Global Unconstrained Optimizers

These methods are performing global optimization on problems without constraint equations.

Good benchmarks Recommend BBO().


  • Optim.ParticleSwarm: Particle Swarm Optimization

    • solve(problem, ParticleSwarm(lower, upper, n_particles))
    • lower/upper are vectors of lower/upper bounds respectively
    • n_particles is the number of particles in the swarm
    • defaults to: lower = [], upper = [], n_particles = 0


  • BlackBoxOptim: (Meta-)heuristic/stochastic algorithms
    • solve(problem, BBO(method))
    • the name of the method must be preceded by :, for example: :de_rand_2_bin
    • in GalacticOptim.jl, BBO() defaults to the recommended adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited
    • the available methods are listed here


  • QuadDIRECT: QuadDIRECT algorithm (inspired by DIRECT and MCS)
    • solve(problem, QuadDirect(), splits)
    • splits is a list of 3-vectors with initial locations at which to evaluate the function (the values must be in strictly increasing order and lie within the specified bounds), for instance:
    julia prob = GalacticOptim.OptimizationProblem(f, x0, p, lb=[-3, -2], ub=[3, 2]) solve(prob, QuadDirect(), splits = ([-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]))
    • also note that QuadDIRECT should (for now) be installed by doing: ] add

