
FlightSims.jl is a general-purpose numerical simulator supporting nested environments and convenient macro-based data logging.

Plans and Changes


  • find a good way of saving and loading simulation data



If you want more functionality, please feel free to report an issue!

Nested Environments and Zoo

  • Environments usually stand for dynamical systems but also include other utilities, for example, controllers.
  • One can generate user-defined nested environments using provided APIs. Also, some predefined environments are provided for reusability (i.e., environment zoo). Take a look at src/environments.
  • Examples include


  • Some utilities are also provided for dynamical system simulation.
  • Examples include
    • Function approximator
      • (Approximator) LinearApproximator, PolynomialBasis
    • Data manipulation for machine learning
      • (Split data) partitionTrainTest
    • Reference trajectory generator
      • (Command generator) HelixCommandGenerator, PowerLoop
    • Simulation rendering
      • (Multicopter rendering) See src/environments/multicopters/render.jl.


Main APIs are provided in src/APIs.

Make an environment

  • AbstractEnv: an abstract type for user-defined and predefined environments. In general, environments is a sub-type of AbstractEnv.
    struct LinearSystemEnv <: AbstractEnv
  • State(env::AbstractEnv): return a function that produces structured states.
    function State(env::LinearSystemEnv)
        @unpack B = env
        n = size(B)[1]
        return function (x)
            @assert length(x) == n
  • Dynamics!(env::AbstractEnv), Dynamics(env::AbstractEnv): return a function that maps in-place (recommended) and out-of-place dynamics (resp.), compatible with DifferentialEquations.jl. User can extend these methods or simply define other methods.
    function Dynamics!(env::LinearSystemEnv)
        @unpack A, B = env
        @Loggable function dynamics!(dx, x, p, t; u)
            @log state = x
            @log input = u
            dx .= A*x + B*u
  • (Optional) Params(env::AbstractEnv): returns parameters of given environment env.

Note that these interfaces are also provided for some integrated environments, e.g., State(system, controller).

Simulation, logging, and data saving & loading

Main APIs

  • sim
  • apply_inputs(func; kwargs...)
    • By using this, user can easily apply external inputs into environments. It is borrowed from an MRAC example of ComponentArrays.jl and extended to be compatible with SimulationLogger.jl.
    • (Limitations) for now, dynamical equations wrapped by apply_inputs will automatically generate logging function (even without @Loggable). In this case, all data will be an array of empty NamedTuple.
  • Macros for logging data: @Loggable, @log, @onlylog, @nested_log
  • Example code
    A = [0 1;
         0 0]  # 2 x 2
    B = [0 1]'  # 2 x 1
    n, m = 2, 1
    env = LinearSystemEnv(A, B)  # exported from FlightSims
    x0 = State(env)([1.0, 2.0])
    # optimal control
    Q = Matrix(I, n, n)
    R = Matrix(I, m, m)
    lqr = LQR(A, B, Q, R)  # exported from FlightSims
    u_lqr = FS.OptimalController(lqr)  # (x, p, t) -> -K*x; minimise J = ∫ (x' Q x + u' R u) from 0 to ∞
    # simulation
    tf = 10.0
    Δt = 0.01
    prob, df = sim(
                   x0,  # initial condition
                   apply_inputs(dynamics!; u=(x, p, t) -> u_lqr(x));
                   tf=tf,  # final time


Optimal control and reinforcement learning

  • For an example of infinite-horizon continuous-time linear quadratic regulator (LQR), see the following example code (test/lqr.jl).
using FlightSims
const FS = FlightSims
using DifferentialEquations
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using Test
using Transducers

function test()
    # linear system
    A = [0 1;
         0 0]  # 2 x 2
    B = [0 1]'  # 2 x 1
    n, m = 2, 1
    env = LinearSystemEnv(A, B)  # exported from FlightSims
    x0 = State(env)([1.0, 2.0])
    p0 = zero.(x0)  # auxiliary parameter
    # optimal control
    Q = Matrix(I, n, n)
    R = Matrix(I, m, m)
    lqr = LQR(A, B, Q, R)  # exported from FlightSims
    u_lqr = FS.OptimalController(lqr)  # (x, p, t) -> -K*x; minimise J = ∫ (x' Q x + u' R u) from 0 to ∞

    # simulation
    tf = 10.0
    Δt = 0.01
    affect!(integrator) = integrator.p = copy(integrator.u)  # auxiliary callback funciton
    cb = PeriodicCallback(affect!, Δt; initial_affect=true)  # auxiliary callback
    @Loggable function dynamics!(dx, x, p, t)
        @onlylog p  # activate this line only when logging data
        u = u_lqr(x)
        @log x, u
        @nested_log Dynamics!(env)(dx, x, p, t; u=u)  # exported `state` and `input` from `Dynamics!(env)`
    prob, df = sim(
                   x0,  # initial condition
                   dynamics!,  # dynamics with input of LQR
                   tf=tf,  # final time
    ts = df.time
    xs = df.sol |> Map(datum -> datum.x) |> collect
    us = df.sol |> Map(datum -> datum.u) |> collect
    ps = df.sol |> Map(datum -> datum.p) |> collect
    states = df.sol |> Map(datum -> datum.state) |> collect
    inputs = df.sol |> Map(datum -> datum.input) |> collect
    @test xs == states
    @test us == inputs
    p_x = plot(ts, hcat(states...)';
               title="state variable", label=["x1" "x2"], color=[:black :black], lw=1.5,
              )  # Plots
    plot!(p_x, ts, hcat(ps...)';
          ls=:dash, label="param", color=[:red :orange], lw=1.5
    plot(ts, hcat(inputs...)'; title="control input", label="u")  # Plots
julia> test()
1001×2 DataFrame
  Row  time     sol
       Float64  NamedTup
    1     0.0   (p = [1.01978, 1.95564], state =…
    2     0.01  (p = [1.01978, 1.95564], state =…
    3     0.02  (p = [1.03911, 1.91186], state =…
    4     0.03  (p = [1.05802, 1.86863], state =…
    5     0.04  (p = [1.07649, 1.82596], state =…
  998     9.97  (p = [-0.00093419, 0.00103198], 
  999     9.98  (p = [-0.000923913, 0.00102347],
 1000     9.99  (p = [-0.00091372, 0.001015], st
 1001    10.0   (p = [-0.00091372, 0.001015], st
                                   992 rows omitted

ex_screenshot ex_screenshot

Nonlinear control

Multicopter rendering

  • See test/render.jl.

Alt Text

Visualisation of hexacopter including reference frame and topview

ex_screenshot ex_screenshot

Scientific machine learning

  • Add examples for newbies!
  • For an example usage of Flux.jl, see main/flux_example.jl.
  • For an example code of an imitation learning algorithm, behavioural cloning, see main/behavioural_cloning.jl.