Analysis of Variance in Julia

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.Build StatusCoverage Status

Calculate ANOVA tables for linear models. If no anovatype argument is provided, a type II ANOVA will be calculated. Type I and II are also supported for compatibility. Support for mixed models and a more convenient way to create ANOVAs (similar to the ez package in R) is planned.

Important: Make sure to use EffectsCoding on all your predictors, or results won't be meaningful.

Minimal Example:

using ANOVA
using GLM
using RDatasets

data = dataset("datasets", "ToothGrowth")
data[:Dose] = categorical(data[:Dose])

model = fit(LinearModel,
            @formula(Len ~  Supp + Dose), 
            contrasts = Dict(:Supp => EffectsCoding(),:Dose => EffectsCoding()))


ANOVA table for linear model
3×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ Source    │ DF   │ SS      │ MSS     │ F       │ p           │
│ 1   │ Supp      │ 1.0  │ 205.35  │ 205.35  │ 14.0166 │ 0.000429279 │
│ 2   │ Dose      │ 2.0  │ 2426.43 │ 1213.22 │ 82.8109 │ 1.87116e-17 │
│ 3   │ Residuals │ 56.0 │ 820.425 │ 14.6504 │ -1.0    │ -1.0        │