b = bias(P::AbstractProcess)

Return an input bias for the process. This could be, i.e., the constant input u₀ around which a nonlinear system is linearized, or whatever other bias might exist on the input. length(b) = num_inputs(P)


This function is called before any control or measurement operations are performed. During a call to initialize, one might set up external communications etc. After control is done, the function finalize is called.

range = inputrange(P::AbstractProcess)

Return the range of inputs (control signals) of the process. range is a vector of tuples, length(range) = num_inputs(P), eltype(range) = Tuple(Real, Real)

range = outputrange(P::AbstractProcess)

Return the range of outputs (measurement signals) of the process. range is a vector of tuples, length(range) = num_outputs(P), eltype(range) = Tuple(Real, Real)

last_time = periodic_wait(P::AbstractProcess, last_time, dt)

Should continue execution at start of next period, i.e. when dt seconds has passed since last_time.

For a PhysicalProcess this has a default implementation which sleeps until last_time + dt using Libc.systemsleep. Though this is more precise than using the standard sleep in Julia, it also blocks the entire Julia thread it is running on which could affect execution in some cases.

For a SimulatedProcess it can either be running in realtime in a background process, in which case it should be implemented similarly to the physical process, or it runs at full simulation speed, in which case the environment should simulate a step corresponding to dt time when periodic_wait is called.

A good way to initialize last_time to the correct value is to call last_time = periodic_wait(P, 0.0, 0.0).


This function is called after any control or measurement operations are performed. During a call to finalize, one might finalize external communications etc. Before control is done, the function initialize is called.

show(io::IO, p::AbstractProcess)

To make the types show a bit nicer by default and not include all the struct information.