

Converts a PetriNet to an OpenPetriNetT where each transition is exposed as a leg of the cospan. The OpenPetriNetT can be composed over an undirected wiring diagram.


oapply_epi(ex, args...)

Generates a LabelledPetriNet under a composition pattern described by the undirected wiring diagram ex. This requires that the nodes in ex are only labelled with labels from the following set:

[:infection, :exposure, :illness, :recovery, :death]

ACSet definition for a Petri net with labels on transitions and states.

See Catlab.jl documentation for description of the @present syntax.


ACSet definition for a ReactionNet with labels on transitions and states.

See Catlab.jl documentation for description of the @present syntax.


ACSet definition for a Petri net.

See Catlab.jl documentation for description of the @present syntax.


ACSet definition for a PetriNet with properties on transitions and states.

See Catlab.jl documentation for description of the @present syntax.


ACSet definition for a ReactionNet with properties on transitions and states.

See Catlab.jl documentation for description of the @present syntax.


ACSet definition for a Petri net with rates on transitions and concentrations on states.

See Catlab.jl documentation for description of the @present syntax.


Abstract type for C-sets that contain a petri net.

This type encompasses C-sets where the schema for graphs is a subcategory of C. This includes, for example, graphs, symmetric graphs, and reflexive graphs, but not half-edge graphs.


LabelledPetriNet(n, ts::Vararg{Union{Pair,Tuple}})

Constructs a LabelledPetriNet object with state names as elements of n and labelled transitions described by ts. Transitions are given as transition_name=>((input_states)=>(output_states)).

A LabelledPetriNet modelling the SIR model with 3 states and 2 transitions can be constructed as follows:

LabelledPetriNet([:S, :I, :R], :inf=>((:S,:I)=>(:I,:I)), :rec=>(:I=>:R))

LabelledReactionNet{R,C}(n, ts::Vararg{Union{Pair,Tuple}}) where {R,C}

Constructs a LabelledReactionNet object with labelled state concentrations as elements of n and labelled transitions described by ts. R is the data type used to store rates and C is the data type used to store concentrations.

Transitions are given as (t_name=>t_rate)=>((input_states)=>(output_states)).

A LabelledReactionNet modelling the SIR model with 3 states and 2 transitions, an initial population of 10 susceptible, 1 infected, 0 recovered and an infection rate of 0.5 and recovery rate of 0.1 can be constructed as follows:

LabelledReactionNet{Float64, Float64}([:S=>10,:I=>1,:R=>0], (:inf=>0.5)=>((:S,:I)=>(:I,:I)), (:rec=>0.1)=>(:I=>:R))

ReactionNet{R,C}(n, ts::Vararg{Union{Pair,Tuple}}) where {R,C}

Constructs a ReactionNet object with state concentrations as elements of n and transitions described by ts. R is the data type used to store rates and C is the data type used to store concentrations.

Transitions are given as transition_rate=>((input_states)=>(output_states)).

A ReactionNet modelling the SIR model with 3 states and 2 transitions, an initial population of 10 susceptible, 1 infected, 0 recovered and an infection rate of 0.5 and recovery rate of 0.1 can be constructed as follows:

ReactionNet{Float64, Float64}([10,1,0], 0.5=>((1,2)=>(2,2)), 0.1=>(2=>3))


This data structure stores the transition matrix of an AbstractPetriNet object. This is primarily used for constructing the vectorfield representation of the Petri net.



Cast one type of AbstractPetriNet to another. Any unrepresented parts will be nothing.

pn = PetriNet(3, (1,2)=>(2,2), 2=>3)
labelled_pn = LabelledPetriNet(pn)


Construct any AbstractPetriNet from a given transition matrice representation.


(::AbstractPropertyPetriNet)(pn::AbstractPetriNet, sprops, tprops)

Add properties to the states and transitions of a given Petri Net.


(::AbstractPetriNet)(n::Int, ts::Vararg{Union{Pair,Tuple}})

Constructs any AbstractPetriNet object with n states and transitions described by ts. Transitions are given as (input_states)=>(output_states).

A PetriNet modelling the SIR model with 3 states and 2 transitions can be constructed as follows:

PetriNet(3, (1,2)=>(2,2), 2=>3)

Open(p::AbstractPetriNet, legs...)

Generates on OpenPetriNet with legs bundled as described by legs



Converts a PetriNet to an OpenPetriNet where each state is exposed as a leg of the cospan. The OpenPetriNet can be composed over an undirected wiring diagram (see this blog post for a description of this compositional tooling)


Open(n, p::AbstractPetriNet, m)

Generates on OpenPetriNet with two legs, n and m



Add an input relationship to the Petri net between the transition t and species s.

Returns the ID of the input relationship



Add input relationships to the Petri net between the transitions t and species s.

Returns the ID of the input relationship



Add an output relationship to the Petri net between the transition t and species s.

Returns the ID of the input relationship



Add output relationships to the Petri net between the transitions t and species s.

Returns the ID of the input relationship


Add n species to the Petri net. Label and concentration can be provided depending on the kind of Petri net.

Returns the ID of the species


Add a species to the Petri net. Label and concentration can be provided depending on the kind of Petri net.

Returns the ID of the species


Add a transition to the Petri net. Label and rate can be provided depending on the kind of Petri net.

Returns the ID of the transition


Add n transitions to the Petri net. Label and rate can be provided depending on the kind of Petri net.

Returns the ID of the transition



Takes a labelled Petri net or reaction net and flattens arbitrarily nested labels on the species and the transitions to a single symbol who's previously nested parts are separated by _.


Name of species

Note that this returns an index if labels are not present in the PetriNet


Names of species in a Petri net

Note that this returns indices if labels are not present in the PetriNet


Name of transition

Note that this returns an index if labels are not present in the PetriNet


Names of transitions in a Petri net

Note that this returns indices if labels are not present in the PetriNet



Generates a Julia function which calculates the vectorfield of the Petri net being simulated under the law of mass action.

The resulting function has a signature of the form f!(du, u, p, t) and can be passed to the DifferentialEquations.jl solver package.



Generates a Julia expression which is then evaluated that calculates the vectorfield of the Petri net being simulated under the law of mass action.

The resulting function has a signature of the form f!(du, u, p, t) and can be passed to the DifferentialEquations.jl solver package.


compare Calculates all homomorphisms from a single Petri net (apex) to other Petri nets. This is returned as a Multispan with apex as the apex and the homomorphisms as the legs.


petri_homomorphisms Calculates all homomorphisms between two PetriNet models and returns an array of ACSetTransformations that describe these homomorphisms.

NOTE: This function does restrict to homomorphisms which preserve the transition signatures (number of input/output wires).


Takes in a labelled petri net and an undirected wiring diagram, where each of the boxes is labeled by a symbol that matches the label of a transition in the petri net. Then produces a petri net given by colimiting the transitions together, and returns the ACSetTransformation from that Petri net to the type system.


Takes in a petri net and a transition in that petri net, constructs a petri net with just that transition, returns the acsettransformation from that into the type system.


This takes the "typed product" of two typed Petri nets p1 and p2, which has

  • a species for every pair of a species in p1 and a species in p2 with the same type
  • a transition for every pair of a transitions in p1 and a species in p2 with the same type

This is the "workhorse" of stratification; this is what actually does the stratification, though you may have to "prepare" the petri nets first with add_reflexives

Returns a typed model, i.e. a map in Petri.