Defining OptimizationProblems

All optimizations start by defining an OptimizationProblem as follows:

OptimizationProblem(f, x, p = DiffEqBase.NullParameters(),;
                    lb = nothing,
                    ub = nothing,
                    lcons = nothing,
                    ucons = nothing,

Formally, the OptimizationProblem finds the minimum of f(x,p) with an initial condition x. The parameters p are optional. lb and ub are arrays matching the size of x, which stand for the lower and upper bounds of x, respectively.

f is an OptimizationFunction, as defined here. If f is a standard Julia function, it is automatically converted into an OptimizationFunction with NoAD(), i.e., no automatic generation of the derivative functions.

Any extra keyword arguments are captured to be sent to the optimizers.