

AWSTools provides several helper methods for working with AWSSDK.jl from julia.


julia> Pkg.add("AWSTools.jl")

You will also need to have the proper IAM permissions for the actions you wish to perform. Currently the permissions AWSTools requires (if run in it's entirety) are:

Basic Usage

This example uses the Docker module directly and the ECR module indirectly. See the API for other uses of AWSTools.

julia> using AWSTools

julia> using AWSTools.Docker

julia> Docker.login()
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded


assume_role(role_arn, [role_session_name]) -> AWSConfig

Generate a new AWSConfig by assuming a new role. In order to use the assumed role you need to use this config in the various AWS calls you perform.


  • role_arn::AbstractString: The ARN of the role to assume.
  • role_session_name::AbstractString: An optional string which is the unique identifier for the session name.


  • config::AWSConfig: The AWS configuration to use when assuming the role.


raw_stack_description(stack_name::AbstractString) -> String

Returns the description for the specified stack. Can optionally pass in the aws config as a keyword argument.

stack_output(stack_name::AbstractString) -> OrderedDict

The stack's OutputKey and OutputValue values as a dictionary. Can pass in the aws config as a keyword argument.


login(registry_id::Union{AbstractString, Integer}="")

Gets the AWS ECR authorization token and runs the corresponding docker login command. Takes an optional AWS config keyword argument or uses the default.

pull(image::AbstractString, tags::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}=String[])

Pulls a docker image and tags it if tags is specified.


Pushes a docker image.

build(dir::AbstractString, tag::AbstractString="")

Builds the docker image.


get_login(registry_ids::Union{AbstractString, Integer}="") -> Cmd

Gets the AWS ECR authorization token and returns the corresponding docker login command. The AWS config keyword parameter is optional (will use the default if it's not passed in).


instance_metadata(path) -> Union{String,Nothing}

Retrieve AWS EC2 instance metadata as a string from the provided path. If no instance metadata is available (typically due to not running within an EC2 instance) then nothing will be returned. See the AWS documentation for details on what metadata is available.


instance_availability_zone() -> Union{String,Nothing}

Get the availability zone of the host if running inside of an EC2 instance. If not running within an EC2 instance nothing is returned.

instance_availability_zone() -> Union{String,Nothing}

Get the region of the host if executed inside of an EC2 instance. If not running within an EC2 instance nothing is returned.