
gmtbinstats(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Bin spatial data and determine statistics per bin.


Reads arbitrarily located (x,y[,z][,w]) points (2-4 columns) and for each node in the specified grid layout determines which points are within the given radius. These point are then used in the calculation of the specified statistic. The results may be presented as is or may be normalized by the circle area to perhaps give density estimates. Alternatively, select hexagonal tiling instead or a rectangular grid layout.

Required Arguments

  • table : – Either as a string with the filename in arg $cmd0$ or as Matrix or GMTdataset in $arg1$
    A 2-4 column matrix holding (x,y[,z][,w]) data values. You must use weights to indicate that you have weights. Only -Cn will accept 2 columns only.
  • I or inc or increment or spacing : – inc=x_inc | inc=(xinc, yinc) | inc="xinc[+e|n][/yinc[+e|n]]" Specify the grid increments or the block sizes. Extended at spacing

  • R or region or limits : – limits=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) | limits=(BB=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),) | limits=(LLUR=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),units="unit") | ...more
    Specify the region of interest. Default limits are computed from data extents. Extended at limits

Optional Arguments

  • C or stats or statistic : – stats=...
    Choose the statistic that will be computed per node based on the points that are within radius distance of the node. Select one of:

    • :average # mean (average)
    • :mad # median absolute deviation
    • :range # full (max-min) range
    • :interquartil # 25-75% interquartile range
    • :minimum # minimum (low)
    • :minimum_pos # minimum of positive values only
    • :median # median
    • :number # number of values
    • :LMS # LMS scale
    • :mode # mode (maximum likelihood)
    • "quantil[val]" # selected quantile (append desired quantile in 0-100% range [50], e.g. "quantil25")
    • :rms # the r.m.s.
    • :std # standard deviation
    • :maximum # maximum (upper)
    • :maximum_neg # maximum of negative values only
    • :sum # the sum
  • E or empty : – empty=-9999 Set the value assigned to empty nodes. By default we use NaN.

  • N or normalize : – normalize=true
    Normalize the resulting grid values by the area represented by the search_radius [no normalization].

  • S or search_radius : – search_radius=rad
    Sets the search radius that determines which data points are considered close to a node.

Append the distance unit if wished. Not compatible with **tiling**.
  • T or tiling or bins : – tiling=rectangular or tiling=hexagonal
    Instead of circular, possibly overlapping areas, select non-overlapping tiling. Choose between tiling=rectangular
or `tiling=hexagonal` binning. For `rectangular`, set bin sizes via **spacing** and we write the computed statistics
to the grid file. For `tiling=hexagonal`, we write a table with the centers of the hexagons and the computed statistics.
Here, the **spacing** setting is expected to set the ``y`` increment only and we compute the *x*-increment given the
geometry. Because the horizontal spacing between hexagon centers in *x* and *y* have a ratio of ``sqrt(3)``, we will
automatically adjust *xmax* in **region** to fit a whole number of hexagons. **Note**: Hexagonal tiling requires
Cartesian data.
  • W or weights : – weights=true or weights="+s"
    Input data have an extra column containing observation point weight. If weights are given then weighted statistical quantities will be computed while the count will be the sum of the weights instead of number of points. If your weights are actually uncertainties (one sigma) then use weights="+s" and we compute weight = 1/sigma.

  • U or time_stamp : – time_stamp=true | time_stamp=(just="code", pos=(dx,dy), label="label", com=true)
    Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot. More at timestamp

  • V or verbose : – verbose=true | verbose=level
    Select verbosity level. More at verbose

  • a or aspatial

  • bi or binary_in

  • di or nodata_in

  • e or pattern

  • f or colinfo

  • g or gap

  • h or header

  • i or incol

  • q or inrows

  • r or reg or registration : – reg=:p | reg=:g
    Select gridline or pixel node registration. Used only when output is a grid.

  • w or wrap or cyclic

  • yx : – yx=true
    Swap 1st and 2nd column on input and/or output.


To examine the population inside a circle of 1000 km radius for all nodes in a 5x5 arc degree grid, using the remote file @capitals.gmt, and plot the resulting grid using default projection and colors, try

    G = gmtbinstats("@capitalas.gmt", a="2=population", region=:global360, inc=5, stats=:sum, search_radiusS="1000k");

Make a hexbin plot with random numbers.

    xy = rand(100,2) .* [5 3];
    D = binstats(xy, region=(0,5,0,3), inc=1, tiling=:hex, stats=:number);
    imshow(D, C=C, hexbin=true, ml=0.5, colorbar=true)