
Union-type that encodes all array wrappers known by Adapt.jl. Typevars T and N encode the type and dimensionality of the resulting container.

Two additional typevars are used to encode the parent array type: Src when the wrapper uses the parent array as a source, but changes its properties (e.g. SubArray{T,1,Array{T,2} changes N), and Dst when those properties are copied and thus are identical to the destination wrapper's properties (e.g. Transpose{T,Array{T,N}} has the same dimensionality as the inner array). When creating an alias for this type, e.g. WrappedSomeArray{T,N} = WrappedArray{T,N,...} the Dst typevar should typically be set to SomeArray{T,N} while Src should be more lenient, e.g., SomeArray.

Only use this type for dispatch purposes. To convert instances of an array wrapper, use adapt.

adapt(to, x)

Adapt a value x according to to. If no specific adaptions have been registered for to, this call will be a no-op.

To alter the behavior, implement methods of adapt_structure and adapt_storage to respectively define how to adapt structures, and the leaves of those structures.

For example, defining an adaptor for an environment where we can't have integers, and adding a method to adapt_storage to appropriately convert those to floating-point numbers:

julia> struct IntegerLessAdaptor end

julia> Adapt.adapt_storage(::IntegerLessAdaptor, x::Int64) = Float64(x)

julia> adapt(IntegerLessAdaptor(), 42)

This will automatically work on known types too:

julia> adapt(IntegerLessAdaptor(), tuple(1,2,3))
(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

If we want this to work with custom structures, we need to extend adapt_structure:

julia> struct MyStructure

julia> Adapt.adapt_structure(to, obj::MyStructure) = MyStructure(adapt(to, obj.x))

julia> adapt(IntegerLessAdaptor(), MyStructure(42))

Create a function that adapts its argument according to to. If no specific adaptions have been registered for to, the returned function will be equivalent to identity.


Return the parent type of a wrapped array type. This is the type of the array that is wrapped by the wrapper, e.g. parent_type(SubArray{Int, 1, Matrix{Int}}) == Matrix{Int}.


Fully unwrap a wrapped array type, i.e., returns the parent_type until the result is no longer a wrapped array type. This is useful for accessing properties of the innermost array type.

Adapt.@adapt_structure T

Define a method adapt_structure(to, obj::T) which calls adapt_structure on each field of obj and constructs a new instance of T using the default constuctor T(...).