SQL Entities

In FunSQL, tables and table-like entities are represented using SQLTable objects.

using FunSQL: SQLTable

A SQLTable constructor takes the table name, a vector of column names, and, optionally, the name of the table schema. A name could be provided either as a Symbol or as a String value.

location = SQLTable(schema = :public,
                    name = :location,
                    columns = [:location_id, :address_1, :address_2,
                               :city, :state, :zip])
#-> SQLTable(:location, schema = :public, …)

person = SQLTable(name = "person",
                  columns = ["person_id", "year_of_birth", "location_id"])
#-> SQLTable(:person, …)

The table and the column names could be provided as positional arguments.

vocabulary = SQLTable(:vocabulary,
                      columns = [:vocabulary_id, :vocabulary_name])
#-> SQLTable(:vocabulary, …)

concept = SQLTable("concept", "concept_id", "concept_name", "vocabulary_id")
#-> SQLTable(:concept, …)

A SQLTable object is displayed as a Julia expression that created the object.

         schema = :public,
         columns = [:location_id, :address_1, :address_2, :city, :state, :zip])

SQLTable(:person, columns = [:person_id, :year_of_birth, :location_id])