The GMT.jl types

Grid type

type GMTgrid                  # The type holding a local header and data of a GMT grid
   proj4::String              # Projection string in PROJ4 syntax (Optional)
   wkt::String                # Projection string in WKT syntax (Optional)
   epsg::Int                  # EPSG code
   range::Array{Float64,1}    # 1x6 vector with [x_min x_max y_min y_max z_min z_max]
   inc::Array{Float64,1}      # 1x2 vector with [x_inc y_inc]
   registration::Int          # Registration type: 0 -> Grid registration; 1 -> Pixel registration
   nodata::Float64            # The value of nodata
   title::String              # Title (Optional)
   comment::String            # Remark (Optional)
   command::String            # Command used to create the grid (Optional)
   x::Array{Float64,1}        # [1 x n_columns] vector with XX coordinates
   y::Array{Float64,1}        # [1 x n_rows]    vector with YY coordinates
   z::Array{Float32,2}        # [n_rows x n_columns] grid array
   x_units::String            # Units of XX axis (Optional)
   y_units::String            # Units of YY axis (Optional)
   z_units::String            # Units of ZZ axis (Optional)
   layout::String             # A three character string describing the grid memory layout

Image type

type GMTimage                 # The type holding a local header and data of a GMT image
   proj4::String              # Projection string in PROJ4 syntax (Optional)
   wkt::String                # Projection string in WKT syntax (Optional)
   epsg::Int                  # EPSG code
   range::Array{Float64,1}    # 1x6 vector with [x_min x_max y_min y_max z_min z_max]
   inc::Array{Float64,1}      # 1x2 vector with [x_inc y_inc]
   registration::Int          # Registration type: 0 -> Grid registration; 1 -> Pixel registration
   nodata::Float64            # The value of nodata
   color_interp::String       # If equal to "Gray" an indexed image with no cmap will get a gray cmap
   x::Array{Float64,1}        # [1 x n_columns] vector with XX coordinates
   y::Array{Float64,1}        # [1 x n_rows]    vector with YY coordinates
   image::Array{UInt8,3}      # [n_rows x n_columns x n_bands] image array
   colormap::Array{Clong,1}   # 
   alpha::Array{UInt8,2}      # A [n_rows x n_columns] alpha array
   layout::String             # A four character string describing the image memory layout

Dataset type

type GMTdataset
    data::Array{Float64,2}     # Mx2 Matrix with segment data
    text::Array{Any,1}         # Array with text after data coordinates (mandatory only when plotting Text)
    header::String             # String with segment header (Optional but sometimes very useful)
    comment::Array{Any,1}      # Array with any dataset comments [empty after first segment]
    proj4::String              # Projection string in PROJ4 syntax (Optional)
    wkt::String                # Projection string in WKT syntax (Optional)

CPT type

type GMTcpt
    comment::Array{Any,1}   # Cell array with any comments

Postscript type

type GMTps
    postscript::String      # Actual PS plot (text string)
    length::Int             # Byte length of postscript
    mode::Int               # 1 = Has header, 2 = Has trailer, 3 = Has both
    comment::Array{Any,1}   # Cell array with any comments