Custom optics

This guide demonstrates how to implement new kinds of optics. There are multiple possibilities, the most straight forward one is function lenses

Function lenses

Say we are dealing with points in the plane and polar coordinates are of interest:

struct Point

function Base.isapprox(pt1::Point, pt2::Point; kw...)
    return isapprox([pt1.x,pt1.y], [pt2.x, pt2.y]; kw...)

function polar(pt::Point)
    r = sqrt(pt.x^2 + pt.y^2)
    θ = atan(pt.y,pt.x)
    return (r=r, θ=θ)

function Point_from_polar(rθ)
    r, θ = rθ
    x = cos(θ)*r
    y = sin(θ)*r
    return Point(x,y)
Point_from_polar (generic function with 1 method)

It would certainly be ergonomic to do things like @set polar(pt) = ... @set polar(pt).θ = ... @set polar(pt).r = 1 To enable this, a function lens can be implemented:

using Accessors
using Test
Accessors.set(pt, ::typeof(polar), rθ) = Point_from_polar(rθ)

And now it is possible to do

pt = Point(2,0)
pt2 = @set polar(pt).r = 5
@test pt2 ≈ Point(5,0)

pt3 = @set polar(pt).θ = π/2
@test pt3 ≈ Point(0, 2)
Test Passed

Modify based optics

Say we have a Dict and we want to update all of its keys. This can be done as follows:

function mapkeys(f, d::Dict)
    return Dict(f(k) => v for (k,v) in pairs(d))
mapkeys (generic function with 1 method)

Lets make this more ergonomic by defining an optic for it

using Accessors
struct Keys end
Accessors.OpticStyle(::Type{Keys}) = ModifyBased()
Accessors.modify(f, obj, ::Keys) = mapkeys(f, obj)

It can be used as follows:

obj = Dict("A" =>1, "B" => 2, "C" => 3)
obj2 = @modify(lowercase, obj |> Keys())
@test obj2 == Dict("a" =>1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3)
Test Passed

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