
GenFlux.jl is Gen DSL which extends the generative function interface to allow the usage of Flux.jl models as Gen generative functions.

(full example available here)

g = @genflux Chain(Conv((5, 5), 1 => 10; init = glorot_uniform64),
                   MaxPool((2, 2)),
                   x -> relu.(x),
                   Conv((5, 5), 10 => 20; init = glorot_uniform64),
                   x -> relu.(x),
                   MaxPool((2, 2)),
                   x -> flatten(x),
                   Dense(320, 50; initW = glorot_uniform64),
                   Dense(50, 10; initW = glorot_uniform64),

Now you can use g as a modelling component in your probabilistic programs:

@gen function f(xs::Vector{Float64})
    probs ~ g(xs)
    [{:y => i} ~ categorical(p |> collect) for (i, p) in enumerate(eachcol(probs))]

Allowing you to train the parameters of g via gradient descent on the objective:

update = ParamUpdate(Flux.ADAM(5e-5, (0.9, 0.999)), g)
for i = 1 : 1500
    # Create trace from data
    (xs, ys) = next_batch(loader, 100)
    constraints = choicemap([(:y => i) => y for (i, y) in enumerate(ys)]...)
    (trace, weight) = generate(f, (xs,), constraints)

    # Increment gradient accumulators

    # Perform ADAM update and then resets gradient accumulators
    println("i: $i, weight: $weight")
test_accuracy = mean(f(test_x) .== test_y)
println("Test set accuracy: $test_accuracy")
# Test set accuracy: 0.9392