

Creates a printer for MIME"text/plain" output.


  • buf: A source IO object containing a text with ANSI escape codes.
HTMLPrinter(buf::IO; root_class="", root_tag="pre", callback=nothing)

Creates a printer for MIME"text/html" output.


  • buf: A source IO object containing a text with ANSI escape codes.
  • root_class: The class attribute value for the root element.
  • root_tag: The tag name for the root element.
  • callback: A callback method (see below).

Callback method

callback(io::IO, printer::HTMLPrinter, tag::String, attrs::Dict{Symbol, String})

The callback method will be called just before writing HTML tags.

Callback arguments

  • io: The destination IO object.
  • printer: The HTMLPrinter in use.
  • tag: The HTML tag to be written. For closing tags, they have the prefix "/".
  • attrs: A dictionary consisting of pairs of a Symbol for the attributes (e.g. :class, :style) and the String for its value.

Callback return value

If the return value is nothing, the printer writes the HTML tag to the io according to the tag and the attrs after the call. If the return value is not nothing, this default writing will be prevented.