

Abstract type for either an NFFT plan or an NNFFT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for any NFFT-like plan (NFFT, NFFT, NFCT, NFST).

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NFCT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NFFT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NFST plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for an NNFFT plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.


Abstract type for either an NFCT plan or an NFST plan.

  • T is the element type (Float32/Float64)
  • D is the number of dimensions of the input array.
  • R is the number of dimensions of the output array.

accuracyParams(; [m, σ, reltol]) -> m, σ, reltol

Calculate accuracy parameters m, σ, reltol based on either

  • reltol


  • m, σ

TODO: Right now, the oversampling parameter is not taken into account, i.e. σ=2.0 is assumed


nfft(k, f, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the nfft of the array f for the nodes contained in the matrix k The output is a vector of length M=size(nodes,2)


nfft_adjoint(k, N, fHat, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the adjoint nfft of the vector fHat for the nodes contained in the matrix k. The output is an array of size N


nfft(k, f, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the nfft of the array f for the nodes contained in the matrix k The output is a vector of length M=size(nodes,2)


nfft_adjoint(k, N, fHat, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the adjoint nfft of the vector fHat for the nodes contained in the matrix k. The output is an array of size N


nfft(k, f, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the nfft of the array f for the nodes contained in the matrix k The output is a vector of length M=size(nodes,2)


nfft_adjoint(k, N, fHat, rest...; kwargs...)

calculates the adjoint nfft of the vector fHat for the nodes contained in the matrix k. The output is an array of size N

nodes!(p, k) -> p

Change nodes k in the plan p operation and return the plan.


Size of the input array for the plan p (NFFT/NFCT/NFST/NNFFT). The returned tuple has R entries. Note that this will be the output size for the transposed / adjoint operator.


Size of the output array for the plan p (NFFT/NFCT/NFST/NNFFT). The returned tuple has R entries. Note that this will be the input size for the transposed / adjoint operator.

    *(p, f) -> fHat

For a non-directional D dimensional plan p this calculates the NFFT/NNFFT of a D dimensional array f of size N. fHat is a vector of length M. (M and N are defined in the plan creation)

For a directional D dimensional plan p both f and fHat are D dimensional arrays, and the dimension specified in the plan creation is affected.

    *(p, f) -> fHat

For a non-directional D dimensional plan p this calculates the NFCT/NFST of a D dimensional array f of size N. fHat is a vector of length M. (M and N are defined in the plan creation)

For a directional D dimensional plan p both f and fHat are D dimensional arrays, and the dimension specified in the plan creation is affected.

mul!(fHat, p, f) -> fHat

Inplace NFFT/NFCT/NFST/NNFFT transforming the D dimensional array f to the R dimensional array fHat. The transformation is applied along D-R+1 dimensions specified in the plan p.

mul!(f, p, fHat) -> f

Inplace adjoint NFFT/NNFFT transforming the R dimensional array fHat to the D dimensional array f. The transformation is applied along D-R+1 dimensions specified in the plan p.

mul!(f, p, fHat) -> f

Inplace transposed NFCT/NFST transforming the R dimensional array fHat to the D dimensional array f. The transformation is applied along D-R+1 dimensions specified in the plan p.