
scatter(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Reads (x,y) pairs and plot symbols at those locations on a map/figure. The input can either be a file name of a file with at least two columns (x,y), but optionally more, a GMTdatset object with also two or more columns.

This module is a subset of plot to make it simpler to draw scatter plots. So many (fine) controlling parameters are not listed here. For a finer control, user should consult the plot module.

Required Arguments

There are no required arguments but

Optional Arguments

  • B or axis or frame
    Set map boundary frame and axes attributes. Default is to draw and annotate left and bottom axes. Extended at axis

  • J or proj : – proj=<parameters>
    Select map projection. Default is linear and 14 cm width. Extended at proj

  • R or region or limits : – limits=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)|limits=(BB=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),)|limits=(LLUR=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),units="unit")| ...more
    Specify the region of interest. Default limits are computed from data extents. Extended at limits

  • G or markerfacecolor or MarkerFaceColor or mc or fill
    Select color or pattern for filling of symbols [Default is no fill]. Note that plot will search for fill and pen settings in all the segment headers (when passing a GMTdaset or file of a multi-segment dataset) and let any values thus found over-ride the command line settings (but those must be provided in the terse GMT syntax). See Setting color for extend color selection (including color map generation).

  • S or symbol or marker or Marker or shape : – Default is circle with a diameter of 7 points

    • symbol=symbol string
      A full GMT compact string.
    • symbol=(symb=??, size=??, unit=??)
      Where symb is one Symbols like :circle, size is symbol size in cm, unless unit is specified i.e. :points

    In alternative to the $symbol$ keyword, user can select the symbol name with either $marker$ or $shape$ and symbol size with $markersize$$ms$ or just $size$ The value of these keywords can be either numeric (symb meaning size in cm) or string if an unit is appended, e.g.$markersize="5p"$ This form of symbol selection allows also to specify a variable symbol size. All it's need for this is that the keyword's value be an array with the same number of elements as the number of data points.


A simple scatter of ten points plotted as red circles of 7 points size

    scatter(1:10,rand(10), fill=:red, show=true)

A plot where symbol's size grows linearly

    sizevec = [s for s = 1:10] ./ 10;
    scatter(1:10, 1:10, markersize = sizevec, marker=:square, fill=:green, show=1)

See also

The GMT man page