
Types and constants

Functions and macros


    abstract type AbstractAffineMap <: Function

    Abstract type for affine maps.

    Affine map f::AbstractAffineMap act like f(x) == A * x .+ b or f(x) == A * (x .+ b) or their inverses, depending on the type of the map f.

    A may be a Number, AbstractMatrix{<:Number} or any other multiplicative linear operator in general (that supports at least size(A) and eltype(A)). The packages LinearMaps, LinearOperators and SciMLOperators provide such operators, for example.

    b must have a shape that supports broadcasted addition and subtraction with x.

    Subtypes of AbstractAffineMap should implement/support the APIs of


    muladd(f.A, x, f.b) struct InvAddMul

    f = InvAddMul(A, b) has the behavior f(x) == (f.A \ x) .- f.b. It is the inverse of AddMul(A, b).

    See AbstractAffineMap for more information.

    struct InvMulAdd

    f = InvMulAdd(A, b) has the behavior f(x) == f.A \ (x .- f.b). It is the inverse of MulAdd(A, b).

    See AbstractAffineMap for more information.