
Connected actors send each other Exit signals and terminate together unless they are made :sticky with trapExit:


Create a connection between the calling actor and the actor represented by lk.

Connected actors will send each other Exit signals. A connected actor will exit with the signaled reason unless it is :normal.


  • An actor can be made :sticky with trapExit and then will not exit.
  • If this is called from the Main scope, lk is

connected to the Actors._ROOT actor.


Remove the connection between the calling actor and the actor represented by lk.

Note: If this is called from the Main scope, lk is disconnected from the _ROOT actor.

trapExit(lk::Link=self(), mode=:sticky)

Change the mode of an actor.

A :sticky actor does not exit if it receives an Exit signal from a connected actor and does not propagate it further. Instead it reports the failure and saves a link to the failed actor.

See diag for getting links to failed actors from a :sticky actor.