
Queries are the most basic method users have to interact with the logical space. Currently there are four types of queries supported.

Check Feasible

Asks the logical space if an additional constraint would restrict the logical space and if so by how much.

julia> checkfeasible(command, logicset, verbose=true, countall=false, countany=false)
verbosecontrols print
countallall sets have to be feasible or return 0
countanyany set can be non-zero to return 1

By default the checkfeasible function will check the number of outcomes feasible after the constraint / the number outcomes before the constraint.

If the ratio is 1 then the constraint must be true. If the ratio is 0 then the constraint must be false. If the ratio is between 0 and 1 then for some combination of variables values the constraint is viable.

Setting coutall to true will force any value less then 1 to be evaluated as false. In practice this is the case when a query if worded "x must be equal to y". Setting coutany to true will force any value any value except 0 to be evaluated as true. In practice this is the case when a query if worded "x could be equal to y".

REPL equivalents

In the replcheckfeabile can be called through a few different functions.

abstractlogic> check x = y
abstractlogic> ✓ x = y

Is equivalent to julia> checkfeasible("x = y", replset).

Likewise the option countall is called

abstractlogic> prove x = y
abstractlogic> all x = y

Is equivalent to julia> checkfeasible("x = y", replset, countall=true).

While the option countany is called

abstractlogic> any x = y

Is equivalent to julia> checkfeasible("x = y", replset, countany=true).



Set comparison