Package usage


The package has not been registered yet, so you can install the most recent release as:

using Pkg

It also necessary to install GMSH, a free open source mesh generator. To get the most out of the package, it is suggested to add gmsh to PATH environment variable.

Create .csv from airfoiltools

The usage of the package is extremely simple. The user can naviagate on and find the profile of interest and copy the url. The function from_url_to_csv locally creates a .csv file.

using AirfoilGmsh
url = ""
filename = from_url_to_csv(url)

It is possible to skip the previous step is you already have the .csv file. The software tries to re-order the sequence of points in anti-clockwise order and starting from the top point at the trailing edge. If you experience any trouble, it is better to manually format you file of points following this order.

Create .geo file

Finally you can easily create the .geo file.


It is possible specify different keywords argument, see the documentation function create_geofile for more detail. Finally, the .geo can be opened with GMSH, an open source 3D finite element mesh generator. From the gaphical interface in GMSH the user can modify:

  • Domain dimensions
  • Cells progression
  • Angle of attack
  • Refinement region
  • Shear opening

Use Class Shape Transformation

In case of airfoil defined by a non satisfactory number of points, or for increasing the mesh resolution, it is possible to use the CST (Class Shape Transformation). Providing the airfoil file coordinates it exploits the CST method to provide the same airfoil but defined in more points. It solves a minimization problem internally, it can take a while (some minutes).

using Plots
x,y,wl,wu = increase_resolution_airfoil("e1098.csv",500)
x0,y0 = get_airfoil_coordinates_("e1098.csv")

scatter(x,y, markersize=2.5, label = "CST")
scatter!(x0,y0,markersize=2.5, markercolor= :red, label = "Original")
plot!(xlims =(0.0,1.0), ylims =(-0.2,0.65))
plot!(xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y")