Local Gradient-Based Optimization

ADAM() is a good default with decent convergence rate. BFGS() can converge faster but is more prone to hitting bad local optima. LBFGS() requires less memory than BFGS and thus can have better scaling.


  • Flux.Optimise.Descent: Classic gradient descent optimizer with learning rate

    • solve(problem, Descent(η))
    • η is the learning rate
    • defaults to: η = 0.1
  • Flux.Optimise.Momentum: Classic gradient descent optimizer with learning rate and momentum

    • solve(problem, Momentum(η, ρ))
    • η is the learning rate
    • ρ is the momentum
    • defaults to: η = 0.01, ρ = 0.9
  • Flux.Optimise.Nesterov: Gradient descent optimizer with learning rate and Nesterov momentum

    • solve(problem, Nesterov(η, ρ))
    • η is the learning rate
    • ρ is the Nesterov momentum
    • defaults to: η = 0.01, ρ = 0.9
  • Flux.Optimise.RMSProp: RMSProp optimizer

    • solve(problem, RMSProp(η, ρ))
    • η is the learning rate
    • ρ is the momentum
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, ρ = 0.9
  • Flux.Optimise.ADAM: ADAM optimizer

    • solve(problem, ADAM(η, β::Tuple))
    • η is the learning rate
    • β::Tuple is the decay of momentums
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, β::Tuple = (0.9, 0.999)
  • Flux.Optimise.RADAM: Rectified ADAM optimizer

    • solve(problem, RADAM(η, β::Tuple))
    • η is the learning rate
    • β::Tuple is the decay of momentums
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, β::Tuple = (0.9, 0.999)
  • Flux.Optimise.AdaMax: AdaMax optimizer

    • solve(problem, AdaMax(η, β::Tuple))
    • η is the learning rate
    • β::Tuple is the decay of momentums
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, β::Tuple = (0.9, 0.999)
  • Flux.Optimise.ADAGRad: ADAGrad optimizer

    • solve(problem, ADAGrad(η))
    • η is the learning rate
    • defaults to: η = 0.1
  • Flux.Optimise.ADADelta: ADADelta optimizer

    • solve(problem, ADADelta(ρ))
    • ρ is the gradient decay factor
    • defaults to: ρ = 0.9
  • Flux.Optimise.AMSGrad: AMSGrad optimizer

    • solve(problem, AMSGrad(η, β::Tuple))
    • η is the learning rate
    • β::Tuple is the decay of momentums
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, β::Tuple = (0.9, 0.999)
  • Flux.Optimise.NADAM: Nesterov variant of the ADAM optimizer

    • solve(problem, NADAM(η, β::Tuple))
    • η is the learning rate
    • β::Tuple is the decay of momentums
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, β::Tuple = (0.9, 0.999)
  • Flux.Optimise.ADAMW: ADAMW optimizer

    • solve(problem, ADAMW(η, β::Tuple))
    • η is the learning rate
    • β::Tuple is the decay of momentums
    • decay is the decay to weights
    • defaults to: η = 0.001, β::Tuple = (0.9, 0.999), decay = 0


  • Optim.ConjugateGradient: Conjugate Gradient Descent

    • solve(problem, ConjugateGradient(alphaguess, linesearch, eta, P, precondprep))
    • alphaguess computes the initial step length (for more information, consult this source and this example)
      • available initial step length procedures:
      • InitialPrevious
      • InitialStatic
      • InitialHagerZhang
      • InitialQuadratic
      • InitialConstantChange
    • linesearch specifies the line search algorithm (for more information, consult this source and this example)
      • available line search algorithms:
      • HaegerZhang
      • MoreThuente
      • BackTracking
      • StrongWolfe
      • Static
    • eta determines the next step direction
    • P is an optional preconditioner (for more information, see this source)
    • precondpred is used to update P as the state variable x changes
    • defaults to:

    julia alphaguess = LineSearches.InitialHagerZhang(), linesearch = LineSearches.HagerZhang(), eta = 0.4, P = nothing, precondprep = (P, x) -> nothing

  • Optim.GradientDescent: Gradient Descent (a quasi-Newton solver)

    • solve(problem, GradientDescent(alphaguess, linesearch, P, precondprep))
    • alphaguess computes the initial step length (for more information, consult this source and this example)
      • available initial step length procedures:
      • InitialPrevious
      • InitialStatic
      • InitialHagerZhang
      • InitialQuadratic
      • InitialConstantChange
    • linesearch specifies the line search algorithm (for more information, consult this source and this example)
      • available line search algorithms:
      • HaegerZhang
      • MoreThuente
      • BackTracking
      • StrongWolfe
      • Static
    • P is an optional preconditioner (for more information, see this source)
    • precondpred is used to update P as the state variable x changes
    • defaults to:

    julia alphaguess = LineSearches.InitialPrevious(), linesearch = LineSearches.HagerZhang(), P = nothing, precondprep = (P, x) -> nothing

  • Optim.BFGS: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm

    • solve(problem, BFGS(alpaguess, linesearch, initial_invH, initial_stepnorm, manifold))
    • alphaguess computes the initial step length (for more information, consult this source and this example)
      • available initial step length procedures:
      • InitialPrevious
      • InitialStatic
      • InitialHagerZhang
      • InitialQuadratic
      • InitialConstantChange
    • linesearch specifies the line search algorithm (for more information, consult this source and this example)
      • available line search algorithms:
      • HaegerZhang
      • MoreThuente
      • BackTracking
      • StrongWolfe
      • Static
    • initial_invH specifies an optional initial matrix
    • initial_stepnorm determines that initial_invH is an identity matrix scaled by the value of initial_stepnorm multiplied by the sup-norm of the gradient at the initial point
    • manifold specifies a (Riemannian) manifold on which the function is to be minimized (for more information, consult this source)
      • available manifolds:
      • Flat
      • Sphere
      • Stiefel
      • meta-manifolds:
      • PowerManifold
      • ProductManifold
      • custom manifolds
    • defaults to: alphaguess = LineSearches.InitialStatic(), linesearch = LineSearches.HagerZhang(), initial_invH = nothing, initial_stepnorm = nothing, manifold = Flat()
  • Optim.LBFGS: Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm
