Particle Gibbs for non-linear models

using AdvancedPS
using Random
using Distributions
using Plots
using AbstractMCMC
using Random123
using SSMProblems

    plot_update_rate(update_rate, N)

Plot empirical update rate against theoretical value
function plot_update_rate(update_rate::AbstractVector{Float64}, Nₚ::Int)
    plt = plot(
        ylim=[0, 1],
        ylabel="Update rate",
    return hline!(plt, [1 - 1 / Nₚ]; label="N: $(Nₚ)")

    update_rate(trajectories, N)

Compute latent state update rate
function update_rate(particles::AbstractMatrix{Float64}, Nₛ)
    return sum(abs.(diff(particles; dims=2)) .> 0; dims=2) / Nₛ

We consider the following stochastic volatility model:

\[ x_{t+1} = a x_t + v_t \quad v_{t} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, r^2)\]

\[ y_{t} = e_t \exp(\frac{1}{2}x_t) \quad e_t \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\]

We can reformulate the above in terms of transition and observation densities:

\[ x_{t+1} \sim f_{\theta}(x_{t+1}|x_t) = \mathcal{N}(a x_t, r^2)\]

\[ y_t \sim g_{\theta}(y_t|x_t) = \mathcal{N}(0, \exp(\frac{1}{2}x_t)^2)\]

with the initial distribution $f_0(x) = \mathcal{N}(0, q^2)$. Here we assume the static parameters $\theta = (q^2, r^2)$ are known and we are only interested in sampling from the latent state $x_t$.

Parameters = @NamedTuple begin

f(θ::Parameters, state, t) = Normal(θ.a * state, θ.q)
g(θ::Parameters, state, t) = Normal(0, exp(0.5 * state))
f₀(θ::Parameters) = Normal(0, θ.q)

Let's simulate some data

a = 0.9   # State Variance
q = 0.5   # Observation variance
Tₘ = 200  # Number of observation
Nₚ = 20   # Number of particles
Nₛ = 200  # Number of samples
seed = 1  # Reproduce everything

θ₀ = Parameters((a, q, Tₘ))
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(seed)

x = zeros(Tₘ)
y = zeros(Tₘ)
x[1] = 0
for t in 1:Tₘ
    if t < Tₘ
        x[t + 1] = rand(rng, f(θ₀, x[t], t))
    y[t] = rand(rng, g(θ₀, x[t], t))

Here are the latent and observation series:

plot(x; label="x", xlabel="t")
plot(y; label="y", xlabel="t")

Each model takes an AbstractRNG as input and generates the logpdf of the current transition:

mutable struct NonLinearTimeSeries <: SSMProblems.AbstractStateSpaceModel
    NonLinearTimeSeries(θ::Parameters) = new(Float64[], θ)
    NonLinearTimeSeries(y::Vector{Float64}, θ::Parameters) = new(Float64[], y, θ)

The dynamics of the model is defined through the AbstractStateSpaceModel interface:

function SSMProblems.transition!!(rng::AbstractRNG, model::NonLinearTimeSeries)
    return rand(rng, f₀(model.θ))
function SSMProblems.transition!!(
    rng::AbstractRNG, model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state::Float64, step::Int
    return rand(rng, f(model.θ, state, step))

function SSMProblems.emission_logdensity(
    modeL::NonLinearTimeSeries, state::Float64, step::Int
    return logpdf(g(model.θ, state, step), model.observations[step])
function SSMProblems.transition_logdensity(
    model::NonLinearTimeSeries, prev_state, current_state, step
    return logpdf(f(model.θ, prev_state, step), current_state)

We need to tell AdvancedPS when to stop the execution of the model TODO

AdvancedPS.isdone(::NonLinearTimeSeries, step) = step > Tₘ

Here we use the particle gibbs kernel without adaptive resampling.

model = NonLinearTimeSeries(y, θ₀)
pg = AdvancedPS.PG(Nₚ, 1.0)
chains = sample(rng, model, pg, Nₛ; progress=false);

particles = hcat([chain.trajectory.model.X for chain in chains]...) # Concat all sampled states
mean_trajectory = mean(particles; dims=2);

We can now plot all the generated traces. Beyond the last few timesteps all the trajectories collapse into one. Using the ancestor updating step can help with the degeneracy problem, as we show below.

    particles[:, 1:50]; label=false, opacity=0.5, color=:black, xlabel="t", ylabel="state"
plot!(x; color=:darkorange, label="Original Trajectory")
plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:dodgerblue, label="Mean trajectory", opacity=0.9)

We can also check the mixing as defined in the Gaussian State Space model example. As seen on the scatter plot above, we are mostly left with a single trajectory before timestep 150. The orange bar is the optimal mixing rate for the number of particles we use.

plot_update_rate(update_rate(particles, Nₛ)[:, 1], Nₚ)

Let's see if ancestor sampling can help with the degeneracy problem. We use the same number of particles, but replace the sampler with PGAS.

pgas = AdvancedPS.PGAS(Nₚ)
chains = sample(rng, model, pgas, Nₛ; progress=false);
particles = hcat([chain.trajectory.model.X for chain in chains]...);
mean_trajectory = mean(particles; dims=2);

The ancestor sampling has helped with the degeneracy problem and we now have a much more diverse set of trajectories, also at earlier time periods.

    particles[:, 1:50]; label=false, opacity=0.5, color=:black, xlabel="t", ylabel="state"
plot!(x; color=:darkorange, label="Original Trajectory")
plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:dodgerblue, label="Mean trajectory", opacity=0.9)

The update rate is now much higher throughout time.

plot_update_rate(update_rate(particles, Nₛ)[:, 1], Nₚ)

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