Welcome to ANOVAapprox.jl

This package provides a framework for the method ANOVAapprox to approximate high-dimensional functions with a low superposition dimension or a sparse ANOVA decomposition from scattered data.


  • D. Potts und M. Schmischke
    Interpretable transformed ANOVA approximation on the example of the prevention of forest fires
    arXiv, PDF
  • F. Bartel, D. Potts und M. Schmischke
    Grouped transformations and Regularization in high-dimensional explainable ANOVA approximation
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (accepted)
    arXiv, PDF
  • D. Potts und M. Schmischke
    Interpretable approximation of high-dimensional data
    SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (accepted)
    arXiv, PDF, Software
  • D. Potts und M. Schmischke
    Learning multivariate functions with low-dimensional structures using polynomial bases
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 403, 113821, 2021
    DOI, arXiv, PDF
  • D. Potts und M. Schmischke
    Approximation of high-dimensional periodic functions with Fourier-based methods
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (5), 2393-2429, 2021
    DOI, arXiv, PDF