
FlightSims is a general-purpose numerical simulator by defining nested environments. This package can be used for any kind of numerical simulation with dynamical systems although it was supposed to be dedicated only for flight simulations.



Nested Environments and Zoo

  • One can generate user-defined nested environments (or, dynamical systems) for complex flight simulation. Also, some predefined environments are provided for reusability (i.e., environment zoo). Take a look at src/environments.


  • Some utilities are also provided, for example, calculation of polynomial basis and 3D rotation. Take a look at src/utils.


Main APIs are provided in src/APIs.

Make an environment

  • AbstractEnv: an abstract type for user-defined and predefined environments. All environment structures should be sub-type of AbstractEnv.
  • State(env::AbstractEnv): return a function that produces structured states.
  • dynamics!(env::AbstractEnv) and dynamics(env::AbstractEnv): return a function that maps in-place (recommended) and out-of-place dynamics (resp.), compatible with DifferentialEquations. User can extend these methods or simply define other methods.
  • apply_inputs(func; kwargs...): It is borrowed from an MRAC example. By using this, user can easily apply various kind of inputs into the dynamical system (environment).

Note that these interfaces are also provided for some integrated environments, e.g., State(system, controller).

Simulation and data saving & loading

  • sim: return prob::ODEProblem and sol::ODESolution.
  • process: process prob and sol to get simulation data.
  • save: save env, prob, sol, and optionally process, in a .jld2 file.
  • load: load env, prob, sol, and optionally process, from a .jld2 file.


Optimal Control and reinforcement learning

  • For an example of infinite-horizon continuous-time linear quadratic regulator (LQR), see the following example code (test/lqr.jl).
using FlightSims
using LinearAlgebra
using ControlSystems: lqr
using Plots

function test()
    # double integrator
    n, m = 2, 1
    A = [0 1;
         0 0]
    B = [0;
    Q = Matrix(I, n, n)
    R = Matrix(I, m, m)
    env = LinearSystemEnv(A, B, Q, R)  # exported from FlightSims
    K = lqr(A, B, Q, R)
    x0 = State(env)([1, 2])
    u_lqr(x, p, t) = -K*x
    prob, sol = sim(
                    x0,  # initial condition
                    apply_inputs(dynamics!(env); u=u_lqr);  # dynamics with input of LQR
                    tf=10.0,  # final time
    df = process(env)(prob, sol; Δt=0.01)  # DataFrame; `Δt` means data sampling period.
    plot(df.times, hcat(df.states...)'; label=["x1" "x2"])  # Plots


Nonlinear control

  • For an example of backstepping position tracking controller for quadcopters, see the following example code (main/backstepping_tracking.jl).
using FlightSims
const FS = FlightSims
using UnPack, ComponentArrays
using Transducers
using Plots

function make_env()
    multicopter = IslamQuadcopterEnv()
    @unpack m, g = multicopter
    x0_multicopter = State(multicopter)()
    pos0 = copy(x0_multicopter.p)
    vel0 = copy(x0_multicopter.v)
    helixCG = FS.HelixCommandGenerator(pos0)
    cg = command_generator(helixCG)
    controller = BacksteppingPositionControllerEnv(m; x_cmd_func=cg)
    x0_controller = State(controller)(pos0, m, g)
    x0 = ComponentArray(multicopter=x0_multicopter, controller=x0_controller)
    multicopter, controller, x0, cg

function main()
    multicopter, controller, x0, cg = make_env()
    prob, sol = sim(x0, dynamics!(multicopter, controller); tf=40.0)
    df = process()(prob, sol; Δt=0.01)
    ts = df.times
    poss = df.states |> Map(state -> state.multicopter.p) |> collect
    poss_true = ts |> Map(t -> cg(t)) |> collect
    ## plot
    # time vs position
    p_pos = plot(; title="position", legend=:outertopright)
    plot!(p_pos, ts, hcat(poss...)'; label=["x" "y" "z"], color="red", ls=[:dash :dot :dashdot])
    plot!(p_pos, ts, hcat(poss_true...)'; label=["x (true)" "y (true)" "z (true)"], color="black", ls=[:dash :dot :dashdot])
    savefig(p_pos, "t_vs_pos.png")
    # 3d traj
    p_traj = plot3d(; title="position", legend=:outertopright)
    plot!(p_traj, hcat(poss...)'[:, 1], hcat(poss...)'[:, 2], hcat(poss...)'[:, 3]; label="position", color="red")
    plot!(p_traj, hcat(poss_true...)'[:, 1], hcat(poss_true...)'[:, 2], hcat(poss_true...)'[:, 3]; label="position (true)", color="black")
    savefig(p_traj, "traj.png")


Scientific machine learning

  • For an example usage of Flux.jl, see main/flux_example.jl.
  • For an example code of an imitation learning algorithm, behavioural cloning, see main/behavioural_cloning.jl.