This package provides polygons/multipolygons for all countries and their sub-divisions from the GADM dataset. It fetches the data dynamically from the officially hosted database using DataDeps.jl and provides a minimal wrapper API to get the coordinates of the requested geometries.


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GADM.get returns polygons/multipolygons, which implement the GeoInterface:

import GADM

# GADM.get(<country>, <province/state>, <district>, <city>, ...)

# get boundary of the country India
india = GADM.get("IND")

# get boundary of the state/province Uttar Pradesh in  India
uttar = GADM.get("IND", "Uttar Pradesh")

# get boundary of the district Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, India
lucknow = GADM.get("IND", "Uttar Pradesh", "Lucknow")

The keyword children=true can be used to return a table of polygons for all subregions according to the Tables.jl interface:

using PrettyTables

brazil, states = GADM.get("BRA", children=true)

  GID_0  NAME_0     GID_1               NAME_1             VARNAME_1  NL_NAME_1            TYPE_1          
 String  String    String               String                String     String            String          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.1_1                 Acre                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.2_1              Alagoas                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.3_1                Amapá                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.4_1             Amazonas               Amazone                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.5_1                Bahia                  Ba¡a                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.6_1                Ceará                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.7_1     Distrito Federal                                   Distrito Federal  Federal 
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.8_1       Espírito Santo        Espiritu Santo                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil   BRA.9_1                Goiás           Goiáz|Goyáz                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.10_1             Maranhão  São Luíz de Maranhão                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.12_1          Mato Grosso          Matto Grosso                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.11_1   Mato Grosso do Sul                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.13_1         Minas Gerais    Minas|Minas Geraes                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.14_1                 Pará                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.15_1              Paraíba              Parahyba                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.16_1               Paraná                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.17_1           Pernambuco            Pernambouc                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.18_1                Piauí                Piauhy                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.19_1       Rio de Janeiro                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.20_1  Rio Grande do Norte                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.21_1    Rio Grande do Sul                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.22_1             Rondônia               Guaporé                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.23_1              Roraima            Rio Branco                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.24_1       Santa Catarina       Santa Catharina                       Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.25_1            São Paulo                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.26_1              Sergipe                                             Estado          
    BRA  Brazil  BRA.27_1            Tocantins                                             Estado          
                                                                                                   4 columns omitted
  • Country Code follows the ISO 3166 Alpha 3 standard, you can find the code for your country here.
  • Other regions require "approximately" official names that are at least contained (case-insensitive) in the official name.


GADM.coordinates returns the coordinates of a region as a Vector{Vector{Vector{Vector{Float64}}}} (i.e. a MultiPolygon) extracted with the GeoInterface. This convenience function exists for users who are only interested in the geometry of the region, and do not want to depend on a separate package to query the coordinates.

GADM.coordinates("BRA", "Rio")
173-element Array{Array{Array{Array{Float64,1},1},1},1}:
 [[[-44.67124939, -23.35458374], [-44.67124939, -23.35486031], [-44.67097092, -23.35486031], [-44.67097092, -23.35513878], [-44.67069626, -23.35513878], [-44.67069626, -23.35569382], [-44.67097092, -23.35569382], [-44.67097092, -23.35597229], [-44.67124939, -23.35597229], [-44.67124939, -23.35625076]    [-44.67208481, -23.35708427], [-44.67263794, -23.35708427], [-44.67263794, -23.35680771], [-44.67291641, -23.35680771], [-44.67291641, -23.35513878], [-44.67263794, -23.35513878], [-44.67263794, -23.35486031], [-44.67235947, -23.35486031], [-44.67235947, -23.35458374], [-44.67124939, -23.35458374]]]
 [[[-44.56708145, -23.34763908], [-44.56708145, -23.34791756], [-44.56680679, -23.34791756], [-44.56680679, -23.34874916], [-44.56708145, -23.34874916], [-44.56708145, -23.34902763], [-44.56735992, -23.34902763], [-44.56735992, -23.34958267], [-44.5676384, -23.34958267], [-44.5676384, -23.35013962]    [-44.5704155, -23.35041618], [-44.57013702, -23.35041618], [-44.57013702, -23.3484726], [-44.56986237, -23.3484726], [-44.56986237, -23.34819412], [-44.56958389, -23.34819412], [-44.56958389, -23.34791756], [-44.56930542, -23.34791756], [-44.56930542, -23.34763908], [-44.56708145, -23.34763908]]]
  • The coordinate reference system is longitude/latitude and the WGS84 datum.


GADM, the Database of Global Administrative Areas, is a high-resolution database of country administrative areas, with a goal of "all countries, at all levels, at any time period." The database is available in a few export formats, including shapefiles that are used in most common GIS applications.

Please read their license at which is different than the MIT license of the GADM.jl package.