
Enum of the various possible client APIs which GLFW can use to create an OpenGL (ES) context.


Monitors is a meta type designed to query connected physical monitors using Base.getindex and Base.iterate.


Enum of various window-related events. These are a relatively low-level abstraction used with the register_window_callback method. However, a more Julian solution exists. Refer to the documentation's Event System section for more details.


lhs×rhs creates a 2-tuple (lhs, rhs) for a familiar and convenient notation of 2D measures.


getkeyname(named::Key, scancode::Integer) attempts to retrieve a key's human readable name. If named is not Key(nothing), the name will be reminiscent of the named key. Otherwise, attempts to retrieve the key identified by scancode.


@windowhint hint value is a more semantic & Julian, albeit comparatively low-level interface which sets the window creation hint. It is equivalent to GLFW.WindowHint(...). However, most hints are can be adjusted post creation through Window's virtual properties. Some, especially framebuffer context hints, can only be configured prior to creation through this macro.

hint may be either the desired GLFW hint constant (e.g. RED_BITS) or a camel-cased version (e.g. RedBits or redBits).

value may be the appropriate value (Integer/Bool) which is passed to the hint directly.

If value is nothing, GLFW.DONT_CARE is passed instead.

If value is an Enum, it's Integer(value) is passed in. This allows setting the hint to a value such as OpenGLAPI (a ClientAPI enum value) which is assigned the appropriate GLFW constant.


```julia @windowhint TransparentFramebuffer true @windowhint ClientAPI OpenGLAPI