-th time derivative of real input variables.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variables whose derivatives shall be set.
  • order::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer}: Argument order is an AbstractArray of fmi2Integer values witch specifys the corresponding order of derivative of the real input variable.
  • values::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Argument values is an AbstractArray with the actual values of these variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.1 Transfer of Input / Output Values and Parameters

See also fmi2SetRealInputDerivatives.


fmi2SetString(c::FMU2Component, vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, nvr::Csize_t, value::Union{AbstractArray{Ptr{Cchar}}, AbstractArray{Ptr{UInt8}}})

Set the values of an array of string variables

For the exact rules on which type of variables fmi2SetXXX can be called see FMISpec2.0.2 section 2.2.7 , as well as FMISpec2.0.2 section 3.2.3 in case of ModelExchange and FMISpec2.0.2 section 4.2.4 in case ofCoSimulation.


  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that define the variable that shall be inquired.
  • nvr::Csize_t: Argument nvr defines the size of vr.
  • value::Union{AbstractArray{Ptr{Cchar}, AbstractArray{Ptr{UInt8}}}: The value argument is an AbstractArray of values whose memory address refers to data of type Cchar or UInt8and describes a vector with the actual values of these. variables.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

See also fmi2GetString!.

Source: FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference


fmi2SetString(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, values::Union{AbstractArray{String}, String})

Set the values of an array of string variables

For the exact rules on which type of variables fmi2SetXXX can be called see FMISpec2.0.2 section 2.2.7 , as well as FMISpec2.0.2 section 3.2.3 in case of ModelExchange and FMISpec2.0.2 section 4.2.4 in case of CoSimulation.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}

  • values::Union{Array{String}, String}: Argument values is an array or a single value with type String.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.46]: 2.2.7 Definition of Model Variables
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.46]: 3.2.3 State Machine of Calling Sequence
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.108]: 4.2.4 State Machine of Calling Sequence from Master to Slave

See also fmi2SetString.


fmi2SetTime(c::FMU2Component, time::fmi2Real; soft::Bool=false)

Set a new time instant and re-initialize caching of variables that depend on time, provided the newly provided time value is different to the previously set time value (variables that depend solely on constants or parameters need not to be newly computed in the sequel, but the previously computed values can be reused).


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • time::fmi2Real: Argument time contains a value of type fmi2Real which is a alias type for Real data type. time sets the independent variable time t.


  • soft::Bool=false: If the Keyword soft = true the command is only performed if the FMU is in an allowed state for this command.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.1 Providing Independent Variables and Re-initialization of Caching

See also fmi2SetTime.

fmiSetTime(c::FMU2Component, t::Real)

Set a new time instant and re-initialize caching of variables that depend on time.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • t::Real: Argument t contains a value of type Real. t sets the independent variable time t.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.1 Providing Independent Variables and Re-initialization of Caching

See also fmi2SetTime


fmi2SetupExperiment(c::FMU2Component, startTime::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing, stopTime::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing; tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing)

Setup the simulation but without defining all of the parameters.


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • startTime::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing: startTime is a real number which sets the value of starting time of the experiment. The default value is set automatically if doing nothing (default = nothing).
  • stopTime::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing: stopTime is a real number which sets the value of ending time of the experiment. The default value is set automatically if doing nothing (default = nothing).


  • tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing: tolerance is a real number which sets the value of tolerance range. The default value is set automatically if doing nothing (default = nothing).


  • Returns a warning if str.state is not called in fmi2ComponentStateInstantiated.
  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.23]: 2.1.6 Initialization, Termination, and Resetting an FMU
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2SetupExperiment.

fmi2SetupExperiment(c::FMU2Component, toleranceDefined::fmi2Boolean, tolerance::fmi2Real, startTime::fmi2Real, stopTimeDefined::fmi2Boolean, stopTime::fmi2Real)

Informs the FMU to setup the experiment. This function must be called after fmi2Instantiate and before fmi2EnterInitializationMode is called.


  • c::FMU2Component: Argument c is a Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • toleranceDefined::fmi2Boolean: Arguments toleranceDefined depend on the FMU type:
    • fmuType = fmi2ModelExchange: If toleranceDefined = fmi2True, then the model is called with a numerical integration scheme where the step size is controlled by using tolerance for error estimation. In such a case, all numerical algorithms used inside the model (for example, to solve non-linear algebraic equations) should also operate with an error estimation of an appropriate smaller relative tolerance.
    • fmuType = fmi2CoSimulation: If toleranceDefined = fmi2True, then the communication interval of the slave is controlled by error estimation. In case the slave utilizes a numerical integrator with variable step size and error estimation, it is suggested to use “tolerance” for the error estimation of the internal integrator (usually as relative tolerance). An FMU for Co-Simulation might ignore this argument.
  • startTime::fmi2Real: Argument startTime can be used to check whether the model is valid within the given boundaries or to allocate memory which is necessary for storing results. It is the fixed initial value of the independent variable and if the independent variable is time, startTime is the starting time of initializaton.
  • stopTimeDefined::fmi2Boolean: If stopTimeDefined = fmi2True, then stopTime is the defined final value of the independent variable and if stopTimeDefined = fmi2False, then no final value

of the independent variable is defined and argument stopTime is meaningless.

  • stopTime::fmi2Real: Argument stopTime can be used to check whether the model is valid within the given boundaries or to allocate memory which is necessary for storing results. It is the fixed final value of the independent variable and if the independent variable is “time”, stopTime is the stop time of the simulation.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.6 Initialization, Termination, and Resetting an FMU

See also fmi2SetupExperiment.

fmi2Terminate(c::FMU2Component; soft::Bool=false)

Informs the FMU that the simulation run is terminated.


  • c::FMU2Component: Argument c is a Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • soft::Bool=false: If the Keyword soft = true the command is only performed if the FMU is in an allowed state for this command.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.6 Initialization, Termination, and Resetting an FMU

See also fmi2Terminate.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 5.2.2. State: Clock Activation Mode

During Clock Activation Mode (see 5.2.2.) after fmi3ActivateModelPartition has been called for a calculated, tunable or changing Clock the FMU provides the information on when the Clock will tick again, i.e. when the corresponding model partition has to be scheduled the next time.

Each fmi3ActivateModelPartition call is associated with the computation of an exposed model partition of the FMU and therefore to an input Clock.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

This function must be called by the environment after every completed step of the integrator provided the capability flag needsCompletedIntegratorStep = true. If enterEventMode == fmi3True, the event mode must be entered If terminateSimulation == fmi3True, the simulation shall be terminated


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

fmi3DeSerializeFMUstate deserializes the byte vector serializedState of length size, constructs a copy of the FMU state and returns FMUstate, the pointer to this copy.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 4.2.1. State: Step Mode

The computation of a time step is started.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

If the importer needs to change structural parameters, it must move the FMU into Configuration Mode using fmi3EnterConfigurationMode.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.5. State: Event Mode

The model enters Continuous-Time Mode and all discrete-time equations become inactive and all relations are “frozen”. This function has to be called when changing from Event Mode (after the global event iteration in Event Mode over all involved FMUs and other models has converged) into Continuous-Time Mode.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

The model enters Event Mode.

For more information call ?fmi3EnterEventMode


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

The model enters Event Mode from the Continuous-Time Mode in ModelExchange oder Step Mode in CoSimulation and discrete-time equations may become active (and relations are not “frozen”).


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

FMU enters Initialization mode.

For more information call ?fmi3EnterInitializationMode


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

Informs the FMU to enter Initialization Mode. Before calling this function, all variables with attribute <Datatype initial = "exact" or "approx"> can be set with the “fmi3SetXXX” functions (the ScalarVariable attributes are defined in the Model Description File, see section 2.4.7). Setting other variables is not allowed. Also sets the simulation start and stop time.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.5. State: Event Mode

This function must be called to change from Event Mode into Step Mode in Co-Simulation (see 4.2.).


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.3. State: Initialization Mode

This function is called to trigger the evaluation of fdisc to compute the current values of discrete states from previous values. The FMU signals the support of fmi3EvaluateDiscreteStates via the capability flag providesEvaluateDiscreteStates.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.6. State: Configuration Mode

Exits the Configuration Mode and returns to state Instantiated.


function fmi3FreeFMUState(c::FMU3Instance, FMUstate::Ref{fmi3FMUState})

Free the allocated memory for the FMU state.

For more information call ?fmi3FreeFMUstate


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

fmi3FreeFMUstate frees all memory and other resources allocated with the fmi3GetFMUstate call for this FMUstate.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable

Disposes the given instance, unloads the loaded model, and frees all the allocated memory and other resources that have been allocated by the functions of the FMU interface. If a NULL pointer is provided for argument instance, the function call is ignored (does not have an effect).


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

Computes adjoint derivatives.

For more information call ?fmi3GetAdjointDerivative


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

This function computes the adjoint derivatives v^T{sensitivity}= v^T{seed} ⋅ J of an FMU.

unknowns - contains value references to the unknowns.

nUnknowns - contains the length of argument unknowns.

knowns - contains value references of the knowns.

nKnowns - contains the length of argument knowns.

seed - contains the components of the seed vector.

nSeed - contains the length of seed.

sensitivity - contains the components of the sensitivity vector.

nSensitivity - contains the length of sensitivity.

This function can only be called if the 'ProvidesAdjointDerivatives' tag in the ModelDescription is set.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValues - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Binary variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetBinary!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Boolean variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetBoolean!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Clock variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetClock!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Compute first-oder state derivatives at the current time instant and for the current states.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Compute state derivatives at the current time instant and for the current states.

For more information call ?fmi3GetContinuousDerivatives


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.3. State: Initialization Mode

Return the states at the current time instant.

This function must be called if fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates returned with valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged == fmi3True. Not allowed in Co-Simulation and Scheduled Execution.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

Computes directional derivatives.

For more information call ?fmi3GetDirectionalDerivative


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

This function computes the directional derivatives v{sensitivity} = J ⋅ v{seed} of an FMU.

unknowns - contains value references to the unknowns.

nUnknowns - contains the length of argument unknowns.

knowns - contains value references of the knowns.

nKnowns - contains the length of argument knowns.

seed - contains the components of the seed vector.

nSeed - contains the length of seed.

sensitivity - contains the components of the sensitivity vector.

nSensitivity - contains the length of sensitivity.

This function can only be called if the 'ProvidesDirectionalDerivatives' tag in the ModelDescription is set.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Compute event indicators at the current time instant and for the current states. EventIndicators signal Events by their sign change.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

fmi3GetFMUstate makes a copy of the internal FMU state and returns a pointer to this copy


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Float32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetFloat32!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Float64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetFloat64!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int16 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt16!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt32!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt64!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int8 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt8!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.9. Clocks

fmi3GetIntervalDecimal retrieves the interval until the next clock tick.

For input Clocks it is allowed to call this function to query the next activation interval. For changing aperiodic Clock, this function must be called in every Event Mode where this clock was activated. For countdown aperiodic Clock, this function must be called in every Event Mode. Clock intervals are computed in fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates (at the latest), therefore, this function should be called after fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates. For information about fmi3IntervalQualifiers, call ?fmi3IntervalQualifier


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.9. Clocks

fmi3GetIntervalFraction retrieves the interval until the next clock tick.

For input Clocks it is allowed to call this function to query the next activation interval. For changing aperiodic Clock, this function must be called in every Event Mode where this clock was activated. For countdown aperiodic Clock, this function must be called in every Event Mode. Clock intervals are computed in fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates (at the latest), therefore, this function should be called after fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates. For information about fmi3IntervalQualifiers, call ?fmi3IntervalQualifier


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.3. State: Initialization Mode

Return the nominal values of the continuous states.

If fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates returned with nominalsOfContinuousStatesChanged == fmi3True, then at least one nominal value of the states has changed and can be inquired with fmi3GetNominalsOfContinuousStates. Not allowed in Co-Simulation and Scheduled Execution.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

This function returns the number of continuous states. This function can only be called in Model Exchange.

fmi3GetNumberOfContinuousStates must be called after a structural parameter is changed. As long as no structural parameters changed, the number of states is given in the modelDescription.xml, alleviating the need to call this function.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

This function returns the number of event indicators. This function can only be called in Model Exchange.

fmi3GetNumberOfEventIndicators must be called after a structural parameter is changed. As long as no structural parameters changed, the number of states is given in the modelDescription.xml, alleviating the need to call this function.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.12. Getting Derivatives of Continuous Outputs

Retrieves the n-th derivative of output values.

valueReferences - is a vector of value references that define the variables whose derivatives shall be retrieved. If multiple derivatives of a variable shall be retrieved, list the value reference multiple times.

nValueReferences - is the dimension of the arguments valueReferences and orders.

orders - contains the orders of the respective derivative (1 means the first derivative, 2 means the second derivative, …, 0 is not allowed). If multiple derivatives of a variable shall be retrieved, provide a list of them in the orders array, corresponding to a multiply occurring value reference in the valueReferences array. The highest order of derivatives retrievable can be determined by the 'maxOutputDerivativeOrder' tag in the ModelDescription.

values - is a vector with the values of the derivatives. The order of the values elements is derived from a twofold serialization: the outer level corresponds to the combination of a value reference (e.g., valueReferences[k]) and order (e.g., orders[k]), and the inner level to the serialization of variables as defined in Section The inner level does not exist for scalar variables.

nValues - is the size of the argument values. nValues only equals nValueReferences if all corresponding output variables are scalar variables.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.9. Clocks

fmi3GetShiftDecimal retrieves the delay to the first Clock tick from the FMU.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.9. Clocks

fmi3GetShiftFraction retrieves the delay to the first Clock tick from the FMU.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3String variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetString!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt16 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt16!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt32!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt64!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt8 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt8!


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.10. Dependencies of Variables

The actual dependencies (of type dependenciesKind) can be retrieved by calling the function fmi3GetVariableDependencies:

dependent - specifies the valueReference of the variable for which the dependencies should be returned.

nDependencies - specifies the number of dependencies that the calling environment allocated space for in the result buffers, and should correspond to value obtained by calling fmi3GetNumberOfVariableDependencies.

elementIndicesOfDependent - must point to a buffer of size_t values of size nDependencies allocated by the calling environment. It is filled in by this function with the element index of the dependent variable that dependency information is provided for. The element indices start with 1. Using the element index 0 means all elements of the variable. (Note: If an array has more than one dimension the indices are serialized in the same order as defined for values in Section

independents - must point to a buffer of fmi3ValueReference values of size nDependencies allocated by the calling environment. It is filled in by this function with the value reference of the independent variable that this dependency entry is dependent upon.

elementIndicesIndependents - must point to a buffer of size_t values of size nDependencies allocated by the calling environment. It is filled in by this function with the element index of the independent variable that this dependency entry is dependent upon. The element indices start with 1. Using the element index 0 means all elements of the variable. (Note: If an array has more than one dimension the indices are serialized in the same order as defined for values in Section

dependencyKinds - must point to a buffer of dependenciesKind values of size nDependencies allocated by the calling environment. It is filled in by this function with the enumeration value describing the dependency of this dependency entry. For more information about dependenciesKinds, call ?fmi3DependencyKind

If this function is called before the fmi3ExitInitializationMode call, it returns the initial dependencies. If this function is called after the fmi3ExitInitializationMode call, it returns the runtime dependencies. The retrieved dependency information of one variable becomes invalid as soon as a structural parameter linked to the variable or to any of its depending variables are set. As a consequence, if you change structural parameters affecting B or A, the dependency of B becomes invalid. The dependency information must change only if structural parameters are changed.

This information can only be retrieved if the 'providesPerElementDependencies' tag in the ModelDescription is set.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.4. Inquire Version Number of Header Files

This function returns fmi3Version of the fmi3Functions.h header file which was used to compile the functions of the FMU. This function call is allowed always and in all interface types.

The standard header file as documented in this specification has version "3.0-beta.2", so this function returns "3.0-beta.2".


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable

Is called by the environment to reset the FMU after a simulation run. The FMU goes into the same state as if fmi3InstantiateXXX would have been called.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

fmi3SerializeFMUstate serializes the data which is referenced by pointer FMUstate and copies this data in to the byte vector serializedState of length size


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

fmi3SerializedFMUstateSize returns the size of the byte vector which is needed to store FMUstate in it.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Binary variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetBinary


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Boolean variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetBoolean


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Clock variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetClock


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Set a new (continuous) state vector and re-initialize caching of variables that depend on the states. Argument nx is the length of vector x and is provided for checking purposes


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Set a new (continuous) state vector and reinitialize chaching of variables that depend on states.

For more information call ?fmi3SetContinuousStates


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable

The function controls debug logging that is output via the logger function callback. If loggingOn = fmi3True, debug logging is enabled, otherwise it is switched off.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable

Set the DebugLogger for the FMU.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

fmi3SetFMUstate copies the content of the previously copied FMUstate back and uses it as actual new FMU state.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Float32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetFloat32


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Float64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetFloat64


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Int16 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetInt16


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Int32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetInt32


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Int64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetInt64


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3Int8 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetInt8


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.9. Clocks

fmi3SetIntervalFraction sets the interval until the next clock tick Only allowed if the attribute 'supportsFraction' is set.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3String variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetString


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Set a new time instant and re-initialize caching of variables that depend on time, provided the newly provided time value is different to the previously set time value (variables that depend solely on constants or parameters need not to be newly computed in the sequel, but the previously computed values can be reused).


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Set independent variable time and reinitialize chaching of variables that depend on time.

For more information call ?fmi3SetTime


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3UInt16 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetUInt16


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3UInt32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetUInt32


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3UInt64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetUInt64


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Functions to get and set values of variables idetified by their valueReference.

nValue - is different from nvr if the value reference represents an array and therefore are more values tied to a single value reference.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Set the values of an array of fmi3UInt8 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3SetUInt8


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.4. Super State: Initialized

Informs the FMU that the simulation run is terminated.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.5. State: Event Mode

This function is called to signal a converged solution at the current super-dense time instant. fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates must be called at least once per super-dense time instant.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.5. State: Event Mode

This function is called to signal a converged solution at the current super-dense time instant. fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates must be called at least once per super-dense time instant.

For more information call ?fmi3UpdateDiscreteStates


Source: FMISpec2.0.2[p.21-22]: 2.1.5 Creation, Destruction and Logging of FMU Instances

Function that is called in the FMU if memory needs to be allocated. If attribute “canNotUseMemoryManagementFunctions = true” in <fmiModelDescription><ModelExchange / CoSimulation>, then function allocateMemory is not used in the FMU and a void pointer can be provided. If this attribute has a value of “false” (which is the default), the FMU must not use malloc, calloc or other memory allocation functions. One reason is that these functions might not be available for embedded systems on the target machine. Another reason is that the environment may have optimized or specialized memory allocation functions. allocateMemory returns a pointer to space for a vector of nobj objects, each of size “size” or NULL, if the request cannot be satisfied. The space is initialized to zero bytes [(a simple implementation is to use calloc from the C standard library)].


Source: FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.5 Creation, Destruction and Logging of FMU Instances

Function that must be called in the FMU if memory is freed that has been allocated with allocateMemory. If a null pointer is provided as input argument obj, the function shall perform no action [(a simple implementation is to use free from the C standard library; in ANSI C89 and C99, the null pointer handling is identical as defined here)]. If attribute “canNotUseMemoryManagementFunctions = true” in <fmiModelDescription><ModelExchange / CoSimulation>, then function freeMemory is not used in the FMU and a null pointer can be provided.


Source: FMISpec2.0.2[p.21]: 2.1.5 Creation, Destruction and Logging of FMU Instances

Function that is called in the FMU, usually if an fmi2XXX function, does not behave as desired. If “logger” is called with “status = fmi2OK”, then the message is a pure information message. “instanceName” is the instance name of the model that calls this function. “category” is the category of the message. The meaning of “category” is defined by the modeling environment that generated the FMU. Depending on this modeling environment, none, some or all allowed values of “category” for this FMU are defined in the modelDescription.xml file via element “<fmiModelDescription><LogCategories>”, see section 2.2.4. Only messages are provided by function logger that have a category according to a call to fmi2SetDebugLogging (see below). Argument “message” is provided in the same way and with the same format control as in function “printf” from the C standard library. [Typically, this function prints the message and stores it optionally in a log file.]


Source: FMISpec2.0.2[p.22]: 2.1.5 Creation, Destruction and Logging of FMU Instances

Optional call back function to signal if the computation of a communication step of a co-simulation slave is finished. A null pointer can be provided. In this case the master must use fmiGetStatus(..) to query the status of fmi2DoStep. If a pointer to a function is provided, it must be called by the FMU after a completed communication step.



Returns true, if the FMU supports the getting/setting of states


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU supports the getting/setting of states.


Returns true, if the FMU supports the getting/setting of states


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU supports the getting/setting of states.


Returns true, if the FMU state can be serialized


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU state can be serialized


Returns true, if the FMU state can be serialized


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU state can be serialized
fmiCompletedIntegratorStep(c::FMU2Component, noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::fmi2Boolean)

This function must be called by the environment after every completed step


  • C::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint::fmi2Boolean: Argument noSetFMUStatePriorToCurrentPoint = fmi2True if fmi2SetFMUState will no longer be called for time instants prior to current time in this simulation run.


  • status::fmi2Status: Return status is an enumeration of type fmi2Status and indicates the success of the function call.

More detailed:

  • fmi2OK: all well
  • fmi2Warning: things are not quite right, but the computation can continue
  • fmi2Discard: if the slave computed successfully only a subinterval of the communication step
  • fmi2Error: the communication step could not be carried out at all
  • fmi2Fatal: if an error occurred which corrupted the FMU irreparably
  • fmi2Pending: this status is returned if the slave executes the function asynchronously
  • enterEventMode::Array{fmi2Boolean, 1}: Returns enterEventMode[1] to signal to the environment if the FMU shall call fmi2EnterEventMode
  • terminateSimulation::Array{fmi2Boolean, 1}: Returns terminateSimulation[1] to signal if the simulation shall be terminated.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2CompletedIntegratorStep, fmi2SetFMUState.


fmi2DeSerializeFMUstate(c::FMU2Component, serializedState::AbstractArray{fmi2Byte})

Deserialize the data in the serializedState fmi2Byte field


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • serializedState::Array{fmi2Byte}: Argument serializedState contains the fmi2Byte field to be deserialized.


  • Return state is a pointer to a copy of the internal FMU state.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2DeSerializeFMUstate.



Returns true if the FMU model description contains dependency information.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU model description contains dependency information.


Returns if the FMU model description contains dependency information for derivatives.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU model description contains dependency information for derivatives.

fmi2GetBoolean(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat)

Get the values of an array of fmi2Boolean variables.


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}


  • values::Array{fmi2Boolean}: Return values is an array with the actual values of these variables.

See also fmi2GetBoolean!.



Return the new (continuous) state vector x


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • x::Array{fmi2Real}: Returns an array of fmi2Real values representing the new continuous state vector x.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetEventIndicators.



Returns startTime from DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.defaultExperiment.startTime::Union{Real,Nothing}: Returns a real value startTime from the DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


Returns stepSize from DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.defaultExperiment.stepSize::Union{Real,Nothing}: Returns a real value setpSize from the DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


Returns stopTime from DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.defaultExperiment.stopTime::Union{Real,Nothing}: Returns a real value stopTime from the DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


Returns tolerance from DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.defaultExperiment.tolerance::Union{Real,Nothing}: Returns a real value tolerance from the DefaultExperiment if defined else defaults to nothing.



Returns a dictionary Dict(fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}) of derivative value references and their corresponding names


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type fmi2ValueReference and values of type Array{String}. So returns a dict with (vrs, names of derivatives)

See also 'fmi2GetValueReferencesAndNames'


fmi2GetDerivativeNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.derivativeValueReferences, mode=:first)

fmi2GetDerivativeNames(fmu::FMU2; vrs=md.derivativeValueReferences, mode=:first)

Returns names of derivatives


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.derivativeValueReferences: Additional attribute derivativeValueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.derivativeValueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})
  • mode=:first: If there are multiple names per value reference, availabel modes are :first (default, pick only the first one), :group (pick all and group them into an array) and :flat (pick all, but flat them out into a 1D-array together with all other names)


  • names::Array{String}: Returns a array of names corresponding to parameter value references vrs

See also 'fmi2GetNames'.



Compute state derivatives at the current time instant and for the current states.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • derivatives::Array{fmi2Real}: Returns an array of fmi2Real values representing the derivatives for the current states. The ordering of the elements of the derivatives vector is identical to the ordering of the state



  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetDerivatives.


fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, vKnownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, dvKnown::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

Wrapper Function call to compute the partial derivative with respect to the variables vKnown_ref.

Computes the directional derivatives of an FMU. An FMU has different Modes and in every Mode an FMU might be described by different equations and different unknowns.The precise definitions are given in the mathematical descriptions of Model Exchange (section 3.1) and Co-Simulation (section 4.1). In every Mode, the general form of the FMU equations are: 𝐯unknown = 𝐡(𝐯known, 𝐯_rest)

  • v_unknown: vector of unknown Real variables computed in the actual Mode:
    • Initialization Mode: unkowns kisted under <ModelStructure><InitialUnknowns> that have type Real.
    • Continuous-Time Mode (ModelExchange): The continuous-time outputs and state derivatives. (= the variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous and the variables listed as state derivatives under <ModelStructure><Derivatives>).
    • Event Mode (ModelExchange): The same variables as in the Continuous-Time Mode and additionally variables under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = discrete.
    • Step Mode (CoSimulation): The variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous or discrete. If <ModelStructure><Derivatives> is present, also the variables listed here as state derivatives.
  • v_known: Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • v_rest:Set of input variables of function h that either changes its value in the actual Mode but are non-Real variables, or do not change their values in this Mode, but change their values in other Modes

Computes a linear combination of the partial derivatives of h with respect to the selected input variables 𝐯_known:

Δv_unknown = (δh / δv_known) Δv_known


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(variable described above).
  • vKnown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref can be equated with v_known(variable described above).
  • dvKnown::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing: If no seed vector is passed the value nothing is used. The vector values Compute the partial derivative with respect to the given entries in vector vKnown_ref with the matching evaluate of dvKnown. # gehört das zu den v_rest values


  • dvUnknown::Array{fmi2Real}: Return dvUnknown contains the directional derivative vector values.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.9 Getting Partial Derivatives

See also fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative.


fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::fmi2ValueReference, vKnownref::fmi2ValueReference, dvKnown::fmi2Real = 1.0)

Direct function call to compute the partial derivative with respect to vKnown_ref.

Computes the directional derivatives of an FMU. An FMU has different Modes and in every Mode an FMU might be described by different equations and different unknowns.The precise definitions are given in the mathematical descriptions of Model Exchange (section 3.1) and Co-Simulation (section 4.1). In every Mode, the general form of the FMU equations are: 𝐯unknown = 𝐡(𝐯known, 𝐯_rest)

  • v_unknown: vector of unknown Real variables computed in the actual Mode:
    • Initialization Mode: unkowns kisted under <ModelStructure><InitialUnknowns> that have type Real.
    • Continuous-Time Mode (ModelExchange): The continuous-time outputs and state derivatives. (= the variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous and the variables listed as state derivatives under <ModelStructure><Derivatives>).
    • Event Mode (ModelExchange): The same variables as in the Continuous-Time Mode and additionally variables under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = discrete.
    • Step Mode (CoSimulation): The variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous or discrete. If <ModelStructure><Derivatives> is present, also the variables listed here as state derivatives.
  • v_known: Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • v_rest:Set of input variables of function h that either changes its value in the actual Mode but are non-Real variables, or do not change their values in this Mode, but change their values in other Modes

Computes a linear combination of the partial derivatives of h with respect to the selected input variables 𝐯_known:

Δv_unknown = (δh / δv_known) Δv_known


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::fmi2ValueReference: Argument vUnknown_ref contains a value of typefmi2ValueReference which is an identifier of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(variable described above).
  • vKnown_ref::fmi2ValueReference: Argument vKnown_ref contains a value of typefmi2ValueReference which is an identifier of a variable value of the model. vKnown_ref can be equated with v_known(variable described above).
  • dvKnown::fmi2Real = 1.0: If no seed value is passed the value dvKnown = 1.0 is used. Compute the partial derivative with respect to vKnown_ref with the value dvKnown = 1.0. # gehört das zu den v_rest values


  • dvUnknown::Array{fmi2Real}: Return dvUnknown contains the directional derivative vector values.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.9 Getting Partial Derivatives

See also fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative.



Returns the event indicators of the FMU


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • eventIndicators::Array{fmi2Real}:The event indicators are returned as a vector represented by an array of "fmi2Real" values.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetEventIndicators.



Makes a copy of the internal FMU state and returns a pointer to this copy.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • Return state is a pointer to a copy of the internal FMU state.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2GetFMUstate.

                          steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

Fills the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. No performance optimization, for an optimized version use fmi2GetJacobian!.


  • jac::AbstractMatrix{fmi2Real}: Stores the the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.
  • comp::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • rdx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.
  • rx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.


  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing): If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


  • nothing

fmi2GetFullJacobian(comp::FMU2Component, rdx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, rx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}; steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

Builds the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. No performance optimization, for an optimized version use fmi2GetJacobian.


  • comp::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • rdx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.
  • rx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.


  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing): If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


  • mat::Array{fmi2Real}: Return mat contains the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.


See also fmi2GetFullJacobian!



Returns the tag 'guid' from the model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • fmu.modelDescription.guid::String: Returns the tag 'guid' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'guid' from the model description.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.guid::String: Returns the tag 'guid' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'generationdateandtime' from the model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • fmu.modelDescription.generationDateAndTime::DateTime: Returns the tag 'generationdateandtime' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'generationdateandtime' from the model description.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.generationDateAndTime::DateTime: Returns the tag 'generationdateandtime' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'generationtool' from the model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • fmu.modelDescription.generationTool::Union{String, Nothing}: Returns the tag 'generationtool' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'generationtool' from the model description.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.generationTool::Union{String, Nothing}: Returns the tag 'generationtool' from the model description.


Returns the inital entry of the corresponding model variable.


  • fmi2GetStartValue(mv::fmi2ScalarVariable): The “ModelVariables” element consists of an ordered set of “ScalarVariable” elements. A “ScalarVariable” represents a variable of primitive type, like a real or integer variable.


  • mv._Real.unit: Returns the inital entry of the corresponding ScalarVariable representing a variable of the primitive type Real. Otherwise nothing is returned.



fmi2GetInputNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.inputvalueReferences, mode=:first)

fmi2GetInputNames(fmu::FMU2; vrs=md.inputValueReferences, mode=:first)

Returns names of inputs


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.inputvalueReferences: Additional attribute inputvalueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})
  • mode=:first: If there are multiple names per value reference, availabel modes are :first (default, pick only the first one), :group (pick all and group them into an array) and :flat (pick all, but flat them out into a 1D-array together with all other names)


  • names::Array{String}: Returns a array of names corresponding to value references vrs



Returns a dictionary of input variables with their starting values


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{String, Array{fmi2ValueReferenceFormat}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type String and values of type fmi2ValueReferenceFormat. So returns a dict with ( md.modelVariables[i].name::String, starts:: Array{fmi2ValueReferenceFormat} ). (Creates a tuple (name, starts) for each i in inputIndices)

See also 'fmi2GetStartValue'.




Returns a dict with (vrs, names of inputs)


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type fmi2ValueReference and values of type Array{String}. So returns a dict with (vrs, names of inputs)

fmi2GetInteger(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat)

Returns the integer values of an array of variables


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}


  • values::Array{fmi2Integer}: Return values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetInteger!

function fmi2GetJacobian!(jac::AbstractMatrix{fmi2Real},
                      steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

Fills the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function stores the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx in an AbstractMatrix jac.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. For optimization, if the FMU's model description has the optional entry 'dependencies', only dependent variables are sampled/retrieved. This drastically boosts performance for systems with large variable count (like CFD).


  • jac::AbstractMatrix{fmi2Real}: Stores the the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.
  • comp::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • rdx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.
  • rx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.


  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing): If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


  • nothing


                     steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

Builds the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. For optimization, if the FMU's model description has the optional entry 'dependencies', only dependent variables are sampled/retrieved. This drastically boosts performance for systems with large variable count (like CFD).


  • comp::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • rdx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.
  • rx::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.


  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing): If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


  • mat::Array{fmi2Real}: Return mat contains the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.



fmi2GetModelIdentifier(md::fmi2ModelDescription; type=nothing)

Returns the tag 'modelIdentifier' from CS or ME section.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • type=nothing: Defines whether a Co-Simulation or Model Exchange is present. (default = nothing)


  • md.modelExchange.modelIdentifier::String: Returns the tag modelIdentifier from ModelExchange section.
  • md.coSimulation.modelIdentifier::String: Returns the tag modelIdentifier from CoSimulation section.

function fmi2GetModelName(fmu::FMU2)

Returns the tag 'modelName' from the model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • fmu.modelDescription.modelName::String: Returns the tag 'modelName' from the model description.

fmi2GetModelName(md::fmi2ModelDescription) Returns the tag 'modelName' from the model description.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.modelName::String: Returns the tag 'modelName' from the model description.

fmi2GetModelVariableIndices(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.valueReferences)

Returns a array of indices corresponding to value references vrs


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • vrs=md.valueReferences: Additional attribute valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})


  • names::Array{Integer}: Returns a array of indices corresponding to value references vrs

fmi2GetNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.valueReferences, mode=:first)

fmi2GetNames(fmu::FMU2; vrs=md.valueReferences, mode=:first)

Returns a array of names corresponding to value references vrs


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.valueReferences: Additional attribute valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})
  • mode=:first: If there are multiple names per value reference, availabel modes are :first (default, pick only the first one), :group (pick all and group them into an array) and :flat (pick all, but flat them out into a 1D-array together with all other names)


  • names::Array{String}: Returns a array of names corresponding to value references vrs



Returns a dictionary of variables with their descriptions


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{String, String}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type String and values of type String. So returns a dict with ( md.modelVariables[i].name::String, md.modelVariables[i].description::Union{String, Nothing}). (Creates a tuple (name, description) for each i in 1:length(md.modelVariables))



Returns a dictionary of variables with their initials


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{String, Cuint}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type String and values of type Cuint. So returns a dict with ( md.modelVariables[i].name::String, md.modelVariables[i].inital::Union{fmi2Initial, Nothing}). (Creates a tuple (name,initial) for each i in 1:length(md.modelVariables))

See also fmi2GetInitial.




Returns a dictionary of variables with their units


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{String, String}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type String and values of type String. So returns a dict with ( md.modelVariables[i].name::String, md.modelVariables[i]._Real.unit::Union{String, Nothing}). (Creates a tuple (name, unit) for each i in 1:length(md.modelVariables))

See also fmi2GetUnit.



Return the new (continuous) state vector x


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • x::Array{fmi2Real}: Returns an array of fmi2Real values representing the new continuous state vector x.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2GetNominalsOfContinuousStates.



Returns the tag 'numberOfEventIndicators' from the model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • fmu.modelDescription.numberOfEventIndicators::Union{UInt, Nothing}: Returns the tag 'numberOfEventIndicators' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'numberOfEventIndicators' from the model description.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.numberOfEventIndicators::Union{UInt, Nothing}: Returns the tag 'numberOfEventIndicators' from the model description.


Returns the number of states of the FMU.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • Returns the length of the fmu.modelDescription.valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} corresponding to the number of states of the FMU.


Returns the number of states of the FMU.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • Returns the length of the md.valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} corresponding to the number of states of the FMU.

fmi2GetOutputNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.outputvalueReferences, mode=:first)

fmi2GetOutputNames(fmu::FMU2; vrs=md.outputvalueReferences, mode=:first)

Returns names of outputs


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.outputvalueReferences: Additional attribute outputvalueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.outputvalueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})
  • mode=:first: If there are multiple names per value reference, availabel modes are :first (default, pick only the first one), :group (pick all and group them into an array) and :flat (pick all, but flat them out into a 1D-array together with all other names)


  • names::Array{String}: Returns a array of names corresponding to value references vrs


Returns a dictionary Dict(fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}) of value references and their corresponding names


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.outputvalueReferences: Additional attribute outputvalueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.outputvalueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})


  • dict::Dict{fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type fmi2ValueReference and values of type Array{String}.So returns a dict with (vrs, names of outputs)

fmi2GetParameterNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.parameterValueReferences, mode=:first)

fmi2GetParameterNames(fmu::FMU2; vrs=md.parameterValueReferences, mode=:first)

Returns names of parameters


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.parameterValueReferences: Additional attribute parameterValueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.parameterValueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})
  • mode=:first: If there are multiple names per value reference, availabel modes are :first (default, pick only the first one), :group (pick all and group them into an array) and :flat (pick all, but flat them out into a 1D-array together with all other names)


  • names::Array{String}: Returns a array of names corresponding to parameter value references vrs

See also 'fmi2GetNames'.




Returns a dictionary Dict(fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}) of parameterValueReferences and their corresponding names


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type fmi2ValueReference and values of type Array{String}. So returns a dict with (vrs, names of parameters).

See also 'fmi2GetValueReferencesAndNames'.


fmi2GetReal(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat)

Get the values of an array of fmi2Real variables.


  • c::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • c::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: wildcards for how a user can pass a fmi[X]ValueReference

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}


  • values::Array{fm2Real}: returns values of an array of fmi2Real variables with the dimension of fmi2ValueReferenceFormat length.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetReal.


fmi2GetRealOutputDerivatives(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat, order::AbstractArray{fmi2Integer})

Sets the n-th time derivative of real input variables.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vr is an array of nvr value handels called "ValueReference" that t define the variables whose derivatives shall be set.
  • order::Array{fmi2Integer}: Argument order is an array of fmi2Integer values witch specifys the corresponding order of derivative of the real input variable.


  • value::AbstactArray{fmi2Integer}: Return value is an array which represents a vector with the values of the derivatives.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.104]: 4.2.1 Transfer of Input / Output Values and Parameters

See also fmi2SetRealInputDerivatives!.


fmi2GetStartValue(md::fmi2ModelDescription, vrs::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = md.valueReferences)

fmi2GetStartValue(fmu::FMU2, vrs::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = fmu.modelDescription.valueReferences)

fmi2GetStartValue(c::FMU2Component, vrs::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = c.fmu.modelDescription.valueReferences)


Returns the start/default value for a given value reference.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • mv::fmi2ScalarVariable: The “ModelVariables” element consists of an ordered set of “ScalarVariable” elements. A “ScalarVariable” represents a variable of primitive type, like a real or integer variable.
  • vrs::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = md.valueReferences: wildcards for how a user can pass a fmi[X]ValueReference (default = md.valueReferences)

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}


  • first optional function: starts::Array{fmi2ValueReferenceFormat}: start/default value for a given value reference
  • second optional function:starts::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: start/default value for a given value reference
  • third optional function: starts::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: start/default value for a given value reference
  • forth optional function:
  • mv._Real.start: start/default value for a given ScalarVariable. In this case representing a variable of primitive type Real.
  • mv._Integer.start: start/default value for a given ScalarVariable. In this case representing a variable of primitive type Integer.
  • mv._Boolean.start: start/default value for a given ScalarVariable. In this case representing a variable of primitive type Boolean.
  • mv._String.start: start/default value for a given ScalarVariable. In this case representing a variable of primitive type String.
  • mv._Enumeration.start: start/default value for a given ScalarVariable. In this case representing a variable of primitive type Enumeration.



fmi2GetStateNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.stateValueReferences, mode=:first)

fmi2GetStateNames(fmu::FMU2; vrs=md.stateValueReferences, mode=:first)

Returns names of states


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.stateValueReferences: Additional attribute parameterValueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.stateValueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})
  • mode=:first: If there are multiple names per value reference, availabel modes are :first (default, pick only the first one), :group (pick all and group them into an array) and :flat (pick all, but flat them out into a 1D-array together with all other names)


  • names::Array{String}: Returns a array of names corresponding to parameter value references vrs

See also 'fmi2GetNames'.



fmi2GetStateValueReferencesAndNames(fmu::FMU2) Returns dict(vrs, names of states)

Returns a dictionary Dict(fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}) of state value references and their corresponding names.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • dict::Dict{fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type fmi2ValueReference and values of type Array{String}. So returns a dict with (vrs, names of states)

fmi2GetString(c::FMU2Component, vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat)

Get the values of an array of fmi2String variables.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vr::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat: Argument vr defines the value references of the variables.

More detailed: fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = Union{Nothing, String, Array{String,1}, fmi2ValueReference, Array{fmi2ValueReference,1}, Int64, Array{Int64,1}, Symbol}


  • values::Array{fmi2String}: Return values is an array with the actual values of these variables.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.24]: 2.1.7 Getting and Setting Variable Values
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.18]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions

See also fmi2GetString!.



Returns the unit entry of the corresponding model variable.


  • fmi2GetStartValue(mv::fmi2ScalarVariable): The “ModelVariables” element consists of an ordered set of “ScalarVariable” elements. A “ScalarVariable” represents a variable of primitive type, like a real or integer variable.


  • mv._Real.unit: Returns the unit entry of the corresponding ScalarVariable representing a variable of the primitive type Real. Otherwise nothing is returned.



fmi2GetValueReferencesAndNames(md::fmi2ModelDescription; vrs=md.valueReferences)


Returns a dictionary Dict(fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}) of value references and their corresponding names


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • vrs=md.valueReferences: Additional attribute valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference} of the Model Description that is a handle to a (base type) variable value. Handle and base type uniquely identify the value of a variable. (default = md.valueReferences::Array{fmi2ValueReference})


  • dict::Dict{fmi2ValueReference, Array{String}}: Returns a dictionary that constructs a hash table with keys of type fmi2ValueReference and values of type Array{String}.


Returns the tag 'varaiblenamingconvention' from the model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • fmu.modelDescription.variableNamingConvention::Union{fmi2VariableNamingConvention, Nothing}: Returns the tag 'variableNamingConvention' from the model description.


Returns the tag 'varaiblenamingconvention' from the model description.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • md.variableNamingConvention::Union{fmi2VariableNamingConvention, Nothing}: Returns the tag 'variableNamingConvention' from the model description.
function fmi2Instantiate!(fmu::FMU2; instanceName::String=fmu.modelName, type::fmi2Type=fmu.type, pushComponents::Bool = true, visible::Bool = false, loggingOn::Bool = fmu.executionConfig.loggingOn, externalCallbacks::Bool = fmu.executionConfig.externalCallbacks,
                      logStatusOK::Bool=true, logStatusWarning::Bool=true, logStatusDiscard::Bool=true, logStatusError::Bool=true, logStatusFatal::Bool=true, logStatusPending::Bool=true)

Create a new instance of the given fmu, adds a logger if logginOn == true.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • instanceName::String=fmu.modelName: Name of the instance
  • type::fmi2Type=fmu.type: Defines whether a Co-Simulation or Model Exchange is present
  • pushComponents::Bool = true: Defines if the fmu components should be pushed in the application.
  • visible::Bool = false if the FMU should be started with graphic interface, if supported (default=false)
  • loggingOn::Bool = fmu.executionConfig.loggingOn if the FMU should log and display function calls (default=false)
  • externalCallbacks::Bool = fmu.executionConfig.externalCallbacks if an external shared library should be used for the fmi2CallbackFunctions, this may improve readability of logging messages (default=false)
  • logStatusOK::Bool=true whether to log status of kind fmi2OK (default=true)
  • logStatusWarning::Bool=true whether to log status of kind fmi2Warning (default=true)
  • logStatusDiscard::Bool=true whether to log status of kind fmi2Discard (default=true)
  • logStatusError::Bool=true whether to log status of kind fmi2Error (default=true)
  • logStatusFatal::Bool=true whether to log status of kind fmi2Fatal (default=true)
  • logStatusPending::Bool=true whether to log status of kind fmi2Pending (default=true)


  • Returns the instance of a new FMU component.


See also fmi2Instantiate.



Returns true, if the FMU supports co simulation


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU supports co simulation


Returns true, if the FMU supports co simulation


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU supports co simulation


Returns true, if the FMU supports model exchange


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU supports model exchange


Returns true, if the FMU supports model exchange


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU supports model exchange

fmi2Load(pathToFMU::String; unpackPath=nothing, type=nothing, cleanup=true)

Sets the properties of the fmu by reading the modelDescription.xml. Retrieves all the pointers of binary functions.


  • pathToFMU::String: The folder path to the .fmu file.


  • unpackPath=nothing: Via optional argument unpackPath, a path to unpack the FMU can be specified (default: system temporary directory).
  • type=nothing: Defines whether a Co-Simulation or Model Exchange is present
  • cleanup=true: The cleanup option controls whether the temporary directory is automatically deleted when the process exits.


  • Returns the instance of the FMU struct.


See also .



Extract the FMU variables and meta data from the ModelDescription


  • pathToModellDescription::String: Contains the path to a file name that is selected to be read and converted to an XML document. In order to better extract the variables and meta data in the further process.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Retuns a struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.



fmi2ModelVariablesForValueReference(md::fmi2ModelDescription, vr::fmi2ValueReference)

Returns the model variable(s) fitting the value reference.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Argument md stores all static information related to an FMU. Especially, the FMU variables and their attributes such as name, unit, default initial value, etc..
  • vr::fmi2ValueReference: Argument vr contains a value of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.


  • ar::Array{fmi2ScalarVariable}: Return ar is an array of fmi2ScalarVariable containing the modelVariables with the identical fmi2ValueReference to the input variable vr.


See also fmi2ModelVariablesForValueReference.



Returns the next discrete states


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • eventInfo::fmi2EventInfo*: Strut with fmi2Boolean Variables

More detailed:

  • newDiscreteStatesNeeded::fmi2Boolean: If newDiscreteStatesNeeded = fmi2True the FMU should stay in Event Mode, and the FMU requires to set new inputs to the FMU to compute and get the outputs and to call

fmi2NewDiscreteStates again. If all FMUs return newDiscreteStatesNeeded = fmi2False call fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode.

  • terminateSimulation::fmi2Boolean: If terminateSimulation = fmi2True call fmi2Terminate
  • nominalsOfContinuousStatesChanged::fmi2Boolean: If nominalsOfContinuousStatesChanged = fmi2True then the nominal values of the states have changed due to the function call and can be inquired with fmi2GetNominalsOfContinuousStates.
  • valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged::fmi2Boolean: If valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged = fmi2True, then at least one element of the continuous state vector has changed its value due to the function call. The new values of the states can be retrieved with fmi2GetContinuousStates. If no element of the continuous state vector has changed its value, valuesOfContinuousStatesChanged must return fmi2False.
  • nextEventTimeDefined::fmi2Boolean: If nextEventTimeDefined = fmi2True, then the simulation shall integrate at most until time = nextEventTime, and shall call fmi2EnterEventMode at this time instant. If integration is stopped before nextEventTime, the definition of nextEventTime becomes obsolete.
  • nextEventTime::fmi2Real: next event if nextEventTimeDefined=fmi2True


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.83]: 3.2.2 Evaluation of Model Equations

See also fmi2NewDiscreteStates.



Returns true, if the FMU provides directional derivatives


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU provides directional derivatives


Returns true, if the FMU provides directional derivatives


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Struct which provides the static information of ModelVariables.


  • ::Bool: Returns true, if the FMU provides directional derivatives


Reloads the FMU-binary. This is useful, if the FMU does not support a clean reset implementation.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.



fmi2SampleDirectionalDerivative(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}, vKnownref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}, steps::Array{fmi2Real} = ones(fmi2Real, length(vKnown_ref)).*1e-5)

This function samples the directional derivative by manipulating corresponding values (central differences).


  • str::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • str::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref is the Array of the vector values of Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • vKnown_ref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref is the Array of the vector values of Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • steps::Array{fmi2Real} = ones(fmi2Real, length(vKnown_ref)).*1e-5:
  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing:


  • dvUnknown::Arrya{fmi2Real}:


                                   steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

This function samples the directional derivative by manipulating corresponding values (central differences).

Computes the directional derivatives of an FMU. An FMU has different Modes and in every Mode an FMU might be described by different equations and different unknowns. The precise definitions are given in the mathematical descriptions of Model Exchange (section 3.1) and Co-Simulation (section 4.1). In every Mode, the general form of the FMU equations are: 𝐯unknown = 𝐡(𝐯known, 𝐯_rest)

  • v_unknown: vector of unknown Real variables computed in the actual Mode:
    • Initialization Mode: unkowns kisted under <ModelStructure><InitialUnknowns> that have type Real.
    • Continuous-Time Mode (ModelExchange): The continuous-time outputs and state derivatives. (= the variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous and the variables listed as state derivatives under <ModelStructure><Derivatives>).
    • Event Mode (ModelExchange): The same variables as in the Continuous-Time Mode and additionally variables under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = discrete.
    • Step Mode (CoSimulation): The variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous or discrete. If <ModelStructure><Derivatives> is present, also the variables listed here as state derivatives.
  • v_known: Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • v_rest:Set of input variables of function h that either changes its value in the actual Mode but are non-Real variables, or do not change their values in this Mode, but change their values in other Modes

Computes a linear combination of the partial derivatives of h with respect to the selected input variables 𝐯_known:

Δvunknown = (δh / δvknown) Δv_known


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(variable described above).
  • vKnown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref can be equated with v_known(variable described above).
  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing): If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


  • dvUnkonwn::Array{fmi2Real}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(see function fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative!).


See also fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative! ,fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative.


function fmi2SampleDirectionalDerivative!(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, vKnownref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}, dvUnknown::AbstractArray, # ToDo: datatype steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing)

This function samples the directional derivative by manipulating corresponding values (central differences) and saves in-place.

Computes the directional derivatives of an FMU. An FMU has different Modes and in every Mode an FMU might be described by different equations and different unknowns. The precise definitions are given in the mathematical descriptions of Model Exchange (section 3.1) and Co-Simulation (section 4.1). In every Mode, the general form of the FMU equations are: 𝐯unknown = 𝐡(𝐯known, 𝐯_rest)

  • v_unknown: vector of unknown Real variables computed in the actual Mode:
    • Initialization Mode: unkowns kisted under <ModelStructure><InitialUnknowns> that have type Real.
    • Continuous-Time Mode (ModelExchange): The continuous-time outputs and state derivatives. (= the variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous and the variables listed as state derivatives under <ModelStructure><Derivatives>).
    • Event Mode (ModelExchange): The same variables as in the Continuous-Time Mode and additionally variables under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = discrete.
    • Step Mode (CoSimulation): The variables listed under <ModelStructure><Outputs> with type Real and variability = continuous or discrete. If <ModelStructure><Derivatives> is present, also the variables listed here as state derivatives.
  • v_known: Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • v_rest:Set of input variables of function h that either changes its value in the actual Mode but are non-Real variables, or do not change their values in this Mode, but change their values in other Modes

Computes a linear combination of the partial derivatives of h with respect to the selected input variables 𝐯_known:

Δvunknown = (δh / δvknown) Δv_known


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnknown_ref contains values of typefmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model. vUnknown_ref can be equated with v_unknown(variable described above).
  • vKnown_ref::AbstractArray{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref can be equated with v_known(variable described above).
  • dvUnknown::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}: Stores the directional derivative vector values.
  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing): If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


  • nothing


See also fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative! ,fmi2GetDirectionalDerivative.


fmi2SampleDirectionalDerivative!(c::FMU2Component, vUnknownref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}, vKnownref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}, dvUnknown::AbstractArray, steps::Array{fmi2Real} = ones(fmi2Real, length(vKnown_ref)).*1e-5)

This function samples the directional derivative by manipulating corresponding values (central differences) and saves in-place.


  • str::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • str::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • vUnknown_ref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vUnKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref is the Array of the vector values of Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • vKnown_ref::Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Argument vKnown_ref contains values of type fmi2ValueReference which are identifiers of a variable value of the model.vKnown_ref is the Array of the vector values of Real input variables of function h that changes its value in the actual Mode.
  • dvUnknown::AbstractArray: stores the samples of the directional derivative
  • steps::Array{fmi2Real} = ones(fmi2Real, length(vKnown_ref)).*1e-5:
  • steps::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, Nothing} = nothing:


  • nothing



fmi2SerializeFMUstate(c::FMU2Component, state::fmi2FMUstate)

Serializes the data referenced by the pointer FMUstate and copies this data into the byte vector serializedState of length size to be provided by the environment.


  • str::fmi2Struct: Representative for an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.

More detailed: fmi2Struct = Union{FMU2, FMU2Component}

  • str::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • str::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • state::fmi2FMUstate: Argument state is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.


  • serializedState:: Array{fmi2Byte}: Return serializedState contains the copy of the serialized data referenced by the pointer FMUstate


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2SerializeFMUstate.


fmi2SerializedFMUstateSize(c::FMU2Component, state::fmi2FMUstate)

Returns the size of the byte vector in which the FMUstate can be stored.


  • c::FMU2Component: Mutable struct represents an instantiated instance of an FMU in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • state::fmi2FMUstate: Argument state is a pointer to a data structure in the FMU that saves the internal FMU state of the actual or a previous time instant.


  • Return size is an object that safely references a value of type Csize_t.


  • FMISpec2.0.2 Link:
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.2 Platform Dependent Definitions (fmi2TypesPlatform.h)
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.16]: 2.1.3 Status Returned by Functions
  • FMISpec2.0.2[p.25]: 2.1.8 Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

See also fmi2SerializedFMUstateSize.


fmi2StringToValueReference(md::fmi2ModelDescription, names::AbstractArray{String})

Returns an array of ValueReferences coresponding to the variable names.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Argument md stores all static information related to an FMU. Especially, the FMU variables and their attributes such as name, unit, default initial value, etc..
  • names::AbstractArray{String}: Argument names contains a list of Strings. For each string ("variable name"), the corresponding value reference is searched in the given modelDescription.


  • vr:Array{fmi2ValueReference}: Return vr is an array of ValueReference coresponding to the variable names.


See also fmi2StringToValueReference.


fmi2StringToValueReference(md::fmi2ModelDescription, name::String)

fmi2StringToValueReference(fmu::FMU2, name::Union{String, AbstractArray{String}})

Returns the ValueReference or an array of ValueReferences coresponding to the variable names.


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Argument md stores all static information related to an FMU. Especially, the FMU variables and their attributes such as name, unit, default initial value, etc..
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • name::String: Argument names contains a String or a list of Strings. For each string ("variable name"), the corresponding value reference is searched in the given modelDescription.
  • name::Union{String, AbstractArray{String}}: Argument names contains a Strings or AbstractArray{String}. For that, the corresponding value reference is searched in the given modelDescription.


  • reference::md.stringValueReferences: Return references is an array of ValueReference coresponding to the variable name.

For input parameter name::Sting:

  • reference::md.stringValueReferences: Return references is an array of ValueReference coresponding to the variable name.

For input parameter name::AbstractArray{String}

  • ar::Array{fmi2ScalarVariable}: Return ar is an array of fmi2ScalarVariable containing the modelVariables with the identical fmi2ValueReference to the input variable vr.


See also fmi2StringToValueReference


function fmi2Unload(fmu::FMU2, cleanUp::Bool = true)

Unload a FMU. Free the allocated memory, close the binaries and remove temporary zip and unziped FMU model description.


  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • cleanUp::Bool= true: Defines if the file, link, or empty directory should be deleted.

fmi2Unzip(pathToFMU::String; unpackPath=nothing, cleanup=true)

Create a copy of the .fmu file as a .zip folder and unzips it. Returns the paths to the zipped and unzipped folders.


  • pathToFMU::String: The folder path to the .zip folder.


  • unpackPath=nothing: Via optional argument unpackPath, a path to unpack the FMU can be specified (default: system temporary directory).
  • cleanup=true: The cleanup option controls whether the temporary directory is automatically deleted when the process exits.


  • unzippedAbsPath::String: Contains the Path to the uzipped Folder.
  • zipAbsPath::String: Contains the Path to the zipped Folder.

See also mktempdir.


fmi2ValueReferenceToString(md::fmi2ModelDescription, reference::fmi2ValueReference)

fmi2ValueReferenceToString(md::fmi2ModelDescription, reference::Int64)

fmi2ValueReferenceToString(fmu::FMU2, reference::Union{fmi2ValueReference, Int64})


  • md::fmi2ModelDescription: Argument md stores all static information related to an FMU. Especially, the FMU variables and their attributes such as name, unit, default initial value, etc..
  • fmu::FMU2: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances in the FMI 2.0.2 Standard.
  • reference::fmi2ValueReference: The argument references is a variable of the type ValueReference.
  • reference::Int64: Argument references is a variable of the type Int64.
  • reference::Union{fmi2ValueReference, Int64}: Argument references of the type fmi2ValueReference or Int64.


  • md.stringValueReferences::Dict{String, fmi2ValueReference}: Returns a dictionary md.stringValueReferences that constructs a hash table with keys of type String and values of type fmi2ValueReference.



Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 5.2.2. State: Clock Activation Mode

A model partition of a Scheduled Execution FMU calls fmi3CallbackClockUpdate to signal that a triggered output Clock ticked or a new interval for a countdown Clock is available. fmi3CallbackClockUpdate switches the FMU itself then into the Clock Update Mode (see 5.2.3.). The callback may be called from several model partitions.

instanceEnvironment - is the instance name of the model that calls this function.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 4.2.2. State: Intermediate Update Mode

When a Co-Simulation FMU provides values for its output variables at intermediate points between two consecutive communication points, and is able to receive new values for input variables at these intermediate points, the Intermediate Update Callback function is called. This is typically required when the FMU uses a numerical solver to integrate the FMU's internal state between communication points in fmi3DoStep. The callback function switches the FMU from Step Mode (see 4.2.1.) in the Intermediate Update Mode (see 4.2.2.) and returns to Step Mode afterwards. The parameters of this function are:

instanceEnvironment - is the instance name of the model that calls this function.

intermediateUpdateTime - is the internal value of the independent variable [typically simulation time] of the FMU at which the callback has been called for intermediate and final steps. If an event happens or an output Clock ticks, intermediateUpdateTime is the time of event or output Clock tick. In Co-Simulation, intermediateUpdateTime is restricted by the arguments to fmi3DoStep as follows: currentCommunicationPoint ≤ intermediateUpdateTime ≤ (currentCommunicationPoint + communicationStepSize). The FMU must not call the callback function fmi3CallbackIntermediateUpdate with an intermediateUpdateTime that is smaller than the intermediateUpdateTime given in a previous call of fmi3CallbackIntermediateUpdate with intermediateStepFinished == fmi3True.

If intermediateVariableSetRequested == fmi3True, the co-simulation algorithm may provide intermediate values for continuous input variables with intermediateUpdate = true by calling fmi3Set{VariableType}. The set of variables for which the co-simulation algorithm will provide intermediate values is declared through the requiredIntermediateVariables argument to fmi3InstantiateXXX. If a co-simulation algorithm does not provide a new value for any of the variables contained in the set it registered, the last value set remains.

If intermediateVariableGetAllowed == fmi3True, the co-simulation algorithm may collect intermediate output variables by calling fmi3Get{VariableType} for variables with intermediateUpdate = true. The set of variables for which the co-simulation algorithm can get values is supplied through the requiredIntermediateVariables argument to fmi3InstantiateXXX.

If intermediateStepFinished == fmi3False, the intermediate outputs of the FMU that the co-simulation algorithm inquires with fmi3Get{VariableType} resulting from tentative internal solver states and may still change for the same intermediateUpdateTime [e.g., if the solver deems the tentative state to cause a too high approximation error, it may go back in time and try to re-estimate the state using smaller internal time steps]. If intermediateStepFinished == fmi3True, intermediate outputs inquired by the co-simulation algorithm with fmi3Get{VariableType} correspond to accepted internal solver step.

When canReturnEarly == fmi3True the FMU signals to the co-simulation algorithm its ability to return early from the current fmi3DoStep.

earlyReturnRequested - If and only if canReturnEarly == fmi3True, the co-simulation algorithm may request the FMU to return early from fmi3DoStep by setting earlyReturnRequested == fmi3True.

earlyReturnTime is used to signal the FMU at which time to return early from the current fmi3DoStep, if the return value of earlyReturnRequested == fmi3True. If the earlyReturnTime is greater than the last signaled intermediateUpdateTime, the FMU may integrate up to the time instant earlyReturnTime.

If the ModelDescription has the "providesIntermediateUpdate" flag, the Intermediate update callback function is called. That flag is ignored in ModelExchange and ScheduledExecution.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

This function must be called by the environment after every completed step If enterEventMode == fmi3True, the event mode must be entered If terminateSimulation == fmi3True, the simulation shall be terminated

For more information call ?fmi3CompletedIntegratorStep


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

Deserialize the data in the serializedState fmi3Byte field.

For more information call ?fmi3DeSerzializeFMUstate


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

Computes adjoint derivatives.

For more information call ?fmi3GetAdjointDerivative


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

Computes adjoint derivatives.

For more information call ?fmi3GetAdjointDerivative


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Binary variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetBinary


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Boolean variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetBoolean


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Clock variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetClock


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.3. State: Initialization Mode

Return the new (continuous) state vector x.

For more information call ?fmi3GetContinuousStates


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

Computes directional derivatives.

For more information call ?fmi3GetDirectionalDerivative


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.11. Getting Partial Derivatives

Computes directional derivatives.

For more information call ?fmi3GetDirectionalDerivative


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 3.2.1. State: Continuous-Time Mode

Returns the event indicators of the FMU.

For more information call ?fmi3GetEventIndicators


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

Get the pointer to the current FMU state.

For more information call ?fmi3GetFMUstate


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Float32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetFloat32


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Float64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetFloat64


Fills the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. No performance optimization, for an optimized version use fmi3GetJacobian!.

If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


Builds the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. No performance optimization, for an optimized version use fmi3GetJacobian.

If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int16 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt16


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt32


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt64


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3Int8 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetInt8


Fills the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. For optimization, if the FMU's model description has the optional entry 'dependencies', only dependent variables are sampled/retrieved. This drastically boosts performance for systems with large variable count (like CFD).

If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


Builds the jacobian over the FMU fmu for FMU value references rdx and rx, so that the function returns the jacobian ∂rdx / ∂rx.

If FMI built-in directional derivatives are supported, they are used. As fallback, directional derivatives will be sampled with central differences. For optimization, if the FMU's model description has the optional entry 'dependencies', only dependent variables are sampled/retrieved. This drastically boosts performance for systems with large variable count (like CFD).

If sampling is used, sampling step size can be set (for each direction individually) using optional argument steps.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.3. State: Initialization Mode

Return the new (continuous) state vector x.

For more information call ?fmi3GetNominalsOfContinuousStates


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

This function returns the number of continuous states. This function can only be called in Model Exchange. For more information call ?fmi3GetNumberOfContinuousStates


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.3.2. State: Instantiated

This function returns the number of event indicators. This function can only be called in Model Exchange. For more information call ?fmi3GetNumberOfEventIndicators


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.10. Dependencies of Variables

The number of dependencies of a given variable, which may change if structural parameters are changed, can be retrieved by calling the following function: For more information call ?fmi3GetNumberOfVariableDependencies


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.12. Getting Derivatives of Continuous Outputs

Retrieves the n-th derivative of output values.

vr defines the value references of the variables the array order specifies the corresponding order of derivation of the variables

For more information call ?fmi3GetOutputDerivatives


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.12. Getting Derivatives of Continuous Outputs

Retrieves the n-th derivative of output values.

vr defines the value references of the variables the array order specifies the corresponding order of derivation of the variables

For more information call ?fmi3GetOutputDerivatives


Returns the start/default value for a given value reference.

TODO: Add this command in the documentation.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3String variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetString


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt16 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt16


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt32 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt32


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt64 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt64


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting Variable Values

Get the values of an array of fmi3UInt8 variables.

For more information call ?fmi3GetUInt8


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: 2.2.10. Dependencies of Variables

The actual dependencies (of type dependenciesKind) can be retrieved by calling the function fmi3GetVariableDependencies: For more information call ?fmi3GetVariableDependencies


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1:: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable Create a new instance of the given fmu, adds a logger if logginOn == true. Returns the instance of a new FMU component. For more information call ?fmi3InstantiateCoSimulation


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1:: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable Create a new instance of the given fmu, adds a logger if logginOn == true. Returns the instance of a new FMU component. For more information call ?fmi3InstantiateModelExchange


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1:: 2.3.1. Super State: FMU State Setable Create a new instance of the given fmu, adds a logger if logginOn == true. Returns the instance of a new FMU component. For more information call ?fmi3InstantiateScheduledExecution


Sets the properties of the fmu by reading the modelDescription.xml. Retrieves all the pointers of binary functions. Returns the instance of the FMU struct. Via optional argument unpackPath, a path to unpack the FMU can be specified (default: system temporary directory).


Reloads the FMU-binary. This is useful, if the FMU does not support a clean reset implementation.


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

Serialize the data in the FMU state pointer.

For more information call ?fmi3SerzializeFMUstate


Source: FMISpec3.0, Version D5ef1c1: Getting and Setting the Complete FMU State

Returns the size of a byte vector the FMU can be stored in.

For more information call ?fmi3SerzializedFMUstateSize


Unload a FMU. Free the allocated memory, close the binaries and remove temporary zip and unziped FMU model description.


Create a copy of the .fmu file as a .zip folder and unzips it. Returns the paths to the zipped and unzipped folders. Via optional argument unpackPath, a path to unpack the FMU can be specified (default: system temporary directory).